2014.07.18: PWN - LEGACY - And the Snakes Start to Sing

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The scene opens on a shot of the personification of perfection, the embodiment of everything that is awesome.. THEE 'Knockout Supreme', Silas Romero. Now, Romero was leaned up against a gray stone wall, with his arms folded over his perfectly crafted chest. He was sporting a basic white V-Neck shirt along with a pair of straight legged Bullhead denim jeans.. Not to mention that smug, confident smirk that seemed to always be plastered across the perfectly chiseled face of his.

Silas Romero -- Congratulations, Miles. Your words, they sparked something inside me. For a brief moment, I was content with keeping things the way they had been since I signed on the dotted line with Legacy Wrestling. I was content with being somewhat of a downer; someone who didn't really care what was going on around him.. But, then I realized something: I'm too fuckin' awesome for that shit. Sure, I still believe that most of this shit is pointless because.. Well.. It really is. But, no longer am I going to come out in front of these cameras and act like some sad shit, who only comes across as a little arrogant. Why? Because I'm just a little arrogant.. I'm a fucking tool bag. I know this, you know this.. The world that views my Twitter feed knows this. I am a self-centered, egotistical, self-righteous son of a bitch. The only person in the world that gets a peak of the 'nice guy' version of the same that you see before you is my wife. The reason of you little fucks? You only get what I WANT you to see. The moral of the story? I was more or less playing a role when I started with this company. I decided that I was never going to get the type of competition that I craved.. And I was right. So, I become the man that you saw before my match with Matlock. Combine that match and the words you spoke, Miles.. And you get this guy.

Silas threw his arms up so that both his thumbs were pointing right at his chest.

Silas Romero -- Now, this is something the world needs. No one needed a more confident Silas Romero treading on it. But, here I am, ladies and gentlemen. You see, Miles.. The thing you need to realize that it was I who poked the sleeping bear. No, no. It's the other way 'round. You took a man that was more than happy riding the momentum of beating that geriatric fuckhead, Matlock, yet continue to not care and made him into something much worse: Ultra-Confident. Confidence has never really been an issue for me. Since the first day I stepped into that ring, I knew that I was a natural. I knew that I was going to come back out to it, night in and night out, and steal the show. I showed you just a glimpse at what I could do inside that ring when I defeated Matlock fair and square. Yet, you still wanted to get in front of some cameras and say that I'm nothing more than a few tattoos and a big mouth?

He scoffs.

Silas Romero -- I'm fuckin' hurt, bro. I mean, I went out there and put on a striking clinic at Independence Day.. But, I'm nothing more than a few tattoos and a big mouth. Though, you go on to say that I'm one of the highest caliber strikers.. Maybe in the business? Or just in the company? That part you didn't make clear. But, then again.. I'm nothing more than some tattoos and a big mouth. I don't get it. Is there something special to me.. Or am I just my appearance and a mouth that doesn't quit spewing out verbal knockout shots? In your ramblings about how shitty Oakland is.. Which I thought was common knowledge.. And thanking me for waking you up out of your slumber.. You said something that really struck a chord with me, Miles. You again pigeonholed me, only not using my appearance this time.. No, you said that I am ONLY a pure striker. Oh, my friend.. You clearly didn't do your homework on yours truly.

Silas allowed a chuckle to escape through his lips before continuing on.

Silas Romero -- I am MUCH more than just the greatest striker this company will ever see. Sure, I take great pride in my ability to knockout opponents in multiple ways.. But, that's not all I can do. I am MORE than happy to take this match to the mat and show you why not only am I the best pure striker in this business.. But, I'm always thee single best technical wrestler in the WORLD! So, just for you.. I've decided that you will be the first to witness the Dharma Initiative in Legacy. Which means YOU'LL be the one tapping the ring mat like a little drummer boy. Ratta-tat-tat. That's you tapping on the mat, by the way.. Duh.

He looked into the camera with a blank expression, almost emphasizing his use of the word, 'duh'.

Silas Romero -- In some ways, maybe I should be thanking you, much like you did for me. You woke me and made me realize that I needed to bring my two personalities together and become the wrestling God that I always knew I could be. When I become thee 'guy' in this company and lead it into the future.. I'll look back kindly at you and remember without you.. I wouldn't be here. Well, I probably still would be that guy.. But, you helped in your own small way. Now, I know you don't want to be yet another stepping stone, nor do you want to continue your losing ways. There's just nothing you can do about it, though. You're definitely more than welcome to try and stop me from submitting you in the middle of that ring.. Or even knocking your head clean off your shoulders.. But, it will be for not. Out of all the things that are pointless in this world.. You trying to kill my momentum will be the biggest one of them all. I just don't see how I'm supposed to take your idle threats seriously, Miles. Don't take that the wrong way, though. I'm not going to say I'll take you lightly in that ring. What I mean is, I just don't see how I'm supposed to take you seriously in general. You said it yourself, you're a walking fuckin' punchline, Miles.. And not a good one at that. You are an embarrassment to the Lozio name.. Yet, you're telling me that you're going to take me down and ripper my shoulder out of socket. Yeah, good luck with that, kid. Why are you so confident that you can do that, by the way? You haven't been able to do well, anything, so far in Legacy. So, you're going to come after one of thee most talked about athlete's in the company.. And try and steal his thunder? Do me a favor - Go win a couple matches, make a name for yourself that isn't riding the coattails of your 'famous' one.. And THEN come talk to me and see if you can match up with me. Because, right now? You really stand absolutely ZERO chance of defeating the Wrestling Demigod.. THEE HIPSTER HERCULES!

He smirked for a moment.

Silas Romero -- Oh, that's right.. You hate that shit, don't you? It makes you want to jab a pencil in your ear, right? Well, go ahead then.. Because it isn't going anywhere, anytime soon. Look at me. Go on, look. I am personification of perfection. In-ring ability? Check. Ridiculously good looking? Check. Golden elbow? Check. Devastating kicks and knee strikes? Check. Solid mat-wrestling and technical skill? Checky fuckin' check. Body that looks like it was chiseled from granite? Big ole' check, my friend. So, please.. Please 'make' me wrestle at Break on Through, Miles. That's what we do.. You do know that, right? You're not going to 'make' me do anything, Miles. I know this isn't the UFC or some MMA style match-up. I'm not a complete and utter moron, dude. Don't get sucked in by my words or what I say on Twitter. When I step into that ring, I am completely focused on the task at hand. Unlike you, I can separate everything going on and simply focus on my opponent. I don't let shit distract me out there. How else do you think I'm always able to exploit each and every mistake my opponent makes? I'm always thinking twenty steps ahead of where you think we're at. A wise man once said, 'Just when you think you know the answers, I change the questions.' That sums me up pretty well, I do believe. Just when someone tries to typecast me as this or that, I show them a whole 'nother side of ole' Silas Romero.. And that is exactly what's going to happen this go 'round. You thought you had me completely figured out, Miles. You wanted me to be some over-confident striker who likes to talk a lot.. And you're right. But, peel back the layers and you'll find a lot more waiting on you. So, by all means.. Take me to the mat, I'll be waiting for you do so. I mean, you've got me waiting with baited breath to see if you can truly rip my shoulder out of socket with your Bulls Balls lock or whatever the fuck it's called. I also can't wait to be your sacrificial lamb, though. That's going to be my favorite part of all this. You stand there talking about how I'm some demigod and then say that you're going to sacrifice ME? No, no. YOU will be the one that's sacrificed at the alter of thee 'Knockout Supreme'.. Because sooner than later.. EVERYONE GETS KNOCKED THE FUCK OUT! Deal with it, fuck stick.

With that, Silas goes to walk out of the shot of the camera. But, he stops just short of doing so and looks back at the camera.

Silas Romero -- Oh yeah. To that the group of little keyboard warriors that keeps threatening me on Twitter of all places.. How about you sack up and say that shit to my face? Hm? I mean, I enjoy a Twitter argument just as much as the next guy.. But, I would be more than happy to knock each and one of you out. The choice is yours: Continue being little bitches or come and say that shit to my face. I'm begging you to drop that 'nuke' on all of us.. I'm sure it's super impressive.
Silas chuckled to himself as this time he actually walked away -- END SCENE.