Mages and Sleepers
Yeah. Glad I'm not here anymore.
Mages get pretty wrapped up in their own crap, don't they?
Orwell, eat your heart out.
If they saw beyond the destruction to the chaos of rebirth...
But for the grace of... look. You awoke alone? So did I. I'm not looking down on you.
Every Batman needs an Alfred, right?
The Houses of Hermes
I bet they're cute boring old dudes who haven't invented a new rote since the Bonisagus shield.
Our mother ship of sorts. The place for Hermetic Houses that don't fit neatly into a category or have enough individual political pull. But we of House Xaos can see the truth behind the Chaos.
Kabooom! FWOOOSH! Vnnnnnn... Oh, no wait, that last one was House Jedi.
My mentor's house. She's not real happy I went with Xaos, but hey, I've always lived to disappoint.
Bunch of damned fascists.
Other Denizens
Practically a trope now; Do they sparkle? I know fuck-all about 'em.
Team, guy who hits girly werewolf dude with a truck!
So is this Casper, Ghost, or The Ring?
Now we just get these together with the vampires and play German Sparkle party, right?
I'm on the HIIIIIGHWAY to HELL! Na nana na na!
Ain't seen one, don't know none. But hey, the houses of Hermes get a lot of lore from Egyptology...
The Houses of Hermes
Androgynous guys with magic potions... is this a Yaoi Hentai?
Bunch of pissy asses.
Sure, look down on us. At least in Ex Miscellenae we haven't lost our way; can YOU say the same, oh so lofty former members of House Thig?