Chula Vista Free State/Hunting Rules
Basic Rules
For the moment, the rules and areas for hunting are the same for the Anarchs of Chula Vista, visiting Anarchs, and others who have been offered hospitality within the city. These are likely to be fleshed out in more detail later. Personal herds and territory are off-limits unless given permission by those controlling them. Otherwise, the city in general is open hunting grounds, save for where common sense would bar. Exceptions are specified below. This can be taken as IC info by those with access to the Anarch hideouts in Chula Vista.
Allowed with Caveats
Izulu - Hunting allowed with caution. Actually feeding should be done off-site.
Rainbow Rose - Hunting allowed with caution. Actually feeding should be done off-site.
Hunting Prohibited
The Lady of the Lake - Very dangerous. No hunting or causing trouble. Controlled by non-Kindred powerful enough to hold their territory and capable of tracking us down.