2017.08.25: PWN - LONE - LONE 3

- 1 Intro
- 2 Homeless Hannah vs. Ms. Gucci
- 3 Kayoko Ichikawa Promo
- 4 Cinnamon vs "Fly" Felicia Hawkins
- 5 Backstage Segment: Spice & Ice and Qent
- 6 Hookah Jones vs "Pretty" Fay Qent w/Aurore
- 7 Backstage Segment: Teaser
- 8 Backstage Segment: Teaser 2
- 9 Backstage Segment: Mark Robertson w/The Glorious One
- 10 The Glorious One w/Mark Robertson vs "Gutter Trash" Terri Thompson
- 11 After the Show. Posted Online
Kevin North: HELLO AND WELCOME LADIES AND GENTLEMENT to LADIES OF NEW ENGLAND! Tonight we broadcast our third SUPREMACY show from Portland, Maine! I'm Kevin North alongside my broadcast partner, Dexter Irving Cornelius. Or... ugh... DIC.
DIC: D-I-C in the place to be! There's a category 4 hurricane going on in Texas, but I'm promising you all tonight a SUMMER, that's right, a SUMMER Noreaster as the D-I-C express BLOWS threw and leaves his New England Clam Chowder over ALL of the Ladies of New England!
Kevin North: Folks I'd like to apologize in advance for my colleague.
Immediately opening up the show is "Hello from the Gutter" by Overkill which puts these fans into an immediate frenzy. With cameras positioned on the entrance area, nothing happens but suddenly the fans pop loudly and the cameraman moves to the crowd where we see Terri coming out from the crowd and of course, with the LONE Championship draped over her right shoulder. She's wearing a white tee now which reads TRASH on it.
DIC: Oh God, here comes gutter trash. Makes me want to puke.
North: Why do you hate her so bad? What has she done to you?
DIC: Just look at her, she's trash, plain and simple. She's even advertising it!
Walking down the sea of people, Terri reaches over and grabs a beer. Taking a drink of it, she then dumps it on her chest which reveals her cleavage and these fans begin screaming for her.
Removing the LONE Championship off of her shoulder, she hoists it high into the air as these people continue to scream her name.
North: Listen to these fans, they LOVE their champion.
DIC: Ugh... We both know that Gucci should still be the champion.
North: Now now, Terri defeated her fair and square — don't be a sourpuss.
Terri, as she makes her way through the crowd, stops over by Wendy and Al now. Someone hands her a beer and she drinks some of it before spraying it up into the air, into the crowd, in a fine mist. "WOOOOOOOO!" She cries out, and then hurries over to Wendy, making the cameraman come over as she puts an arm around Wendy and points with her free hand towards the logo on Wendy's shirt, trying to get the two of them in frame as if they're taking a selfie. She then draws away, and starts to jiggle her breasts out at Wendy and stick her tongue out.
Wendy is doing all she can not to get up and walk over to the announcer's desk and give DIC a piece of her mind. It would be the only mind that guy would have. And then suddenly the champ is there in person. With bright red cheeks, Wendy does her best 'crazy fan' impersonation. Thumbs up for the champion and then a wave as she shimmies away...which gets Wendy even redder.
Hopping over the barricade, Terri walks around the ring and then rolls into the ring. Quickly making her way to her feet, she looks around and smiles and motions for a microphone in which she's given one. Slowly bringing the microphone up to her lips, she begins to speak as these fans quiet down to listen to what it is that she has to say. Terri holds up her forefinger.
Terri: One year! One year, three hundred and sixty five days — that!... is how long Ms. Gucci held this beautiful title for.
Holding the LONE Championship up for everyone to see, her eyes show pure determination as she continues to speak.
Terri: But as they say, everything comes to an end and Gucci learned that the hard way.
Holding the title up again, these fans erupt into cheers. With a smile on her face, she slings the title back up onto her shoulder and continues speaking to all of these fans in attendance.
Terri: Now don't get me wrong, Gucci was a phenomenal champion, obviously since she held it for a year but she made the biggest mistake when she underestimated yours truly and now? She's on the outside looking in as myself and this title belongs in the GUTTER!
Raising her voice when saying gutter, the fans continue cheering as Terri rocks her head to the sound of these fans. Before she can say anything further, the sound of "Hotel California" by the Eagles plays as the curtains part to the side and out steps Mark Robertson, legendary wrestling manager and behind him is the lovely Glorious One who is dressed in a rhinestone studded robe with a very stern look on her face. As these fans immediately begin to boo, loudly, Robertson walks down the aisle and when they get to the ring — Robertson ascends up the steel steps and sits on the middle rope, pushing the top rope upwards which allows the Glorious One to enter the ring. As both Glorious One and Robertson stand in the ring, Robertson requests a microphone and is given one as he smiles and stares Terri up then down, not looking too impressed.
DIC: Oh thank God, somebody with class.
North: Oh come on, Terri is good people and has so much heart.
DIC: She is nasty gutter trash and deep down, you know it.
Placing the microphone up to his lips, Robertson takes in a deep breath and then begins to speak.
Robertson: You know, I have been around this business for many years and I must say, despite the fact that you have miles of heart — well — you smell like a hobo's fermented jizz and look like you've been blowing off one of these fat pieces of trash for a McDonald's cheeseburger.
Bringing the microphone up to her lips, Terri quickly retorts.
Terri: You would know all about cheeseburgers, wouldn't you?
Reaching out and slapping Robertson on the belly, he slaps her hand away and continues to speak.
Robertson: See, this is the problem. Instead of representing this fine company with class, like my client, you stand here and pour beer on your mosquito bites trying to make a bunch of teenage boys horny and quite frankly; it's disgusting.
DIC: You tell her Mark! Terri is nasty and that title probably has Gonno-syphil-AIDS-Itis now.
Sloan is doing his normal job during these events of security, after making sure there is no way for fans to get into the parts of the building they shouldn't he makes his way to the front of the house in case he is needed for crowd control. He takes up his position along the aisles and looks properly menacing and stoic as any good crowd control person would.
With the slapping of Robertson's belly, Wendy feels the need to start up a chant of 'YOU FAT BASTARD! YOU FAT BASTARD!" Whether anyone else joins in is another thing. Mosquito bites? Wendy is all set to raise an objection to that before she decides this is probably not the best time. So back to "YOU FAT BASTARD!!"
Crowd: YOU-FAT-BAS-TARD! *Clap! Clap! Clap-Clap-Clap!* YOU-FAT-BAS-TARD! *Clap! Clap! Clap-Clap-Clap!*
Robertson looks around at the crowd and shakes his head in absolute disgust while Terri smiles and raises her hands up in the air repeatedly like she wants them to keep it up.
Robertson brings the microphone back to his lips and continues.
Robertson: You see "gutter trash", this is the problem with you and these fans — they don't appreciate the history and lineage of our business — a lineage that my client fights to preserve while you blow it away, pun intended. But here's the beautiful part Terri, you see my client here? She is the Glorious One, she is the next LONE Champion and quite frankly, you know it to be true.
As Terri brings the microphone back up again...
"One big room! Full of bad bitcheees!" The sound of "Gucci Gucci" by Kreayshawn starts to play as Ms. Gucci steps out onto the stage and smirks.
North: Easy, sparky.
Immediately walking down the aisle, Gucci is quick to enter the ring where she looks at Robertson and immediately begins to speak since she brought a microphone down with her.
Getting in Robertson's face, Terri leans back in the nearest turnbuckle, crossing her heels and resting her elbows on the top rope while listening to Gucci tear into Robertson as the LONE Championship rests firmly on her shoulder.
Gucci: Before this Dinosaur bitch gets an opportunity at MY LONE Championship, you best believe that I am getting that shot first.
Robertson: I...
When Robertson tries to speak, Gucci puts her hand in his face and immediately shuts him up. She then turns her hand around to shove that 4 finger ring that reads GUCCI right in his face!
Gucci: Excuse you! Not one person wants to hear you speak right now. You see, I was the FIRST LONE Champion! And I held that title...
Turning her body towards Terri, Gucci points at the LONE Championship that rests on Terri's shoulder.
Gucci: ... The LONE Championship for one year, ONE YEAR, and whether you love me or you hate me — there's not a soul here who can deny that I put this company on the map.
Gucci: Now before you say it fat ass, we all know, you're the "legendary" Mark Robertson, former manager to legendary wrestler, Drew Stevenson so don't go shouting it from the rooftops like you and your wrinkled ass client deserves a freebie simply because she's traveled the globe and won titles elsewhere.
Quickly chiming in, Terri has something to say.
Terri: I'll take you both on, anytime, anywhere and don't you forget that.
Gucci: Well look at you, all high and mighty, pretending to be a "Fighting" champion. Don't you worry Terri, you'll be seeing me again soon, VERY soon and that is a promise sweetheart. As for you Robertson? Take your Dinosaur back to the Stone Age because that bitch looks like she's on a Jurassic Period.
Tossing the microphone down, there's a stare down between the three as Robertson and his client, the Glorious One exit the ring followed by Terri who exits through the crowd. While Gucci remains, Fame by David Bowie kicks in. The crowd roars!
Jack E. Bux emerges from the curtain.
Bux: You know what, Gucci? You will get your shot, but since you're the only one in the ring right now, and you indeed help put this company on the map, I think it would be a good idea to put you in a match tonight! So let me introduce you to your opponent...
Ingrid Michaelson's "Spare Change" kicks in as the woman known as Homeless Hannah steps through the curtain with a Styrofoam cup in her right hand.
The sound of change jingles as she shakes it, holding it out to some fans in hopes that they'll offer her some change.
North: I've seen this unfortunate soul outside the fairgrounds here.
DIC: Oh my GOD! She smells worse than TERRI!
Gucci looks disgusted before stepping out of the ring and warming up by the commentary table.
DIC: Ooh Gawd. Yeah, stretch your legs like that.
North: You're despicable!
As Gucci steps back in-between the ring ropes and smirks, Hannah stands in her respective corner and eyes her down something fierce.
DIC: Oh look at that, Hannah stands there licking her lips like she just found a cheeseburger in the trash.
North: Oh stop it! She's simply determined but more importantly; look at the look on Gucci's face. Ever since she lost the title to Terri Thompson, she has been a woman possessed.
Wendy drops some coins in Hannah's cup before giving the finger to Gucci.
Hannah had thanked Wendy when she received change, and Gucci looks around in the crowd and spots Wendy giving her the finger so she shoots her back a dirty look. Johnny Baxter steps into the ring
Homeless Hannah vs. Ms. Gucci
Baxter: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from The Dumpster outside of the LONE Arena, HOMELEEEEEEEESS HANNAAAHHHHHHHHH!
Hannah throws her hands up in the air as the crowd cheers.
Baxter: And her opponent, from Bridgeport, Connecticut, she is the former LONE Champion and one half of the Gucci Gals, MIIIIIIIIIISS GUCCIIIIIIIIII!
Gucci throws up her 4 finger ring and shouts out, "THAT'S RIGHT! THAT'S RIGHT!"
The crowd Boos loudly for Ms. Gucci as Referee Triple D enters the ring through the top and middle ropes. Gucci slides off her ring and hands it to someone at ringside and someone gathers Hannah's cup from the ring steps. Signaling for the bell, the referee turns to both women as Gucci is quick to run in and tackle Hannah down to the canvas. Grabbing her by the hair, she slams her head into the canvas, repeatedly, as Hannah squirms and tries to get free but can't. Trying to pull her off, the referee starts the standard five count since Gucci isn't listening.
North: Gucci isn't letting up, at all. She wants that title back and if I was Terri — I would watch my back.
DIC: More importantly, I think Gucci wants to prove to the Glorious One and to Robertson that she's the Queen bitch around here.
Getting off of Hannah right before the five count, the referee warns Gucci who completely ignores him and immediately goes back to assaulting Hannah who is trying to cover up but can't. Throwing some stiff knees into the gut of Hannah which causes her to double over, Gucci drags Hannah to the center of the ring, hooks the leg and screams out for everyone to hear.
DIC: That's right baby girl, beat that trash back to the gutter where she belongs.
Throwing Hannah backwards with the That's so Gucci, she hooks the leg, tightly, as the referee drops down to make the count.
Signaling for the bell, Gucci releases Hannah's leg and rises to her feet filled with determination.
North: WOW! What a dominant performance by Miss. Gucci. If I was Terri, I'd be taking notes right now.
DIC: This woman... She's my girl, plain and simple.
Kayoko Ichikawa Promo
Attention is now brought to the titantron above the entrance way as Gucci's music dies down and Gucci makes her way to the back while Hannah is being helped out by the ref. Kayoko Ichikawa is seen pacing back and forth backstage, yelling angrily in Japanese as Linda Edwards walks up with a microphone in hand. Kayoko looked like she was about to blow a gasket, still sore over what happened at Supremacy 2.
Linda Edwards: Kayoko, at Supremacy 2 you were double teamed by Violent Violet and Cinnamon, robbing you of an opportunity to score a decisive victory. What's going through your mind right now?
Kayoko Ichikawa: Watashi no kangae? Anata wa watashi no kangae o shiritaidesu ka? Watashi wa kanojo no ran'ningubadī ga kanojo no o shiri o sukuu tame ni tobikomu mae ni, watashi ga kanojo o hoshi gatte ita sono okubyōmono o motte ita. Watashi ga hoshī no wa, saisendesu. Watashi ga nozomu no wa, ichido ni 1-ri zutsu jibun no ryōte o te ni irete, hageshiku suru kotodesu. Kon'ya watashi ga yaru koto wa...
(My thoughts? You want to know my thoughts? I had that coward right where I wanted her before her running buddy jumped in to save her ass. What I want is a rematch, what I want is to get my hands on both of them one at a time, to make them squirm. So what I'm going to do tonight...) (in the off chance someone has language – Japanese)
Before she could finish her thought Violent Violet and Cinnamon jump her from behind! They waste no time stomping mudholes into her. They think about hitting her with an aided rebound elbow and wheelbarrow double team manuever but before they can “Fly” Felicia Hawkins runs in for the save and starts to fend them off! Security quickly rushes in to separate them, one of them could be heard yelling “save it for the match!” as Cinnamon and Violet back off with a smirk.
DIC shudders. "OOooh man! We get to see Cinnamon!"
North: Err... Correct. She has a match right now with the debuting "Fly" Felicia Hawkins!
Cinnamon vs "Fly" Felicia Hawkins
Neil Young's Cinnamon Girl starts on the PA as Cinnamon steps through the curtain with Violent Violet. Violet stands guard with her arms crossed over her chest while Cinnamon does a sexy pose, holding her arms up in the air and running her hand down one arm. She starts forward, running her hands over her shapely body and scoffing at the fans who eye her. When the two get to ringside, Cinnamon slides in while Violet casually walks up the ring steps and enters the ring. Cinnamon does a split in the ring and Violet comes towards her to help her up.
DIC: Ooooh man. I love me a flexible woman.
North: You know, blowup dolls are pretty flexible, too.
DIC: I'm sure you'd know all about that, North. However, -I- like my women real.
North: But those aren't---nevermind.
DIC: Yeah, you better watch it!
"I gotta stay fly-i-i-i-ii-ii-i 'til I die-i-i-i-ii-ii-i!" Three 6 Mafia's Stay Fly cuts on a few moments after Cinnamon's theme dies down. Felicia Hawkins comes through the curtain and turns her back to the fans, striking a pose and showing off her jacket which reads FLY in large white letters across her back. She has a fitted hat on her head, turned backwards to reveal the New England Patriots' logo. She turns now and runs down the aisle, holding her hands out so the fans can slap her hands. She slides into the ring and moves towards the ropes where the hard camera is. She puts both feet on the bottom ropes and leans forward, blowing a kiss out to the crowd and viewers at home.
Wendy gets a slap of Felicia's hand, turning to the crowd to show off her still stinging palm and bounce up and down in excitement. Nothing much bounces with her but it's the thought that counts. "Careful you don't pop her tits!" she helpfully advises Felicia.
Despite paying more attention ot the action than his job, Sloan does notice a couple of the fan near the front row looking like they might jump the railing, so he walks over and stand next to wheere they would have to go past him and that gets them to return to their seats.
North: And here's the debuting "Fly" Felicia Hawkins, showing a lot of spirit here in her debut!
DIC: Her hat... Her theme music... Her jacket. Is she trying to be street? The last person I knew who was so street was that wretched felon Cocheese.
North: Speaking of, he and Cinnamon used to be an item.
DIC: Geez, North! Why you gotta remind me of that?
Baxter: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! First, from Annapolis, Maryland..... CINNAMOOOOOON!
Cinnamon throws her hands up in the air, and then does a cartwheel landing into a split before using the ropes to pull herself back up. The crowd showers her with boos.
Baxter: And her opponent, from Boston, Massachusetts, "Fly" FELICIAAAA HAAAAWKIIIINS!
Felicia takes her hat off and holds it up in the air, doing a bow before taking her jacket off and giving her hat and coat to someone at ringside.
The crowd cheers for Felicia. Felicia recognizes Wendy from the WWWA and flashes her a smile. The bell rings now!
“Fly” Felicia Hawkins starts off on the right foot after familiarizing herself with Cinnamon just moments ago as a majority of the early offense lies in her hands. While Cinnamon's moves are fast and crisp, Hawkins is faster as she counters an early clothesline attempt into a spinning backhand. Cinnamon is stunned by the impact, letting Hawkins set up for a delayed dropkick to the chest, sending Cinnamon flying backwards into the turnbuckle. Hawkins then gets up and runs to the far corner before launching herself with a clothesline, causing her legs to slide under the top rope from the moment and onto the ring apron.
Kevin North: Felicia Hawkins is looking to impress early and often here in her LONE debut. She's got some blinding fast speed and she's fearless in her pursuit!
DIC: She's nice on the eyes too! I mean she's no Cinnamon, who's a solid 9 in my book but I'd say she's a solid... 7.5. Yeah, 7.5. Better than average but no knockout. She looked hotter before she went to go save Hayoko from her rightful punishment. I mean she was playing her part well as the victim before she showed up!
Kevin North: What... you're sick. Do you really think LONE is just a bunch of Barbie dolls to your Ken? It was another two on one assault, it was another underhanded ambush, she was just evening the odds! This has nothing to do with looks, it's all about the spirit of competition and doing the right thing! And it's KAyoko! Not HAyoko!
DIC: Kev, you're a real downer you know that? And I thought I dealt with some bland talking bobbleheads before...
Hawkins climbs onto the top rope looking to fly but Cinnamon wisely rolls under the bottom rope, halfway out of the ring knowing that the official would wave off any offense from there causing boos from the crowd. Hawkins hops off the turnbuckle and goes to drag her back into the ring. Cinnamon however saw her moment and quickly rolled her up using a fistful of tights as leverage for a two and a half count.
DIC: Now that is what I like to see!
Kevin North: What, cheating? Underhanded tactics? Does the concept of a competitive match escape you?
DIC: This is competitive, she'd doing all she needs to win! Just because she doesn't fit your definition of fair play doesn't mean she's underhanded. Because she's sure as hell entertaining me right now!
Kevin North: Oh brother...
Cinnamon tries to keep up on the offense and hammers down several sharp elbow strikes to the head before scooping her up off the mat. She goes for the Syren's Kiss, looking to kiss her opponent before planting her with a DDT but Hawkins manages to slip out of her grasp and plants her with a DDT of her own! Cinnamon looks like she might be down for the count!
Kevin North: DDT! DDT! There will be no kiss goodnight tonight!
DIC: You're kidding me, right? She just stole her move!
Kevin North: Turnabout is fair play. I think the Snake himself would be proud of that execution.
DIC: That's gimmick infringement!
Kevin North: Says the guy wearing imitation cologne.
Hawkins looks to put this one away as fast as she can, if she can. She hopes back on the top rope again, holding onto it and using it to leap on top ala RVD, looking to say 'Bye, Felicia!', her graceful Swanton Bomb but before she can leap off Violent Violet throws her off and back into the ring with a loud THUD. The referee immediately calls for the bell, throwing this match out due to outside interference!
Kevin North: When will it end? Another cowardly two on one assault from Violet and Cinnamon. This is the second time in as many events where they deny an opponent a decisive finish!
DIC: This is justice! She got involved in business that didn't concern her and now she's gotta pay the piper! Bye, Felicia!
By this time Cinnamon has shook the cobwebs off and joins in with Violet by attacking Hawkins. Looking to send a statement Cinnamon lifts her up as they execute the aided rebound elbow and wheelbarrow combination maneuver!
DIC: GOODNIGHT! Stick a fork in her, Kev!
Kevin North: For the love of... where's security?!
Sloan is security and is there but fan throwing stuff is one of those things that happens, anyone throwing dangerous objects is noted and escorted out but the standard garbage that filled up many a Nitro ring in the day is let go. And of course the attack in the ring is part of the show so that is never messed with.
Backstage Segment: Spice & Ice and Qent
With the crowd raining down their disapproval with a chorus of boos Cinnamon and Violent Violet make their way to the back. The two are laughing at what they've just done as the cameraman follows them. Suddenly, they stop laughing and their expressions just go... blank. They fall silent. Their eyes meet someone off camera. The camera shifts to show...
..."Pretty" Fay Qent is backstage and on the way to the ring. After an intense stare down, Qent smirks and walks right past Cinnamon and Violet as she prepares for her own match. With her, as always, is her manager Aurore. The two native Americans proudly striding towards the ring as the Sex Pistols 'Pretty Vacant' blares from the speakers. Qent is silent. No communication with the crowd. Tall. Muscled. Tattooed. The kind of woman who must spend a lot of time in jail and has just got out...to continue her violent rampages in the ring. Qent finds her corner, leaning to one side for some last minute whispered advice from her manager.
Hookah Jones vs "Pretty" Fay Qent w/Aurore
".... TITTIIIIIES!" Krizz Kaliko's Titties (Ft. Tech N9ne) cuts on over the PA. Hookah Jones parts the curtain with both hands and springs forward. Hooka skips down the aisle and pauses, shaking her titties towards a man and grabbing the back of his head, forcing it into her chest and she jiggles them.
North: Well, this, fans, is the very.... endowed Hookah Jones! DIC, I'm sure you've got something nasty to say. DIC?....
North snaps his fingers at DIC. "DIC?" DIC looks like he's in a trance. Hookah slides into the ring and get up on one of the middle turnbuckles, throwing her hands up and then pushing her chest out, jiggling her titties towards the fans. She then hops off and runs to the opposite corner to do the same thing.
Baxter: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! First! From Los Angeles, California, HOKKAAAAAAAH JOOOOOOONES!
Hookah, once again, jiggles for the fans!
Baxter: And her opponent, from--
Aurore plucks the microphone from Baxter's hand, looking around at the crowd before letting the smallest of smiles form. "From right here in Portland, Maine. Long before there was even a Portland, Maine. A daugher of the six tribes. A proud Passamaquoddy. 'Pretty' Fay Qent!!" She gestures to the stolid Qent as no doubt some boos ring out. When you're a machine they think you're a heel...at least to begin with. Aurore hands back the mic with a faint apologetic smile before getting the heck out of there.
As both women are standing in the ring in their respected corners, the look on Jones' face is that of fear, especially when she sees the much larger Qent standing across from her.
DIC: I'm not going to lie here Kevin, as beautiful as Hookah is, as much as I would like to do things with her backstage - I have this bad feeling that she is going to get destroyed here tonight which is very unfortunate.
North: Well DIC, anything can happen in this business but I will give you credit, she is beautiful, and yeah, anyone having to step inside that ring against Qent has the possibility of getting destroyed.
Signaling for the opening bell, both women walk to the center of the ring where Jones immediately starts slapping Qent in the chest with all of her might.
DIC: Look at that Kevin, Hookah is Slappin' Dem Titties and that is having absolutely no effect on Qent whatsoever.
North: If I was Jones, I would quickly bail out of this match and simply take the loss.
Quickly bringing her right leg up, Qent knees Jones in the midsection which doubles her over. Wrapping her hands around the very slender waist of Jones, she hoists her up and plants her down to the canvas with a devastating power bomb as Jones lies there motionless. Bending down and picking Jones up by her long blonde hair, Qent wraps her hands around Jones' waist and tosses her back with a brutal German suplex.
DIC: Well, this one is already over, much to nobody's surprise.
Quickly popping back up to her feet, this sadistic smile stretches along Qent's face as she yanks Jones up to her feet, turns her upside down and plants her headfirst into the canvas with The Scalper. Hooking the leg, the referee drops down to make the count.
Two... Three!!!
Quickly stepping into the ring is Aurore who has a large smile on her face and of course, a microphone in hand. "Is this seriously the best that LONE can offer us? Is this all you think Qent is worth?" Aurore rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "Take a look at her. She is the biggest. She is the baddes. And if this is the best your company can muster to face her...you're looking at a DEAD LONE roster before long. Respect us before we destroy you."
Dropping the mic, Aurore lifts Qent's right arm into air as they stand over Jones' lifeless body.
Kevin North: Wow. What a display of sheer power! Fans, we're going to take a break. We'll be back with more action!
The iPPV feed shows an angle of the arena now from the entrance all the way to the ring and then the crowd. It's fixed on this screen for a few minutes as fans take this time for an intermission. After a few minutes, the titantron has the LONE logo fade.
Cutting through the darkness is red text that literally bleeds onto the screen.
"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen." — Timothy 1:17
With stained glass windows littered along the beautiful walls, the glorious sound of Jesus fills the church walls. As we take a look at these windows, we can see that each picture shows from beginning to end, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Panning down to the alter, there stands a Pastor, preaching to the masses about the word of God as in the back, behind the Pastor stands a beautiful nun with her head lowered. With several people rising to their feet and walking to the front of the alter, the Pastor walks around the alter with a smile on his face.
Motioning for them to kneel, all of them do so as the Pastor places his hand on their foreheads. Making a cross with his fingers, we see a small child, no older than five approach the nun and tilt his head to the side.
Reaching down with her right hand, she touches the child on the side of his face, caressing it as this little boy drops to one knee. Slowly bringing her head up, her crimson lips separate forming a smile as her fangs are revealed.
Quickly cutting out and away, the scene goes red as we hear church hymns one last time before fading to nothingness.
The crowd erupts at this and a chant breaks out. "SIS-TER-CATH-RINE! *Clap! Clap! Clap-Clap-Clap!* SIS-TER-CATH-RINE! *Clap! Clap! Clap-Clap-Clap!*
North: Wow! Was that... Was that who I think it was?
DIC: Of course it was! Listen to the fans! Oh man! I can't WAIT for her to come to LONE! I'm telling you, North! Vampires give the BEST blowjobs! They don't have to breathe! No gag reflex!
North: You're... You're beyond all hope, you realize that?
DIC: Yeah you'll think that until you've been given some head by a Vampire. Will change your world, man! I've been to some WILD parties!
Another video beings to play now! Sitting in a dark room with large pipes everywhere, we hear a low humming but see nobody. As we pan around the room, it has a very eerie feeling to it.
DIC: What in the? Why do we have some freak sitting in the deepest, darkest place?
North: Well... We have an odd group of people.
DIC: Clearly!
Finally seeing a shadow along the wall, the cameras find a woman sitting on the hot concrete floor with a doll in her hand, clutched to her chest. Upon further inspection, we see that it's a Sister Catherine doll and this woman, now poking her head out of the darkness looks like her face has been stitched together.
DIC: My...
Giggling sadistically, the woman brings the Catherine doll to her lips, plants a huge kiss on its lips and then fades back into the shadows, giggling some more.
DIC: Shit gets weirder and weirder around here.
North: You know, I can't really dispute that.
Backstage Segment: Mark Robertson w/The Glorious One
We now switch to another area backstage! Sitting in the back, with his cell phone placed to his ear is Mark Robertson, manager to The Glorious One who made her presence felt earlier on. With a very stern look expressed on his face, you can tell that this conversation is really serious.
Robertson: Hello and yes, I promise you, you won't regret this decision because I am telling you man, she's just like you were.
He listens on as the man on the other end of the phone speaks to him.
Robertson: Oh yeah, definitely, she has all of the tools, the credentials and the experience to take this company to new heights — all she needs is the opportunity here in LONE and I promise you, you won't regret your decision.
Listening on again, this maniacal smile stretches along his chubby face as he nods his head, very grateful for whatever was just said.
Robertson: Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! I promise you, you will not be disappointed and watch the Main Event because if Terri wants a fight then I promise you; she'll get it.
Removing his cell phone from his ear, he presses the button and takes in a deep breath, partially nervous but also relieved that he got everything he asked for.
North: What on Earth could he be plotting?
DIC: If I know Robertson like I think I do, Terri's going to wish she would've lost last month.
North: I highly doubt that. She clawed her way to get to where she's at now!
The Glorious One w/Mark Robertson vs "Gutter Trash" Terri Thompson
"Hotel California" by the Eagles is heard now as The Glorious One walks out from the back wearing a rhinestone robe. Mark Robertson leads the way. Mark walks up the ringsteps and sits on the middle rope and holds the top rope up for the Glorious One to step through. Glorious one takes her time walking up the steps before stepping through the ropes spreading her arms out wide.
Baxter: The following non-title match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, accompanied by Mark Robertson, from Hollywood, California.... THE GLORIOUS ONE!
North: This should definitely be a good one! The Glorious One has been wrestling all over the World for 20 years now!
DIC: Yeah, which is 20 times the years that Terri has been! She knows all the tricks and will leave Terri confused, though it's not hard to confuse that street rat!
North: I don't know, DIC. Age could beat experience. Terri has youth on her side!
DIC: Are you calling The Glorious One OLD?! I should tell Robertson!
North: No I--nevermind.
Overkill's Hello from the Gutter blares from the PA now as Terri darts out from the curtain and onto the stage. She has her hands held out while clutching the LONE championship with her right hand. "Eyyyyyyyy!" She shouts out as Baxter introduces her.
Baxter: And her opponent! She is the LONE Champion! From Portland, Maine! GUTTER TRASH TERRIIIIIIIIII THOOOOMPSOOOOOON!
Terri moves to each side of the aisle to slap hands with the fans. When she gets to ringside, she moves over to the side that Wendy is at and puts her back against the steel barricade, holding her hands out as others start to pat her shoulders. She dips her head back and opens her mouth, wanting beer.
Wendy opens up a can of beer...and starts to pour it into Jill's mouth. And over some other parts of her since she's such a bad aim. The crowd go wild of course. Wendy pours out about half before placing the can in Terri's hand. "Go get 'em!" she yells before another one-fingered salute for The Glorious One.
Terri sprays the beer up in the air in a fine mist. Once Wendy hands her the can she guzzles the rest of it and then sprays it in the air once more!
DIC: Ugh! Does she even wrestle sober?!
North: She's not drunk! She's not drinking it down! She's just having a good time! Every time she comes out here she has a smile on her face and is glad to be here, champion or not!
DIC: Yeah, well in a few minutes she's gonna wish she wasn't here!
Terri slides into the ring now and holds up the championship with her right hand after moving to the center of the ring. She then spins around and throws her right hand up in the air a few times as if she wants everyone to get on their feet and cheer for her. The crowd cheers GUT-TER-TRASH! GUT-TER-TRASH! Terri hands her belt to someone at ringside and gets to a corner.
Sloan gives the crowd a look ot hopefulyl keep them behaving as he turns his attention ot the main event, he is clearly a fan by his body language during the match, and clearly cheering for Terri.
The match starts out with the champion measuring up the Glorious One as they tie up in the middle of the ring. Terri appears to be in control early on before Glorious One places a well-timed thumb to the eye. The referee gives her a verbal warning as Mark Robertson jaws off in protest. As the referee and Robertson start arguing with one another Glorious One takes advantage and follows up her eye gouge with a first full of hair as she yanks her roughly down to the mat. The crowd boos and jeers but the Glorious one doesn't care as she quickly grabs hold of Terri's arm and begins wrenching it painfully as she screams out.
Kevin North: The challenger is showing that she came to play here tonight but clearly she feels the rules don't apply to her.
DIC: Well Terri doesn't seem to know what a shower is either, what's your point? As far as I'm concerned she's just evening the playing field. You ever try to throw darts with some dude who doesn't shower?
Kevin North: No, I'm not a card carrying member of the Slimeball Society.
DIC: It's distracting as hell. You try to concentrate and then you just smell week old tuna tacos and you want to gag. Besides Kev, you're not classy enough to rub elbows with the fine gentlemen I do. My Uncle is an elite businessman, I only know of the finest things in life, the only reason why I even sit here in this unsanitized little booth because Jack E Bux pays too much money for me to say no. Even he knows that LONE needs the best of the best! You're welcome.
Terri desperately reaches for the ropes with her free arm but Glorious One uses her leverage to keep her from making much headway. Finally she reaches out with her legs and manages to catch her foot on the bottom rope causing the official to quickly call for a clean break. Glorious One however ignores the official until the count of 4 when she quickly lets go. As she argues with the referee Robertson hops up on the apron and yanks down hard on Terri's arm as she uses the ropes to get up causing the anger to build in the audience. He throws his hands up as the referee turns his attention to the outside before Glorious One seizes the opportunity and stomps repeatedly on Terri's arm.
Kevin North: Mark Robertson has got to go, he has no business getting involved here! Who even let him in here anyway? He's going to make Terri's injury worse by doing that.
DIC: Bingo! That's the whole point Kev. Robertson has been around the block, he's a manager of champions and future champions. To get to the top you have to give your client every edge in the book. He's only helping her take out the trash!
Kevin North: Then maybe they can come over here and toss you in the dumpster then.
DIC: You're confusing me for one of her disgusting groupies, stop it. Quit while you're behind.
Glorious One grabs Terri by her arm again and this time drags her back to a vertical base. With a grin the Glorious One traps her in a hammerlock, forcing Terri's arm behind her back with a cocky grin. Terri however threw her free elbow back, catching Glorious One in the head stunning her. She throws her elbow back again and again forcing her to release the hold. Terri quickly turns around and starts hitting a barrage of knife edge chops with her good arm quickly backing her up into the corner where she quickly ducks her head under the top rope. Terri has no choice but to back off allowing her to recover.
Kevin North: Expert awareness by The Champ. She managed to slip out and turn the tables on Glorious One. Those chops are cutting her up like a knife!
DIC: You want to talk about awareness? How about knowing that her opponent is a trash scout that'll obey the rules even to her detriment? Do you know why? Because she wants to be accepted, she wants all those little garbage pail kids in the trailer park to look up to her; she's an attention whore. The only reason she holds that belt right now is because she caught Ms. Gucci on an off night.
Kevin North: I think she's the champion because she earned it. She left it all in the ring and poured her very soul into that steel cage. Something you'd know nothing about, trust fund baby.
DIC: And don't you forget it. I sleep content at night knowing my bank account has more zeros than yours.
Sloan better be nearby because Wendy's about to clear the fence and rip into a DIC! His words causing the tall blonde to growl, glare and glower in his direction. Her hands bunching up into balls of anger.
As Glorious One comes back out of the corner Terri swiftly throws a kick into her midsection after sidestepping a tie up attempt. The Champion remains in control for a little longer as she forces Glorious One back into the corner again with a series of chops and punches before whipping her towards the ropes. Glorious One rebounds off the ropes and ducks under Terri Thompson before quickly turning around and snapping her down to the mat with an arm drag on the bad arm! Glorious One tries to trap her into a cross-face but Terri being the champion that she is quickly rolls back and hooks her leg for a pin fall attempt, getting to the count of 2 before Glorious One is forced to break the hold.
Kevin North: Near fall! Terri Thompson turned a near defeat into a near victory! Expert reversal.
DIC: You're kidding me right? I don't know if it's that foul odor clouding your senses or what but it was clear as day that her shoulder was off the mat the entire time!
Kevin North: Then maybe you should stop reusing your disposable contacts because your vision is clearly somewhere else.
Glorious One is irate as she was nearly pinned and voices her concern with the official claiming her shoulders were never on the mat. The motions with her shoulder insisting that it was off the mat as the referee holds up two fingers. Terri quickly gets up and knees her square in the jaw doubling her over as she attempts to hit her with Down the Drain (Blue Thunder Bomb) however he loses her grip halfway through lifting her up with only one good arm. Glorious One manages to get back to her feet and quickly plants her down with a devastating DDT! She quickly hooks the leg... 1....2... kickout! The Champion manages to kick out!
Kevin North: She's not done yet! Bad arm and all she still managed to find a way to kick out!
DIC: That was a slow count. That count was painfully slow. I could've gone to the popcorn stand and back before he even made it to 2!
Kevin North: The official is operating firmly within the rules; that was a standard count.
Glorious One has had enough. She screams at the referee wagging her finger in his face. The referee points to the LONE patch informing her that his calls stand regardless. She goes to scoop Terri off the mat, grabbing a fist full of hair which gets her another verbal warning looking to set up for the end, a devastating backbreaker she calls The Spotlight. Terri however seemed to have enough time to shake off the cobwebs as she slipped out of her grasp and hits a desperation superkick as they both crumble down to the mat!
Kevin North: The Glorious One just got invited to a Superkick Party!
DIC: Shhhh, do you really want to get sued? What's wrong with you? I hope the Glorious One is ok, that was elder abuse right there!
Kevin North: Hardly; she's in better shape than you are. Regardless Terri Thompson just made a hell of an opening for herself with that desperation superkick, can she capitalize?
Terri crawls over to Glorious One, draping her arm over her body as the referee slides down to count the pin. 1...2... and the counting stops as Mark Robertson pulls the referee out of the ring! The official is outraged as the two engage in a shouting match. Meanwhile Terri is sitting up on the mat noticing that she never heard the three count despite Glorious One appearing to be down for the count. Terri pull herself up and leans over the top rope angry at Mark Robertson from interrupting what could've been a victory sealing pin. Robertson and the official however are absorbed in their bantering, the official only briefly turning around motioning that he was pulled out. Then the Glorious One began to stir, and realizing what was happening quickly catches Terri off guard and hits her with The Spotlight! Glorious one goes for the cover, Robertson urgently motioning that a pin was occurring. The official quickly slides back in and makes the count. 1....2...3!
Announcer: Here is your winner... THE GLORIOUS ONE!
DIC: HAHAHAHA! EAT IT KEVIN! EAT IT! The Glorious One just took out the trash! This is the greatest day in the history of LONE! They should just give her the title now and save us any further suffering.
Kevin North: That was disgusting ladies and gentlemen and I apologize for the unprofessional conduct of my partner as well as Mark Robertson. This isn't how we do things in LONE and there will be repercussions for this mark my words. Robertson and his flunky better enjoy their moment because the buck is going to stop soon if I know Jack E. Bux as well as the rest of you. This is Kevin North here for LONE; we'll see you next month!
Robertson claps proudly as he walks over the timekeeper and yanks the belt away before entering. As Glorious One's arm is raised in victory he fixes the belt around her waist as she stands over The Champion.
The crowd is definitely a bit rowdy after that miscarriage of justice (TM Gorilla Monsoon), some of the more inebriated members look like they might go too far so Sloan turns to face the crowd just in case they take leave of their senses and try to cross the barricade between fans and participants.
After the Show. Posted Online
After the iPPV feed fades out, what's not seen is that The Glorious One unhooks the belt and drapes it over Terri's body, then leans down to gingerly give the belt a few pats before walking out of the ring with Robertson. Terri starts to stir, and when she realizes where she's at, she sits up and looks around, grabbing her belt. She crawls over to the ropes as the fans chant TER-RI! TER-RI! TER-RI! TER-RI! She pulls herself out of the ring and starts to walk towards the backstage area, looking distraught. Fans give her pats on her shoulders and when she gets to just before the curtain, she looks over her shoulder out at everyone and gives them a thumbs up. The crowd cheers for her and she walks through the curtain.