Bygones and the Dreaming

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There has been concerns about Bygone PCs coming in and out of the Dreaming. Some have gained IC permission from old PCs, some have just gotten in there. Some are Chimerical and would only exist in the Dreaming. After reviewing extensive sources in various WW books, staff has come to this conclusion and will be what we follow on City of Hope MUSH:

  • Both Bygones and Chimerical Bygones can exist/live in the Dreaming.
    • Chimerical Bygones can ONLY exist in the Dreaming, and their powers are Redes UNLESS they have the Wyrd Rede, and then they can manifest in the real/autumn world.
    • Bygones (Not chimerical) exist in the real world, and can use the power Spirit Travel to cross the gauntlet into other realms. They have the choice of 1 (8pts), 2 (10pts), or 3 (15pts) realms, which they must state in a +note which realm it is based on the power level they purchase at either character generation or buy/increase with XP. Those choices are: Middle Umbra (normally where Garou would go), Astral Land (Mage Land or High Umbra), or the Underworld (Shadowlands/Wraith Land). REMEMBER: Spirit Travel is /NOT/ an automatic pass to get into any realm, it just gives you the chance to roll to try to get in.

  • The Dreaming: This is a zone, not a realm. It is close enough to be considered a part of the High Umbra (Astral Land), but both of the following conditions must be met to be able to find and get into it. For a Bygone to do that, they must:
    • A) Have the power Spirit Vision (similar to Spirit Sight merit) OR the Spirit Sight Merit
    • B) AND have Lore Changeling 2 at a minimum.

Having an escort/guide of a Changeling/Kinain is /not/ good enough to replace having Lore Changeling 2. Being enchanted by a Changeling is sufficient.

  • Role Play: Once a Bygone has met all of these requirements to get into the Dreaming, then they can explore it. They may even be able to find a suitable home/lair/hideyhole/etc.
    • ICly - If you just pull up in someone else's territory, you may be presented with resistance, or welcome depending on how you play it. You are encouraged to RP working this out, as Bygones are very normally companions (whether willing or not) to Changelings. But they can also be terrifying monsters, stronger than any Changeling realized.
    • OOCly - Private PC owned builds are still Private PC owned builds and you cannot use them without OOC permission.

  • Without Powers: Bygones without the listed powers above may be able to be Enchanted. Rules will be forthcoming in the near future with the conversion/update to C20 (it has changed).

  • The Past: IF you have RP'd in the Dreaming as a Bygone but without the powers listed above, that dream happened but you are unable to return there until such time as you meet any of those requirements. There is no retcon, just the ability is gone. We understand that there has been confusion and some PCs gave permission IC for entry. That dream has past, and we are moving forward.

Any questions about this, please open a +request. Thank you.