So whatten penance wul ye drie for that?
Young Edward, oh young Edward?
So whatten penance wul ye drie for that?
My dear son, now tell to me O
Whatten penance wul ye drie for that?
I will sail in yonder boat
My dear mither, my dear mither
I will sail in yonder boat
And awa and over the sea O
And what wul ye dee wi' your towers and ha'
Young Edward, oh young Edward?
And what wul ye dee wi' your towers and ha'
That were sae fair to see O?
And what wul ye dee wi' your towers and ha'
Young Edward, oh young Edward?
And what wul ye dee wi' your towers and ha'?
Ye nevir mair wul tham see O
Let them stand until they fa' doon
My dear mither, my dear mither
Let them stand until they fa' doon
For tham nevir mair wul I see O
And what wul ye leave your bairns and wife?
Young Edward, oh young Edward?
And what wul ye leave your bairns and wife?
When ye gang over the sea O?
The warldis room, let them beg
My dear mither, my dear mither
The warldis room, let them beg
For tham nevir mair wul I see O
And what wul ye leave your mither dear
Young Edward, oh young Edward?
And what wul ye leave your mither dear
When ye gang over the sea O?
The curse of hell shall ye bear
My dear mither, my dear mither
The curse of hell shall ye bear
For the counsel ye gave to me O