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- In need of quick cash? - Participating in medical studies is always a great way to make some money.
- U of C Student? - Wanna be a research assistant or be one of her grad students?
- Progenitor's Hippocratic Oath - Yes, she /is/ a Technocrat. Yes, they are technically an antagonist faction. However, she is not an antagonist. All Progenitors swear a version of the Hippocratic Oath. This is hers.
- I solemnly pledge to consecrate my life to the service of humanity;
- I will give to my teachers the respect and obedience that is their due;
- I will practice my profession with conscience, dignity, and duty;
- I will maintain the utmost respect for human life and the dignity of my patient;
- I will maintain the utmost respect for the Consensus and avoid vulgarity and Rejection;
- I will do no harm.