Vivian Starr/Hooks

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Mundane Hooks

Ex-Military: Vivian is an ex-Army enlisted woman. Also former military or just interested in some old war stories? Buy her a beer and hit her up!

Porn Connoisseur: Military life is frequently described as 'hurry up and wait'. This goes double for those stuck on a Voidship. To fill the long periods of boredom between the sudden bouts of terror, Vivian turned to porn. She knows a lot about it: series, actors, production companies... she has a near encyclopedic knowledge. Have a similar interest? In the industry, even if peripherally? She probably knows of you.

Junk Food Junkie: One of the biggest boons with being stuck on the Mudball is the food. Rather than concentrated protein solution or nutrient bars, it's a sheer joy to be able to eat a cinnamon bun or a donut. While the best steak she's ever eaten was on Mars, few things can hold a candle to the unhealthy packs of sugar, salt and carbohydrates that represent junk food. Have a talk over your favorites!

Supernatural Hooks

Vigilant Survivor: Vivian's status as the only survivor of the Vigilant gives her some surprising influence with many members of the Union and perhaps even within the Traditions. The exploits of the Vigilant and her crew, while officially frowned on by the Union as a whole, are well known and Traditionalist magi may have heard tales of the voidship actively helping out Etherships and other travelers. Non-Mage supernaturals who have extensive dealings in the various types of Umbra may have heard rumors about the Vigilant. On the other hand, Nephandi may well curse her name for the huge pain in the ass the Vigilant has been to them in the Universe. Either way many may have heard of Vivian or at least of the Vigilant itself.

Hypercram: Vivian knows a disquieting amount of information about secret or esoteric subjects far above her paygrade. Project: Lookinglass, Project: Sunburst, Vivo, and the Lunar Robot Cult are just a few of things she knows a smattering about but shouldn't. Nothing that would be compromising, but just the fact that she has come across this information ("An old buddy of mine told me. Who? Huh... can't quite remember, actually...") might be a little worrisome. Maybe she heard some snippet about you and yours that she could not possibly know?