Magical Hacker: Ascheri mixes Soothsay with hacking to liberate information to further his own strategic ends. Need to hire a hacker? Are you another computer wizard that wants to talk shop?
Presto Manifesto: Ascheri posts a lot of half baked ideas about revolution, socialism, and overthrowing the ruling elites. Are you a fellow revolutionary?
Criminal Record: Ascheri has been busted for minor violations of various statutes relating to electronic crimes. He also has a reputation as someone who's committed much more serious crimes.
Casino Town: Loughlin, Nevada is Ascheri's stomping grounds. What is a casino but brick and mortar ravaging? There's a lot of tasty glamour to be had if you can get it before they burn it to fuel the neon.
Shadow Court: He's in it. Always looking for allies amongst the Prodigals and recruits from the Unseelie. Come find him if you're interested.