Aria Moonhaven/Stereotypes

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Vampire "If such exist, they are a predator to be killed like any shark. Such things cannot be reasoned with."
Werewolf "I know of the shark-walkers. If there are wolf-walkers too, they are likely as dangerous as their sea kin."
Mage "Some have called them wise men and women, but wisdom is sadly rarer than hubris among them."
Wraith "I have never seen anything to make me believe the spirits of the dead linger beyond death."
Changeling "The other merfolk and the murdhuacha, cousins and dark reflections. These I know better than I would like."
Hunter "My kind have ever been hunted by the greed and stupidity of men. Avoid them where you can. Bring them to the depths if you cannot."
Demon "I know little of the religions of the landwalkers."
Mortal "Destructive, greedy, cruel and stupid, by and large. There are a rare few exceptions worthy of time and gift. But few and far between."