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  • Natural Prophet
    • Azoth has the uncanny ability to 'see' signs, omens, patterns, and portents in all manner of things. He also tends to speak his mind about these signs, especially when they are telling of things to come that results in pain or failure. This isn't due to sadism so much as it simply is the way he works. If you need somebody to see or prophesize events, or even deliver clues to what the future holds, then he may be what you need for your story or tale, even if it's simply to set things in motion.
  • Spirit Affinity
    • Azoth is naturally gifted in dealing with spirits, even for a Theurge, and tends to have eyes and ears in many places. If one needs information of given events or details on past events he might be able to help you out. He tends to be in the know for all manner of things that others would have no way of knowing.
    • Do you play a Fomor possessed by a Bane or are otherwise related or connected to Banes? If so, there will be an unmistakable though hard to explain attraction to Azoth as if he were one of your own. This especially goes for any meetings or social dealings in the Umbra. If he speaks, you'll likely want to listen. But it goes both ways, too.