2014.06.14: PWN - LEGACY - Ready for WAR Part 1
After a day of training with Kat Jones and Kim Pain at the Emerald Academy in Kansas City Missouri, I go to an area of the Academy that has a flag and a couple of street cones on the ground, While Kim followed me as she used my phone to record me starting to talk about the war that is about to happen
♠♠Matt Ward♠♠Ian, Ian, Ian what have you got yourself into now? Now you are in Legacy Wrestling going into a War where the numbers are not in your favor. Where is Leo Banks when you need him? Where is SVD when you need him? I will tell ya, Leo is drowning his sorrows about being dumped by that Plastic Barbie doll Liz Smalls just brag about being engaged to another dude. Do you think he is worried about you at the current moment? Now Sal on the other hand, i don't know where he is but he won't help you in this war against WASTE.
I start to smirk as I start to speak again
♠♠Matt Ward♠♠ You see Ian i have an Ace of Spades up my sleeve when it comes to this No Holds bard match. You don't know Ian how many members of Waste are actually in Legacy Wrestling so you don't know how many numbers i have against you in case i need them to put the nails in the coffin on this no holds bard match against you.
Start to crack my neck while looking at Kim then I start to get serious as I smart to speak again
♠♠Matt Ward♠♠ Ian you will see in person and first hand why i am the Last Outlaw of Hardcore Wrestling in this business and company, I know my limits but their are times i need to take it hardcore, Peter Bauer must have a guilty pleasure in hardcore wrestling and now he will witness the Last Outlaw in action making you BLEED IAN are you READY for that? See you June 20th in Carson California.