Once we left you moon-gifts of bread, milk and honey out of fear and respect. So many of the old ways have passed into the Mists, but not all of us have forgotten.
Your kind have been feared for thousands of years, across every culture. If your intentions are so pure and noble, why are all the legends so unified in this?
Take care that you do not become blinded by the glories of your own potential. Power may not corrupt, but it can certainly make one forget.
One part animal, one part spirit, one part man. How comfortable can you truly be in your skin when your skin keeps changing?
I cannot imagine what it would be like to never watch the sun rise again. Dawn is the most perfect time of day. An eternity of that denial must be terrible.
Oh, Restless Ones. Yours is the hardest lot. In death you should find rest, not a longer, darker road to walk.