Amanda Pierce/Stereotypes

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Vampire "I was always Team Jacob. 30 Days of Night is still one of the scariest movies I've ever seen though."
Wraith "That one guy from Paranormal Adventures is cute. It's all fake though, right?"
Changeling "Is this a new derogatory term for the LGBTQ+ community? That's not cool :("
Mortal "It's our duty to lead them and shepherd them to Ascension. That's still a thing, right?."

Akashic Brotherhood "Bruce Lee is awesome, but come on, breathing exercises and kiais?"
Celestial Chorus "I grew up Roman Catholic, so maybe they're onto something."
Cult of Ecstasy "Awesome parties, even better sex."
Dreamspeakers "I took some peyote once. It was a trip. Did I go into the Umbra?"
Euthanatos "Creep me out almost as much as the thought of vampires."
Order of Hermes "I think I played a table top once with House Bonisagus and Flambeau and stuff once. I rolled a natural 20. "
Sons of Ether "Only the best ever! (Once you get past the misogyny, but that's what bringing Women into SCIENCE is for)."
Verbena "Yeah, yeah. I watched Charmed. Power of Three and all that. "
Virtual Adepts "You guys took the Matrix way too seriously."
Hollow Ones "There's such a thing as TOO MUCH HOT TOPIC."

New World Order "If Republicans had magick."
Iteration X "If they didn't worship machines, I could imagine being one. We have a lot in common."
Progenitors "Thank you for birth control."
Syndicate "Why Occupy Wallstreet was made and probably who brought them down."
Void Engineers "They do some majorly inspirational science! Probably closest kin on that side."
Nephandi "KILL ON SIGHT"