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(As requested by PC Leadership)
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Revision as of 17:37, 8 January 2021

To note, the information and suggestions presented in this document are only relevant to the praxis of The Imperium of Greater Prospect (Prospect, Carlsbad, Idyllwild), and not the Camarilla as a whole. If there should arise another Camarilla praxis within the City of Hope game region, this document should /not/ be immediately presumed to also apply to them.


While character concepts are a very personal thing, the Camarilla is by default a generally conservative organization. This coupled with a decade of active play here on City of Hope MUSH, and thus divergence from printed canon means that the PC leadership of the Camarilla on City of Hope MUSH strongly suggests that new players in particular make a best effort to align their concepts with one of the pillar clans of the Camarilla for ease of play and integration.

Pillar Clans

The Pillar Clans as of the time of the writing of this document are unlikely to change and are as follows, with commentary as appropriate.


A substantial portion of the Banu Haquim defected to the Camarilla following the return of Ur-Shulgi, canonically this was primarily the vizers and some sorcerers, but the warrior caste in Revised Core is accepted


As core, not the True Brujah


Split between those that remained loyal to the Camarilla and the Independent section of the clan that left, they may be viewed with some suspicion on loyalty


Both variants, there is no real IC differentiation between the two






Additionally Caitiff are accepted without much question, but it is important to note that playing one comes with noted social disadvantages when dealing with the rest of Camarilla society. That may be lighter here on this game as of the time of this writing, but still exists.

Other Clans/Bloodlines

Any concept outside of these clans listed is /not/ a guaranteed acceptance into the Imperium of Greater Prospect. While you will not be barred by staff from creating said concepts, and you will be allowed to make your case for entry, members of other clans/bloodlines applying to the current main Camarilla game can be denied entry into the praxis by sheer dint of their blood membership alone at the sole discretion of the Prince. In any case a non pillar clan is taking fate into your own hands and is only suggested to be attempted with an in depth knowledge of the current game on City of Hope. That being said, to give a few examples, using concepts commonly asked about.


Ever since the week of nightmares and the shattering of the clan, the Ravnos can be allowed into the Camarilla though this is based entirely off of the initial opinion formed from the seekers presentation

Followers of Set

Given the insular nature of the clan, and their reputation as corruptors and infiltrators, a Follower of Set is exceedingly mistrusted and is not a valid option for the Camarilla


Lasombra Antitribu are traditionally allowed, however they are still subject to a level of suspicion and outsider status that makes their acceptance not fully guaranteed.


Given the wording of the Promise of 1528 acceptance of a Giovanni into the Camarilla would be considered a violation of the treaty that guarantees the independence of the Giovanni as a clan. They will not be accepted.


There are canonically no Tzimisce antitribu, they fall into two camps of either Sabbat fanatic or the independent and isolationist Old Clan. Neither are good fits for the Camarilla, and in either case the likelihood of their presence causing major issues with the pillar clan of the Tremere means they have been banned from the Imperium by the Prince.


In addition, the following concepts have been due to organic events within the Imperium placed under a publicized ban. Bringing these concepts into areas controlled by the Imperium (Prospect, Carlsbad, Idylwild) outside of visiting Elysium or transport directly to and from Elysium will be met with near guaranteed hostility and possible risk escalation.

By order of the Prince, clan Tzimisce are banned within the Imperium
By order of the Prince, the bloodline of the Kisyad are banned within the Imperium
By order of the Imperator /any/ illegal siring within the bounds of the Imperium, or abandoned childer found within it are to be considered a violation of the Third Tradition and subject to immediate execution.

If you have questions about concepts, feel free to contact any of the listed Imperium Leadership.