Event: Midnight Run/Mechanics

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  • The character with the highest number of successes wins the race wins the race.
  • All riders will have a geotag clipped to their bike and a body cam attached to their chest so that their positions and conditions can be tracked real time by the race officials and fans. (because otherwise no one watching the race could see anything until they come back around for the home stretch).

Total Rolls Per Character

All rolls should be made privately to the ST prior to the start of the event. +roll/page (ST)=stats vs diff.
* Willpower can be spent on each Acceleration
* Characters will have their dice pool for acceleration maxed at 8 dice (to adjust for different types of bikes, max speeds and maneuverability, etc.)

  • Roll 1: First Acceleration. Dexterity + Drive vs 6
  • Roll 2: (First turn:) Roll 1 vs 6 for Complications. See individual Complications for necessary rolls.
  • Roll 3: Roll to Accelerate. Dexterity + Drive vs 6
  • Roll 4: (Second turn:) Roll 1 vs 6 for Complications. See individual Complications for necessary rolls.
  • Roll 5: Roll to Accelerate. Dexterity + Drive vs 6
  • Roll 6: (Third turn:) Roll 1 vs 6 for Complications. See individual Complications for necessary rolls.
  • Roll 7: Roll to Accelerate. Dexterity + Drive vs 6


Billy wants to run in the race. He's contacted the ST prior to the start of the event and when paged should do the following:

  • Billy types +roll/page (ST)=Dexterity+Drive vs 6
    (Turn 1)
  • Billy types +roll/page (ST)=1 vs 6 (for complications)
  • Billy checks the Complications table for the result
  • Billy makes a roll based on the Complication result.
  • Billy types +roll/page (ST)=Dexterity+Drive vs 6
    (Turn 2)
  • Billy types +roll/page (ST)=1 vs 6 (for complications)
  • Billy checks the Complications table for the result
  • Billy makes a roll based on the Complication result.
  • Billy types +roll/page (ST)=Dexterity+Drive vs 6
    (Turn 3)
  • Billy types +roll/page (ST)=1 vs 6 (for complications)
  • Billy checks the Complications table for the result
  • Billy makes a roll based on the Complication result.
    (Home Stretch)
  • Billy types +roll/page (ST)=Dexterity+Drive vs 6


    Once the races begin (and all rolls have been made privately), the storyteller will announce:

  • Racers to the mark. This should be the starting pose to set things up. When everyone has had their chance to establish themselves in a pose the ST will fire the pistol.
  • Launch Pose: This will be a reflection of how well you did on your first roll. Crowds are welcome to pose cheering, side-rp, etc.
  • First Turn Pose: The ST will call out "First Turn" where you will pose the combined effects of any complication you had to deal with as well as how well you advanced in the race. Once everyone has had a chance to make their pose (as well as crowds, etc.) the ST will call out for the next turn's pose.
  • Second Turn Pose: Same idea as the first.
  • Third Turn Pose: This is the last possible complication and how well one handles it.
  • Home Stretch: This will be the "finishing Pose" of who wins the race, how well others did, etc.

    Complication Table (1d10)

    On each round, players will roll 1d10 to determine if they encounter a complication or not.

    Roll Complication Effect
    1-3 No Complication
    • Player proceeds directly to the advancement roll.
    4-5 Loose Gravel or Sand
    • Player must roll Dexterity + Drive (Difficulty 7).
    • Success: The player navigates the terrain without losing speed.
    • Failure: The bike loses control slightly, losing speed. The player advances but loses 1 success.
    • Botch: The bike skids badly, risking a crash. The player must make a second roll: Stamina + Athletics (Difficulty 6). Failure results in a crash (they must spend the next round recovering).
    6-7 Wild Animal on the Road
    • Player must roll Wits + Drive (Difficulty 8).
    • Success: The player avoids the animal and continues.
    • Failure: The player narrowly avoids it but loses 1 success.
    • Botch: The player hits the animal, risking a crash. Roll Dexterity + Drive (Difficulty 6). Failure results in a crash or forced dismount, missing a round.
    8 Sudden Fog or Dust Storm
    • Player must roll Perception + Drive (Difficulty 8).
    • Success: The player navigates the low visibility and continues.
    • Failure: The player loses track of the road, losing 2 successes.
    • Botch: The player gets completely disoriented, missing their turn or exit. They must roll Intelligence + Drive (Difficulty 7) to recover (losing another round if failed).
    9 Sabotaged Bike (Loose Chain or Cut Brake Line)
    • Player must roll Dexterity + Crafts (Difficulty 7) or Wits + Drive (Difficulty 8).
    • Success: The player fixes the issue and proceeds.
    • Failure: The bike loses power, and the player loses 2 successes.
    • Botch: The bike breaks down entirely, and the player is forced to stop for repairs, missing 1 round.
    10 Police or Rival Gang Interference
    • Player must roll Intelligence + Streetwise (Difficulty 7) or Dexterity + Drive (Difficulty 8).
    • Success: The player avoids the interference and escapes.
    • Failure: The player is slowed by the interference and loses 2 successes.
    • Botch: The player is caught up in the ambush or roadblock, missing 1 round.