Damon Stone/Overview

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Date of Birth: April 1st, 1993

Age: 19

Nationality: African American

Occupation: Vagabond

Nature: Penitent

Demeanor: Rebel

Height: 6/10

Weight: 190lbs

Eye color: Wolf Yellow

Hair Color: Black

In high school Damon as a star on the football field and had the second highest GPA in his school. Great things where expected from this young man, that is until the shooting. Damon was in the wrong place at the wrong time and a drive by shooting resulted in a bullet in his head. How he lived was a medical miracle. He was announced brain dead and only the machines where keeping him alive. Just as they where about to pull the plug he sat up and pulled out his tubes. Doctor’s dais it went against all known medicine that he even lived, that he simply sat up and walked out of the hospital was a miracle. The only problem was he had no memory of his life or his family.

Damon left home a year later and rumor has it he is living on the outskirts of town as a vagabond in the forest. He refuses all request by the medical community to examine him and he wont accept medical treatment for his amnesia. As for his promising football career and future education Damon has opted for a different path he refuses to talk about.