2016.03.26: PWN - MSW - UNSTOPPABLE 20
- 1 The Card
- 2 Intro
- 3 The Shades of Destruction vs Matt Ward
- 4 A Boycott?
- 5 BoNzO vs The Parakeet
- 6 A First Class Meeting
- 7 Logan Brock vs Nikki Venom
- 8 It's Bro Time!
- 9 Peyton Kaiser vs Chris Orton
- 10 Silas Romero vs LeBroc Harris
- 11 Offer You Can't Refuse?
- 12 Jay B vs Silas Black
- 13 More Hardcore!
- 14 Tevolo & Drew Stevenson vs First Class (Delsin Oswald & TJ Bryce w/ Well Connected)
- 15 The Doctor Is In
- 16 Wolf Parker vs Duke Andrews
- 17 Tommy Angel (c) w/Izzy Cornelius vs "Referee" Mike Maddix
- 18 More and MORE Hardcore!
- 19 Chris Williams vs Mark Storm
The Card

Date: Saturday, March 26th
Location: Folly Theater in Kansas City, MO
Commentary: Alex Smith (play-by-play), Alex Bradford (color)
Promoter: Isaac Cornelius III
(Match Order/Card Subject to Change)
The Shades (which combination?!) vs Matt Ward
Matt Ward did not fare too well last time he went against some shades, but that was Red and Purple, the "Evil" Shades. But we had some shade on shade violence at US19 and it was like looking at all the colors of the rainbow. But now, Matt has a chance to get his vengeance against the Blue Shade, the mastermind behind the shades as now he takes on the actual Shades of Destruction, the ones his had mistaken the Evil Shades for initially. But now as we see it, it could be ANY combination of the shades. How will Matt fare? 10% of all Matt Ward merchandise proceeds will go to the #SaveMattWard Foundation.
Singles Match
BonZo vs The Parakeet
It's a clown and a bird. Need we say more? #ThisIsAwesome
Singles Match
Logan Brock vs Nikki Venom
Logan Brock made a very strong statement towards TJ Bryce when he took out Well Connected by himself. Nikki Venom was originally scheduled two weeks ago to take on LeBroc Harris but some complications rose up and neither man made it to the show, so now Venom gets his chance to send his message to Silas Romero that he's not the coward that he was called and that Silas is everything he stands against. Logan Brock made the challenge to TJ Bryce for WAR on April 23rd, and hopes to get an answer from TJ Bryce tonight.
Singles Match
Peyton Kaiser w/ Artemis Kaiser vs Chris Orton
Peyton defeated the pair of the Evil Shades at US19 before they met their untimely demise at the return of the Shades of Destruction. Things appear to be heating up with Peyton and Delsin with their battle of words, Delsin calling himself the "Kaiser Killer." They haven't had a face to face since Artemis lost the PURE15 Title at US18 and we're sure to see some action collide between these two as we're just one month away from WAR where as of this writing it has been made official that Peyton and Delsin will collide.
Singles Match
Silas Romero vs LeBroc Harris
LeBroc Harris has not had a ton of luck the past little while, meanwhile it seems more and more people are afraid of taking on Silas Romero, in his words anyway. Will LeBroc Harris bring back the invitational and make Silas tap out? Or will Silas send another one packing?
Singles Match
Jay B vs Silas Black
The Bro Off was a success. The ladies loved it, the crowd loved it, but we never got an actual winner and so Jay B issued the challenge to take the Bro-Off a little further, the first annual Brolympics for WAR! Tonight, IC4 has the night off as IC3 did not want him to do anything stupid and embarrassing again but he will be in the arena. So, Jay B steps back into the ring to take on newcomer Silas Black who's known as the "Urban Legend." Will the Party Rock flow through Jay B and carry him to a victory or will Silas Black make a triumphant debut?
Tag Team Match
Drew Stevenson & Tevolo vs Frank Debauchee & TJ Bryce
This comes from when Tevolo (who was banned from the arena for the night) jumped in across the street to help Drew Stevenson in his battle with Delsin Oswald and another attack by Wolf Parker. Thanks to Tevolo's help, Wolf and Delsin didn't get their one up and it left Drew and Tevolo with a one-up on First Class, one month before WAR. They take on Debauchee and PURE15 champion TJ Bryce. Although word is tat Debauchee is very distraught about what happened to his one of a kind muscle car that has a full investigation on-going, and is refusing to go outside to wrestle until the culprit is caught. These are just rumors of course, but First Class looks to get back on track and get rid of Drew Stevenson.
Singles Match
Wolf Parker vs Duke Andrews
These two have had their battles in the past and now it's time that Wolf steps foot inside of the MSW ring, finally. Wolf has been stalking Drew Stevenson and launching attack after attack on him from behind for weeks. So now that he's in the ring, he takes on Drew Stevenson's partner in crime, Duke Andrews. Duke knows Drew can't wrestle in the arena and will be occupied with First Class across the street, so he's looking to take care of Drew and shut down this "puzzle" that he's talked about in direction to Drew so that Drew can focus on what's more important, getting MSW back. The battle with First Class and associates continues, but one also has to wonder how Duke Andrews feels after those nasty big boots from Barrel at US19.
Chris Williams vs Mark Storm
Mark Storm returns to the ring tonight against Chris Williams who's looking to make his statement for the MSW Championship and Tommy Angel. Mark Storm once upon a time said that he too wanted to face Tommy and if he defeats Chris Williams, there's a good chance that maybe he'll get in line for Tommy Angel. We should also note that Frankie Cocheese and Barrel are not in attendance as they are actually banned from the arena this week after the chaos they ensued at US19. Cocheese and Barrel will for sure have their eyes locked right in at Chris Williams, based on how much Cocheese wants that title, too.
Bradford: I'm looking forward to Mark Storm's return. His time off has seemed to do some good for him and he's back, recharged and ready to kick some ass. And who can forget BonZo the Clown makes his debut! He has to face a damn bird though! The Parakeet... I don't even know. But Wolf Parker steps into the ring tonight! Makes me want to squeal like a little school girl! It was amazing to see Wolf make his return here to Kansas City taking on old rival Duke Andrews!
Smith: Duke Andrews has been doing pretty good this season until he came across Barrel and that's part of why things are how they are tonight because Barrel did not want to stop beating up Duke Andrews. Drew Stevenson and Tevolo are teaming up after the events of two weeks ago, and there's been a slight change in the events. Earlier this week Frank Debauchee approached us on twitter and has supposedly injured his hand and is not clear for competition tonight. He was originally scheduled to team up with our PURE 15 champion TJ Bryce, but word is the match is still happening and we're find out the replacement for the match a bit later in the evening.
Bradford: And who can forget about the Shades! Not the Evil Shades but the Shades of Destructo--
“Money (instrumental)” by Pink Floyd hits the arena as the not quite packed but still lively MSW fans erupt in a flurry of booes as that music could only mean one thing; IC3 and First Class were on their way to the ring.
Smith: Looks like First Class is going to kick things off tonight, Bradford! Even IC3 got tired of hearing you!
Bradford: Ha - ha.
Out first came Isaac Cornelius III walking with a sense of purpose to the ring. To his right was Eugene B. Varano threatening to sue a rowdy fan in the crowd and to his left Ed Trampke who had a certain swagger to his step as he strutted next to the boss. Behind them were Delsin Oswald and TJ Bryce walking in rhythm, with Bryce carrying that PURE 15 Championship like a cherrished trophy cradled under his arm. Directly behind those two were IC4 and The Skylarks as they awkwardly fist pumped through the entrance making them look completely out of place. Notably absent were Well Connected after their match from the previous Unstoppable and the MSW Champion himself Tommy Angel with Izzy.
Gavin Grey: Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome at this time The Owner of Missouri State Wrestling Isaac Cornelius the Third and First Class!
IC3 grabs a mic upon entering the ring after he ordered Gavin Grey to hold the ropes open for First Class to step through. As First Class stood triumphantly in the ring together IC3 taps the mic several times, causing it to echo and screech which made some members in the crowd groan and cringe.
IC3: Order, I require silence and your complete, undivided attention.
IC3: Do you people never learn? I come out here to address the hillbillies and ingrates populating my arena on my show and instead of sitting on your hands and zipping those mouths of yours you insist on trying to talk over me in a childish attempt to hijack my show. Then I have the guys in the back turn MY microphone up and I drown you out. I will not be responsible for any hearing loss you may suffer, you agree to terms to hold myself and MSW harmless and you waive any liability upon purchasing your tickets so if you really want to test me do so at your own peril.
IC3: Alright, turn the volume up gentlemen. You know what to do, chop chop.
Tapping the microphone a few times, the crowd was completely drowned out by how obnoxiously loud the sound level was. It was a notch or two higher than it normally was when IC3 ordered the volume to be turned up. As he tapped the mic several times there was a collective groan in the crowd as it thumped and screeched into the sound system. With a cocky grin IC3 taps to his ears several times.
IC3: Ear plugs, you should invest into them mouth breathers. Now I can continue uninterrupted. On Unstoppable 18 a great injustice nearly occurred. In the main event one of my officials decided he was going to try to go rogue after Billy Vegas was unable to fulfill his duties after a heinous attack by Chris Williams earlier in the night so I decided to entrust the match to a man I thought had a decent amount of class. Not a great amount of class and certainly not First Class material but he was at least someone I thought was a notch or two above all of you; I told Mike Maddix that he was being promoted to referee the main event. And what did he do you might ask? Well why don't we let the man himself explain it?
“Just Run” by Digital Summer, the MSW theme, hits the PA system as Mike Maddix walks out from the back, wearing an MSW referee uniform. He quickly makes his way down the ramp with a no frills entrance before stepping between the ropes and into the ring.
IC3: Now surely you know why you're here, don't you Michael?
Maddix just simply nods. It was apparent in his eyes that he just wanted to get this done and over with as soon as possible.
IC3: Alright, good. Now you know the basics of officiating don't you? Don't answer that, it was a rhetorical question. Of course you do, I mean you wouldn't be working in professional wrestling if you didn't, you gotta go through the rulebook and undergo rigorous training to avoid looking like the officiating disaster that was the NFL replacement refs during the Referee Strike. We have standards to uphold. Now tell me Michael, how do you explain this? Roll the footage.
Duke begins to scan around the ring as First Class suddenly breaks ranks as IC4, the Skylarks, Delsin Oswald, and even Ed Trampke each decide to take a side of the ring as if they may try to enter all at once. IC4 hops up to one side and Duke quickly goes to run and swing only for IC4 to quickly hop off. Then both the Skylarks try to enter on their side of the ring and Duke lunges for them only for them to do the same. Then Delsin hops up and Duke nearly hits him, just barely missing his nose by less than an inch. Finally as Duke frantically scans around the ring expecting a IC4, Skylarks, or Trampke ambush he's instead met by Tommy Angel running at him full speed, hitting him in the head with the MSW Championship as the crowd turns livid.
The referee tries to reprimand Tommy Angel but quickly stops as IC3 barks at him to ring the bell and shut up. Mike Maddix, reluctantly standing in for Billy Vegas who was hurt earlier in the night thanks to Chris Williams rings the bell.
Mike Maddix: He introduced a foreign object into the ring for a standard one on one singles match. The use of foreign objects are illegal and normally results in a disqualification.
IC3: Wrong! The match had not officially began and since this happened outside the confines of a match you should have kept your mouth shut and simply done you job.
Mike Maddix: It's a technicality, a loop hole in the rules. It doesn't make it right and it shouldn't be allowed to slide. This was not a No DQ match.
IC3: And? The Boss's word is always final. The fact that I told you to ring the bell and do your job should have resonated through your thick skull. If I personally thought it was a problem I would have told you to disqualify Mr. Angel immediately. Alright, so tell me how you explain this one?
Tommy Angel is reeling against the ropes at this point as Mike Maddix goes to intervene and this time Duke Andrews shoves him away only for Tommy Angel to catch him with a swift thumb to the eye.
Maddix is incensed at this point and issues a stern warning to Tommy Angel for playing loosely with the rules only for the Boss to quickly overrule him.
If you disqualify him you'll be fired! Do you hear me? I pay you to officiate the matches around here and ultimately you're playing by my rules, do you hear me, Mike? Thomas has incurred no such rule violation of which you speak!
Mike Maddix: A thumb to the eye is an illegal maneuver, subject to verbal warning or potentially an outright disqualification, subject to the referee's judgment call.
IC3: Wrong again! If you look at the footage closely you'll see that Thomas was defending himself while pinned up against the ropes, a break you called for far too late I might add. He was going for a punch and in the heat of the moment he slipped off target; the thumb was purely 100% coincidental and unintentional.
In a fit of rage Tommy Angel throws up three fingers before Maddix throws two back. Tommy Angel gets to his feet and violently shoves Maddix to the ground as he backs up and begins to undo his knee brace.
Tommy Angel manages to get his brace off and holds it up as Duke Andrews is stirring on the mat, fully intending to use it as a weapon. Maddix gets back to his feet and begins to wrestle for control of the brace. Finally Maddix manages to force the brace out of Tommy's hand and tosses it to the outside as Tommy again shoves him, this time against the ropes. Just when it looked like Tommy was about to seriously hurt the official get gets blindsided by a spear from Duke Andrews! Duke rains repeatedly down on Tommy Angel with a flurry of fists, the crowd getting hotter and hotter with each punch before nearly going nuts when this time Duke Andrews busts Tommy Angel open. IC3 is seen visibly shaken at the display of blood pouring from his champion, the very beating he was trying to avoid his investment from taking. This time Maddix was a lot slower to call for a clean break after Tommy Angel nearly crippled him and only reluctantly does so out of fear for his job.</quote>
IC3: I'd love to see how you explain this one. It was clear that you had it out for Thomas from the very beginning of the match. You were very slow to call for the break and you risked having that maniac Duke Andrews inflicting serious harm upon our Champion due to your negligent officiating.
Mike Maddix: You really want to know why? I had enough of your bullshit!
The crowd pops big for that as IC3 looks taken back.
Mike Maddix: I was only trying to do my job, I was trying to call it right down the middle and you constantly interfered with me enforcing the rules as intended! I am a referee licensed by the Missouri Athletic Commission and I'm not Billy Vegas, a guy you have to appoint as a “special referee” to try to skirt regulations. This is my job, this is my life! Tommy Angel threatened to inflict bodily harm on me and to take food off my family's table and you honestly think a man won't try to defend himself for that? My only regret is that I didn't let Duke wail on him longer! This man has a history of abusing officials and all you're doing is enabling him! Enough is enough!
“Money (instrumental)” by Pink Floyd hits the arena once again as Maddix swiveled his head back to the ramp as IC3 had the widest Cheshire grin imaginable. Out emerged Tommy Angel, wearing a black pinstripe suit with the MSW Championship resting on his shoulder. On his arm was the lovely Izzy Cornelius, the pride and joy of IC3. The two took their time walking down to the ring as Mike Maddix appeared suddenly nervous as it dawned on him that he was not only surrounded by First Class but his only real avenue out was blocked by the very man that nearly beat him to a bloody pulp. Still Maddix stood his ground as Delsin Oswald helped Tommy and Izzy into the ring by sitting on the middle rope and holding the top rope up.
Tommy Angel: Mike! It's so good to see you! You know, first of all I got to thank Mr. Cornelius for his generosity. Izzy and I enjoyed our time in the Bahamas, it was like living in paradise! It was good to get away, rest and recover and have some personal time off. Not only do I feel good and ready to go but I feel rejuvenated! Second of all Mike I wanted to apologize. What happened at Unstoppable 18 was completely unprofessional, it was uncalled for and it did not live up to the high standards set for MSW. This promotion should be about the best competitors in the world facing off against one another on a level and equal playing field. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you couldn't follow orders like a good little drone!
Tommy Angel: But I'm over it, I'm not going to hold a grudge over something so petty. I mean you must have had a bad week and I mean who doesn't? Well okay, I don't because I ride First Class and there's no such thing as a bad week when you ride First Class but for you? I mean I understand. So I talked with Mr. Cornelius about this yesterday when the plane touched back down in Kansas City and I made a request. Honestly he had half a mind to fire you and while I can't say I blame him I made your case for you Mike, I went to bat for you. Personally I think you should be... rewarded for showing such bravery in the face of adversity so I talked Mr. Cornelius out of that when the findings of the internal investigation game in. See, I've paid attention to you back when Stevenson's former Emerald Academy was still running, before he lost everything and I noticed you would show up early every single day to put in some time in the gym and I thought to myself, “this Maddix guy is serious about professional wrestling”. I know it's been the boyhood dream for you to one day lace up those boots and compete in front of your family on a big stage so tonight you're going to make your professional debut.
Maddix looks at Tommy suspiciously as he gets patted roughly on the back.
Tommy Angel: Tonight you will be going one on one; with me. And to show you that there's no hard feelings between the two of us I will be putting my MSW Championship on the line. So bring your A Game because it's not every day someone gets to debut in a Championship match. Just... don't expect me to take it easy on you due to your inexperience. I want to see how much heart you got and I want to see just how badly you want to make it, how badly you want to make your family proud. I want to see you pour your blood, sweat, and tears into this very ring and earn your stripes.
Tommy places his hand on Mike's shoulder as he flashes a sinister grin.
Tommy Angel: I want to see you start paying your dues. Good luck, you'll need a lot of it.
Smith: Finally! We're no longer muted.
Bradford: What a hell of an opportunity for Mike Maddix! Tommy not only decided to spare his job but he selflessly made it his mission to help this kid's dream come true! What a class act!
Smith: Class act my ass! This is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to physically punish a man who was trying to do his job! Tommy Angel wants to hurt this man and IC3 is allowing this to go through with the sole purpose of making an example out of him!
Bradford: Well maybe he shouldn't have trained to become a wrestler if he was afraid of getting hurt now should he? He's got a chance to sink or swim and I don't see any inflatable water wings or a lifejacket to see him back to shore! This is great!
The Shades of Destruction vs Matt Ward
Waking the Demon begins to play as Matt Ward makes his way out to the ring with a loud reception of boos from the fans in the arena, Matt taunts the fans as he makes his way into the ring as he prepares for his match.
Gavin Grey: The Following handicap match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Chicago, Canada, weighing 245lbs he is the Second City Nightmare... MATT WARD!
Smith: Another week, another tough match for Matt Ward. Cocheese rang his bell on the last Unstoppable, and on Unstoppable 18 he had to face The “Evil” Shades; Red and Purple in what would be their first victory in MSW.
Bradford: But now with The Realm of Shades in utter flux we get Yellow and Green! I'm so divided Smith! Matt Ward is a Drew Stevenson supporter and that's just not cool on one hand but on the other Yellow and Green are traitors! They were supposed to unite the Shades; not tear them apart! This is just like Darth Vader turning his back on the Emperor and saving Luke Skywalker!
Smith: I think you got that backwards there. The Empire were the villains.
Bradford: Says you! The Empire was a source of order and stability! And honestly if you ask me I'm not sure I like this Queen of the Shades. Blue was a nice guy. I guess I gotta flip a coin for this match. HA! Heads! Sorry Matt Ward, but I gotta pull for these Traitor Shades for one match.
Smith: Good grief. Even when you're against them you won't shut up about them. You ever hear about just calling the action right down the middle?
“I See Demons” by Book of Black Earth starts playing. Smoke and red lights cover the arena as the kickass song plays. At 1:20 of the song, The Shades of Destruction come out to the ramp. The crowd starts booing out of fear and hatred, but the Shades of Destruction ignore it as they walk down the ramp. The Shades climb to the apron like Kane and get inside the ring, doing simultaneous Kane taunts inside the ring, causing fire to come out of the ring posts.
Gavin Grey: And his opponents; from the Realm of Shades weighing in at a combined weight of 754lbs, accompanied by The Queen of the Shades they are... THE SHADES OF DESTRUCTION!
Matt Ward tries to bring the fight to the Shades right out of the gate as he darts after Yellow only to get hit with a devastating throat thrust for his trouble. Yellow quickly grabs Ward by the throat and lifts him back up before roughly tossing him to the corner and tagging in Green. Both Shades whip Ward into the ropes and hit him with a double big boot. Yellow exits the ring as Green drops down to his knees and begins to choke Matt Ward with both of his hands wrapped around his neck pressing downward. Ward kicked his feet up and down on the mat as Derek Lay begins his 5 count, stopping at 4. Green ominously stares at Lay when Lay tries to explain illegal choke before choking him again all while staring at the referee.
Smith: Matt Ward is in dire straits already. It's been a long time since we've seen the Original Shades but they're roaring out of the gate with a vengeance tonight.
Bradford: Matt Ward made a grave mistake trying to jump these two that's for sure. Just because he got away with it vs Red and Purple doesn't mean he's going to get away with it with Yellow and Green; these two are about as big as mammoths. I mean look at their combined weight? That's nearly half a ton!
Smith: I can't argue with you there. And Derek Lay looks absolutely terrified to be officiating this match.
Bradford: He should! I wouldn't want to meet either of these guys in a dark alley... or a Walmart Supercenter for that matter.
Lay counts to 4 with a little bit less resolve in his eyes as Green mercifully lets go. Green menacingly steps towards Lay who holds ups his hands before he reaches over and tags Yellow back in. Yellow goes to pick Ward up but manages to take a few punches to the gut for his trouble as he backs Yellow up. Out of desperation Ward got up and ran off the ropes looking for a Chi-Town Crushed ( Running Crossbody) to shift the momentum in his favor but much to his dismay Yellow manages to catch him!
Smith: Ward was looking for the Chi-Town Crushed out of desperation but Yellow managed to catch him and made it look easy!
Bradford: That's some scary strength right there, Ward is no paperweight.
Ward shakes his head several times as Yellow hits a devastating fallaway slam. Yellow quickly makes the tag with Green who gets on the middle rope. Yellow picks Ward up as he hands him off to the welcoming grasp of Green, holding him upside down as he falls descens from the second rope, connecting with The Shade of Death (Top Rope Tombstone Piledriver).
Smith: Have mercy! The Shade of Death, that top rope tombstone piledriver! Nobody is getting up from that
Green rolls Ward over and hooks the leg. 1, 2, 3.
Winners: The Shades of Destruction
A Boycott?
Nikki Venom: On the last Unstoppable I made a shocking decision that few would dare to to do... I decided to stage a boycott.
Venom spoke against the backdrop of an MSW banner backstage as he spoke with a calm, soft tone.
Nikki Venom: I decided that I wasn't going to play IC3's game and subject myself to whatever whim decided to strike him that week and you know what? I have half a mind to do it again. My battle isn't with Logan Brock per se, but the corrupt insects in the heirarchy looking to pull the strings with zero regard to the consequences that are bound to ensue. But don't take that as a glowing endorsement of Logan Brock; it's not. You see men like Logan are part of the problem. They refuse to speak up and instead are more than eager to play into a callous system that just feeds upon their headstrong natures. MSW needs to be cleansed, MSW needs to be purified and I will be the man -
Silas Romero: That tucked his tail and ran.
Venom looks none too pleased as Hipster Hercules himself walks into view.
Silas Romero: You want to talk about boycotts as if you're championing some noble cause? All I saw was a coward who was too scared that I'd try to cash the check his mouth wrote. What happened to all the tough talk on Unstoppable 18? You target me and then vanish out of thin air the following show? Do you have anything you'd rather say to my face like man? Or are you going to just take that cheap shot like you always do? My match isn't until later tonight so make no mistake; I have no problems knocking your ass out if you're feeling a little froggy right now.
Venom chuckles softly and shakes his head, wagging his finger.
Nikki Venom: I'm not going to do anything to you right now Silas. This isn't the time nor the place and when I do decide to take care of you? It'll be on my terms, not yours. That time and place will be at WAR and not a second sooner. Good luck out there tonight and... break a leg.
With a grin Nikki Venom starts walking off down the hallway. After walking for about half a minute he bumps into IC3 and he certainly didn't appear to be happy to see him.
IC3: Good to see you got a little bit of pep back in your step Nicholas. You know when you sign someone to a contract the thing you expect first and foremost before anything else is that your employees are going to honor their commitments. After all you are here to... wrestle aren't you? And yet you disappointed me when you decided to selfishly sit the last show out. So let me put it to you in no uncertain terms, allow me to put this situation in to terms you can easily understand. This boycotting crap? It isn't going to fly. Not only have I placed a nice little fine for you in the locker room to make up for your unplanned time off but should you EVER do this again I'll fire your ass and you'll be out of this company quicker than West Nile Winterborn. Do I make myself clear?
Nikki Venom: Absolutely... Boss.
That statement was just seething in sarcasm as Venom flashed that defiant, shit eating grin as he was just daring IC3 to try something. With a sly smile IC3 nodded.
IC3: I'm glad that we're on the same page. Win With Class Nicholas and remember... I got my eye on you.
BoNzO vs The Parakeet
Gavin Grey: The following match is scheduled for one fall... introducing first.
The sounds of parakeets chirping hit the PA as a very confused crowd reacts to a man wearing a parakeet costume appears on the stage. The Parakeet flaps his wings several times as he mimics the chirping form his entrance as he makes his way down to the ring.
Gavin Grey: Introducing first, from... The Bird Cage, weighing in at 6 ounces he is Mr. Peckedwood... THE PARAKEET!
Bradford: You got to be kidding me! He can't possibly be 6 ounces, he can't possibly even be a real bird!
Smith: Well this man is certainly... entertaining to say the least. It's not every day do you see someone wrestling in a bird suit.
Bradford: You know, if I didn't know better I would think he was one of the undesirables removed by Mr. Cornelius trying to sneak back into the promotion. It's the cousin of West Nile Winterborn!
Smith: That... would be hard to prove in regards to either question Bradford.
Bradford: But come on, who calls themselves Mr. Peckedwood? Is he insinuating he's a Peckerwood? That's racist! There's no room for that in MSW!
Smith: For Christ sake Bradford, it's a “bird”.
The Parakeet enters the ring flapping its wings on the top rope before hopping off. Soon after however Larry LeStrange stepped into view as he entered the ring.
With a solitary spotlight burning down on the center of the ring, we see Ringmaster Larry Lestrange in his red suit, black pants and black top hat. Holding a microphone that hangs from the ceiling, Larry's enchanting voice sounds out, getting the crowd ready for the greatest show on Earth.
With a drumroll going off in the background a horn to the tune of TA DA goes off as BoNzO rolls down the ramp in a garbage can all the way to the ring, colliding with the ring itself! The crowd laughs as BoNzO crawls out of the can as he pulls a balloon from out of his jacket and quickly fashions it into a balloon bird before giving it to a kid in the crowd. BoNzO hops into the ring as the ref calls for the bell.
BoNzO and Parakeet meet in the middle of the ring as BoNzO extends his hand for a handshake! The Parakeet chirps as he tilts his head looking at it before shaking it, causing the feathers to stand up as he's shocked! BoNzO laughs as the referee scolds him and asks for the ring buzzer. BoNzO opens one palm to show there was nothing there. As the referee asks for the other hand he quickly passes his hands over one another and opens his other to reveal nothing. The referee looks baffled as BoNzO reaches behind the ref's ear and reveals the ring with a clever slight of hand unbeknownst to him before he pats him on the back, shocking the ref as well! BoNzO backs off laughing as The Parakeet gets up and hits him with a splash right into the corner. The Parakeet struts around chirping as he flaps ins wings. The Parakeet then bends over and attempts to... peck at BoNzO?
Smith: The Parakeet is wasting no time going back on the offensive with a series of pecks. I'm not even sure if that's legal or not...
Bradford: About as legal as a handbuzzer apparently. I feel bad for Derek Lay drawing this match. Normally Maddix would get stuck with the wackos but he's getting his later tonight.
Smith: So far the crowd seems to be into it and that's all you can really ask for out of a match. It's incredibly unorthodox, on both sides really, but it's clear at this point that this is anyone's game and that literally anyone could do just about anything.
Bradford: It's not that hard to just believe Smith. Why can't you take such an open minded attitude towards The Shades?
Smith: Becaue they're pretending to be something they're not with powers they don't have. Here we have a guy in a bird suit facing a clown.
The referee, completely baffled as to what he should upon seeing this begins his 5 count in which The Parakeet stops at 4 with a confused gesture as he tilts his head at the official before resuming his peck attack. The referee counts again, stopping at 3 as The Parakeet begins to chase the referee around the ring trying to peck at him.
Smith: Now the Parakeet is going after the referee!
Bradford: I'd like to call foul here! I don't think there is anything in the rules against pecking!
Smith: Maybe not but is it really a good idea to chase around the guy officiating the match?
Bradford: Probably not but this guy's wrestling in a bird costume, clearly he doesn't know any better!
By this time BoNzO is back up and ready to go but instead of interupting this amusing chase he reaches into his coat and pulls out... a banana? BoNzO peals it and begins to eat it before tossing the peal out towards the center of the ring, causing The Parakeet to slip and fall on its back. Cupping his hand to his ear and honking his horn he runs off the ropes and hits a vintage legdrop onto his foe but in the process getting clipped by that dangerous beak in the leg!
Smith: Ok now this I'm almost certain is illegal. A banana peel in a wrestling match? We might as well be showing a Saturday Morning cartoon at this point.
Bradford: Well he certainly took his vitamins and said his prayers before pulling off that legdrop. Clownamania is running wild!
Smith: Don't ever do that again.
BoNzO begins looking for a wrap bandage in his coat to treat his leg but begins to pull out a series of tied together handkerchiefs as the string of colorful cloth lands all over the Parakeet who quickly tries to get it off his face but to no luck as he gets tangled up in it. Finally BoNzO finds the colorful polkadot wrap bandage and winds it over his leg before getting back to his feet. The Parakeet furiously manages to claw through the colorful string of handkerchiefs and catches BoNzO with the Bird's Claw!
Smith: And The Parakeet calls this move, and I quote, "I Am Not A Crow".
Bradford: The famous Claw hold, well at least I think it is. Kind of hard to tell with all those feathers.
Smith: Well whatever it is he's got BoNzO right at his mercy and exactly where he wants him.
BoNzO comically tries to escape the clutches as The Parakeet hangs on as he holds him in the claw as they run around the ring. The referee asks if BoNzO would like to quit, and he appears to be close to doing so until he squirts water from his flower right into the Parakeet's eyes! The Parakeet' covers its eyes as BoNzO honks its nose before hitting him with an atomic drop before running against the ropes and jumping with a running hip attack (The Clown Nose)!
Bradford: And BoNzO just gave him the ole Clown Nose!
Smith: You know what... it's effective I'll give him that much.
The Parakeet falls down as BoNzO loses his balance, luckily falling ontop of his foe as the referee counts. 1, 2, 3.
Winner: BoNzO
A First Class Meeting
We’re in the backstage area, all of First Class can be seen. Varano, IC3, Trampke, PURE15 Champion TJ Bryce and Well Connected, Delsin Oswald, MSW Champion Tommy Angel and associate Frank Debauchee who can be seen with his hand taped up and in a sling. It’s in a small meeting room, a table of orderves and champagne that they’re all drinking casually.
IC3: Tonight is one month away from WAR when we go back to California and get away from these stupid rednecks for our biggest event of the year! So from here on out it’s about making an example! We must make an example out of each and every one of those idiots.
Delsin: I tell you one thing, Boss. I can’t wait to get my hands on that coward Peyton Kaiser. I mean seriously. All we ever hear around here are how GREAT those lousy Kaiser’s are but they seem more fragile than Drew Stevenson’s ego. I can’t wait to take care of Peyton and get rid of this stupid “Dynasty” once and for all.
IC3: And you’ll get that shot, sooner than later. There’s no room in my company for slackers and I fully expect you to remove them.
Delsin: You can count on it, boss. I’ll get rid of that piece of trash Peyton Kaiser faster than his little ol’ sister. And they used to say they were the standard bearer’s of this place. How pathetic.
IC3: I agree, and that’s why I’m going to have you be Mister Debauchee’s replacement tonight while his hand heals up.
TJ Bryce: I like the sound of that. What do ya say we take care of those punks, eh big guy?
Delsin: Oh you know it, Teej. Will you join us ringside, Frank?
Debauchee: And let that punk Tevolo get anywhere near me after hurting my hand?! I’ll pass. He’s not worthy of my presence there anyway, I trust you can do a good enough job without this sexy piece of mustache out there.
Delsin: Your call. This is our night, baby! FIRST CLASS!
They all leave the room, IC3 following behind until he’s stopped with Varano’s hand on his shoulder. Varano closes the door behind the camera for a private meeting.
Logan Brock vs Nikki Venom
The sharp guitar chords of “Kickstart My Heart” by Motley Crue reverberate across the arena. The lights darken and spotlights switch to a variety of different colours to the beat of the song. The electric guitar, bass, and drums all make their presence known within the song. As the vocals come in, the curtain opens up and Nikki steps out too a mass of boos. A smirk across his face, he raises his arms above his head and crosses his fingers into an 'x'. He walks down to the ring, a cocky swagger in his step; he stops short of the pads outside the ring and jumps in place for a second, before sprinting towards the ring and sliding in. He stands up, and walks to the nearest corner, quickly ascending it. He then lifts his arms in the air, throwing the same taunt he used before. He gets down and sits in the corner, awaiting his opponent.
Gavin Grey: The following match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing 259lbs... Nikki Venom!
Smith: We got a powder keg of a match here if we ever had one! Over the past week it's apparent that Logan Brock and Nikki Venom do not like each other, at all. One man is coming off a boycott while the other ran through Well Connected.
Bradford: Can I hope for both of these guys to beat each other senseless to a double knockout? Logan Brock got himself involved in First Class business while Nikki Venom showed the ultimate sign of disrespect to Mr. Cornelius.
Smith: You could but I serious doubt it would happen. Both men seem to be fighting for causes they believe in pretty strongly here and it'll be something to watch these two go at it and determine who has the bigger resolve.
"Lifter" by Deftones hits the PA system as the lights go out with a lone spotlight shining on the stage. The crowd comes to life around the 12 second mark as Logan Brock steps out wearing a black leather jacket and black trunks with a white Venom logo on the back. He methodically makes his way down the ramp with a confident grin taking a moment to pause halfway down the ramp he points to his opponent standing in the middle of the ring, his grin only getting wider as he says something inaudible to the cameras.
Gavin Grey: And his opponent, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 207lbs he is the self proclaimed Agent of Change... Logan BROCK!
Logan Brock takes his time as he walks up the ring steps he straddles the ring apron as he pulls out a pair of imaginary guns with his index finger and thumbs on each hand as he points down directly at the cameraman at ringside. Upon firing a pair of 'shots' he spins around towards the ring ropes and steps through them, using the ropes for balance. Once in the ring he climbs the nearest turnbuckle and stretches his arms out to his sides before looking over his shoulder and hopping back into the ring. Finally he takes off his jacket and tosses it outside of the ring as he waits for the match to start.
Both men are quick to enter a collar and elbow tie up as Nikki Venom manages to use his size to gain the early advantage. Venom manages to take Brock down with a headlock takedown to the mat but quickly gets snared into a bodyscissors by Brock as he attempts to transition out of the hold. Brock quickly hammers Venom with a series of elbow shots to the torso and neck area, using his positioning as leverage to force Venom to extend himself as he tries to fire back with a few shots of his own. Venom manages to use his superior reach to make up the distance as he connects with a few hard rights to force Brock to loosen his hold. Both men manage to get back to their feet with Brock trying to keep Venom off his game with a series of well aimed kicks to the lower leg. Venom catches Brock's leg as he shoots for the torso area in a combination of kicks. Brock tries to counter with an enziguri but misses as Venom ducks and quickly drops the leg and catches him with a release german suplex.
Smith: Back and forth action right out of the gate. Venom is trying to use his superior size advantage of 40 or so pounds but Logan Brock so far is able to defend himself.
Bradford: Yeah, until he took that nasty release german suplex.
Venom calls for a time out as the referee yells at him to return to the ring only for Venom to wave him off as he snatches a water bottle from a fan sitting in the front row, taking a few drinks before throwing it back at the fan who had to be held back from a few of his friends sitting right next as security quickly rushed forward as well.
Smith: Now that was uncalled for!
Bradford: Well that's what you get for sitting so close to ringside! He should have had a better grip on his drink! He's lucky he didn't take the poor kid's nachos and turn it into a fashionable new hat for him!
Smith: These people pay to watch a wrestling match, not to essentially fall victim to petty theft!
As this was going on Logan Brock ran up against the ropes and hit a nasty baseball slide right through the bottom rope, connecting with the Devil's Saint and sending him crashing down to the floor. Derek Lay urges both men to return to the ring once again.
Brock quickly gets up to his feet, Venom gets up shortly after. Both men brawl around the ring as Brock slams Venom's head into the guard rail.
Venom fights back as he whips Brock against the apron before following up with a dropkick. Brock swings his elbow back as he hits Venom in the nose, causing him to stagger back.
Brock rolls back in and quickly back out of the ring to break Lay's count. Brock hops up onto the apron as he looks to scout Venom as he goes for a running kick. Venom quickly ducked again showing veteran instinct as he cut him down by hooking his arm around his leg, causing him to fall on his back on the apron. Venom gets up on the apron himself as he picks Brock up as he looks to Knock'er the Fucker Out'er (Flatliner onto the apron) and connects as Brock lands with a loud THUD, rolling onto the ground. With a grin of satisfaction Venom rolls back into the ring as he instructs the ref to count.
Brock starts to stir as he crawls slowly towards the apron.
Brock grabs onto the apron with one hand.
Brock slowly pulls himself up to a knee before slipping.
Brock digs deep down as he pulls himself up and manages to just barely break the ref's count as he rolled under the bottom rope. Venom pounces on him like a shark smelling blood in the water as he goes to hook the leg for the pin. 1, 2, thre/KICKOUT! Looking to wear his opponent out Venom goes for another pin. 1, 2, KICKOUT! Venom goes for a third pin as he hooks both legs this time as Lay counts. 1, 2, THRE/KICKOUT! Looking to keep the foot on the gas quite literally Venom quickly gets up as he presses his foot on Brock's throat as he holds onto the top rope for leverage, causing Brock's feet to frantically kick on the mat as he gasped for air.
Smith: Derek Lay is trying to force a clean break here but Venom isn't having any of it.
Bradford: Good, choke the life out of him!
Smith: Finally Lay was able to force a clean break and now they're getting into a shouting match with one another.
Bradford: Stupid! He's going to give Logan Brock a chance to recover. He should have just shoved the zebra away and continued his assault!
Smith: And risk disqualification? That's a great idea...
Bradford: You might as well go all the way at this rate! You've come too far not to!
Venom picks Brock off the mat as he wraps his arm over his neck, dragging him towards the center of the ring as he looks connect with Yin's Song (Reverse DDT a'la Sting). Brock manages to slip out as the last second as he managed to shift his weight and shoot his foot straight into the face of Venom. As Venom was momentarily stunned Logan Brock seized the opportunity as he finally connects with that patented shoot style kick to the head of Venom.
Smith: And Logan Brock FINALLY connects with the Character Assassination, the move Nikki Venom had managed to avoid all match long! Venom had him scouted this whole time but you can't defend a move properly if you're stunned.
Bradford: Dammit Venom! Come on get back up!
Logan Brock grabs Venom right before he falls backward as he places him between his legs as he lifts him up for the Omega Red (Cradle Piledriver), driving his head straight into the mat. Logan Brock hooks the leg as the crowd counts along with the ref. 1, 2, 3.
Winner: Logan Brock
It's Bro Time!
Charles Mattias is standing backstage. We just saw Logan Brock defeat Nikki Venom. Jay B is scheduled for a match against Silas Black.
Charles: Jay B, it’s great to see you back in MSW. Two weeks ago, we had the official Bro-off between you and IC4 that came to a very unorthodox ending. Then you made the challenge for the Brolympics that I’m sure we’ll find out more about later on. But tonight you face Silas Black. How do you feel going into this?
Jay B: Bro, you’re right. The Bro-off didn’t go down and I’m looking forward to the crazy Brolympics, that I’m going to win by the way. But this Silas Black dude, he looks nice and tough but…
Jay B stopped and it was because just around the corner peeking out he could see our pink Bullshark, #6, gawking over Jay B just like she did during the bro-off. It appeared as if somebody had a crush but Jay B was taken back, not quite sure how to react to it. She puts her hand over what would be her mouth and looks to giggle a little bit. Jay B raises his eyebrow before looking back at Mattias.
Jay B: I’m sure Silas Black is gonna be one tough son of a bro, but with my Bro’s and Ho’s behind me tonight, the main man is walking out the winner, bro!
Peyton Kaiser vs Chris Orton
Gavin Grey: Ladies the gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is now to crown the first ever MSW HARDCORE Champion! Making his way to the ring first, from Mount Pearl, Newfoundland, Canada, Peeeytooon Kaaiiiiseerrrr!
Smith: Peyton Kaiser get back into the ring when it was Delsin Oswald that attacked his sister Artemis, ultimately giving her a concussion and costing her the PURE 15 title. We’ve been hearing Delsin Oswald call himself the Kaiser Killer and with WAR on the horizon, we can only expect to see them clash at WAR… wait, hang on a second! Looks like our hardcore title fight is starting in the back!
Bradford: Not going to lie, this is a match I’m anxious to see! It’s been a long time since we’ve had a good hardcore match! Especially with 24/7 rules!
Backstage, Peyton was making his way to the ring but he was clobbered in the back with a steel chair by Chris Orton and it stumbled Peyton. He turned around none too happy but then Orton jabbed the chair to his gut. Out at the ring while we watch it all on video, we hear the bell ring. Peyton was doubled over and then got a crack with the chair across his back and Orton goes for a quick pin but only a two. Orton tosses the chair aside and looks around for something else he can grab. There’s a table set up with food on it, so Orton grabs the plate.
Smith: It looks like the first hardcore championship match is going to start backstage! Chris Orton is real eager to get the jump in on Peyton Kaiser here tonight, and make his staple as the first Hardcore Champion of MSW!
Bradford: Come on Peyton! Kaiser's reign supreme!
Smith: The Kaiser's have been a strong force but seemed to fall this season when they haven't been in full force and it appears as if Chris Orton might be a little more brighter than we initially took him for, and he's utilizing the rules that he thought he was wrestling Drew Stevenson across the street!
Bradford: That was embarrassing!
Smith: It looks like Orton is headed for the table! What could he have planned here?!
Bradford: Look out Peyton!
Smith: That one is going to hurt in the morning! Chris Orton just used a steel food platter and smashed it across Peyton's head and just busted him open!
Peyton is shaking his head to get back into it but looks up to have a metal tray smashes across his head a few times bending it to the point it’s no longer of use. Peyton is bleeding, but not bad; Just a little running down his head. He looks dazed and Orton goes for another cover but Peyton grabs Orton and throws him into a nearby wall followed by some knee strikes and then an attempted hip toss Orton through the table but it fell a little short. Peyton wipes the blood from his head and starts to pick Orton up and hooks his arms, looking for his own Bloody Sunday, A Shot of Nightshade, but Peyton is stopped really quickly being knocked away. He rolls through and as he looks up he sees Delsin Oswald who is laughing at Peyton. He taunts him a bit and Chris Orton takes the opportunity to run around the corner. Then there’s a loud sound much like a small engine. Then zooming around the corner in a go-kart is none other than Chris Orton. He comes driving up to Peyton fast, yelling out “I AM BAD GUY! I AM BAD GUY, YOU HEAR ME?!” And the Go-Kart runs right into the back of Peyton’s legs colliding with his ankles. Peyton loses his balance and falls forward where he’s caught by Delsin Oswald in the neck cravat and with a suplex he calls the Perfect Score, Delsin tosses Peyton and Peyton crashes into the wall and falls, looking like he landed on his neck.
Smith: The hardcore rules really coming into effect with the self proclaimed "Kaiser Killer" Delsin Oswald getting involved! As if Chris Orton and the weapons and that damn GO-KART of all things weren't enough, now Delsin just THREW Peyton into the wall like it was absolutely nothing with the Perfect Score! Peyton Kaiser could be seriously hurt here!
Bradford: He brought it on himself, Smith. He got involved with Artemis when he shouldn't, he got involved in First Class affairs when he shouldn't and he said things about Delsin when he had no idea what he was talking about! Delsin Oswald is the enforcer of First Class and he's called the Kaiser Killer FOR a reason. I'll be the first to shout it from the rooftops that I've always been a Kaiser supporter, but always second to First Class and Peyton and Artemis crossed bridges without know what the hell they were getting into!
Smith: Well that's an interesting philosophy. It looks like Delsin doesn't even want to wait until WAR to get rid of Peyton! He's not even moving, this could be bad and Delsin is just laughing at him!
Bradford: And now it's looking like the amazing underrated talent of Chris Orton is getting ready to use Bonzo's trash can! This will not be pretty! Go Orton! YOU ARE BAD GUY! YOU ARE BAD GUY!
Smith: "You are bad guy?" Did you forget your english for a minute?
Bradford: It's Chris Orton speak for "I'm the bad guy." It's the all the rage right now.
Smith: Lord save me.
Bradford: It's Easter Weekend, Smith. Very insensitive of you.
Smith: They don't have to sit next to you every two weeks.
Peyton holds his neck for a minute while Delsin laughs at him and Orton doesn’t know what to think. So he grabs a beat up garbage can that was used by BonZo for his entrance earlier. Peyton being the fighter he is, even though his neck is evidently hurt, gets smashes in the head a few more times to open his wound even more and he collapses holding his neck in pain. Orton pins, “I’M BAD GUY! I’M BAD GUY!” And Derek Lay makes the count, Chris Orton picking up the win and being awarded the Hardcore title.
Winner and NEW Hardcore Champion: Chris Orton
Chris Orton is handed the new Hardcore title and is celebrating but his celebration is cut short. Why was it cut short? Because 24/7 of course! Chris Orton turns around and is caught by a FIREBALL! It’s the Red Shade, with Blue and Purple right behind him cheering him on while Purple is throwing grapes at Chris Orton. Red makes the pin and now HE’S the Hardcore champ!
Smith: A fireball by the Red Shade and a NEW Hardcore champion!
Winner and NEW Hardcore Champion: The Red Shade
Didn't last long though. Red Shade gets up with the title and he’s jumping up and down celebrating his title win but when he turns around, he sees his fellow Shades knocked out against the wall and there’s Matt Ward with a chair. Red tries to throw a fireball but he’s clocked in the head with the chair and Matt Ward pins him for the three.
Bradford: And there's Matt Ward getting his revenge! May he's bad guy now?! He speaks Chris Orton!
Winner and NEW Hardcore Champion: Matt Ward
Matt Ward takes the title and angrily storms off with it. Meanwhile the Doctors are checking on Peyton who hasn’t seemed to move his neck at all. A neck brace is put on and he’s carried away on a stretcher as we take a break.
Smith: Well that's three Hardcore title changes and Peyton Kaiser is being stretchered away taking very close care of his neck that was hurt just moments ago. We'll provide an update later on when we hear from the the Doctor that IC3 hired that was involved in the diagnosis of Artemis Kaiser about her condition update, and hopefully he'll have an update for us for Peyton as well. We've gotta take a break but more action when we return!
Silas Romero vs LeBroc Harris
Both men start in the ring as MSW returns from a commercial break.
Gavin Grey: The following match is scheduled for one fall! Already in the ring first, from Miami, Florida, weighing 245lbs, Knockout Supreme, Silas Romero!
Smith: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen. For our next match we have Knockout Supreme himself, Silas Romero going against the submission expert Lebroc Harris. Harris is looking to get back into the hunt of the PURE 15 Championship while Silas Romero one has to imagine is looking to send a message loud and clear to Nikki Venom after their encounter earlier in the night.
Bradford: The dangerous thing about Silas Romero is that he can hit that knockout strike from just about anywhere with that deadly elbow of his. I don't think the Lemoneater ate enough lemons if you ask me to try to prepare for something like that.
Smith: What is that supposed to mean?
Bradford: You know, Lemon Harris, the Lemoneater.
Smith: I really don't follow you.
Bradford: Look, nevermind. My point is Lebroc Harris isn't prepared for this match. You can never prepare for that kind of knockout potential, you can only brace yourself for the impact and hope you don't lose too much teeth in the process.
Smith: Whatever you say, Bradford. What Lebroc lacks in knockout potential he makes up for in ring knowledge. Lebroc can catch you in a deadly submission hold from just about any angle. It'l really come down to who can strike a homerun first.
Gavin Grey: And his opponent, from Las Vegas, Nevada weighing 210lbs he is The Rebel, Lebroc Harris!
As the bell rings both competitors get in a collar and elbow tie up Harris gets the upperhand first when he manages to capture Romero in a headlock as he wrenches down with a firm grasp. Romero manages to slip out and capture Harris in a hammer lock as he adds in a few elbowshots to the back for good measure. Harris shoots back with a few elbow shots of his own as he manages to connect with his oppponent behind him as he slips out and slams him down with an armdrag takedown. Harris quickly goes to transition to an armbar but Romero manages to roll out of it before he could get it fully locked in. Romeo ties to follow up with a quick The Dharma Initiative (Dungeon Lock) attempt but Harris manages to shift his weight just enough to grab onto the bottom rope before he could complete the hold.
Smith: Silas Romero almost had him with that Dharma Initiative but Lebroc knew what was coming for him and managed to score a quick break.
Bradford: Romero may be a knockout king but by no stretch is he a sloppy technician, he just enjoys knocking people out.
Smith: Right now both men are treating the crowd to a wrestling clinic but for how much longer is it going to remain one? You have to think sooner or later one of these men are going to decide to swing for the fences.
Bradford: Well if that's the case consider it advantage, Romero. Lemons splatter when hit with a bat!
Both men get back up to their feet as the crowd applauds the back and forth wrestling. Romero manages to get up just a little bit quicker due to not holding onto the bottom rope to break the hold and he quickly hits a well timed low dropkick to Harris's knee as he manages to get up, taking him back down to a knee. Before Harris could recover and know what hit him Romero comes roaring back at a full speed as he connects with the .44 Caliber Love Letter (Running Mafia Kick). Harris appears to be knocked out as Romero quickly goes for the pinfall. 1, 2, KICKOUT. Harris managed to shoot his arm up off the mat. Romero has a quick exchange of words with the official before getting up and continuing his assault as he continues to work on the head with a series of knee drops and alternating knee strikes before dropping down and delivering a barrage of forearm strikes. Derek Lay calls for a clean break as Romero refuses to relent, finally getting to a 4 count before Romero would stop and only after busting Harris open.
Smith: Romero with those relentless strikes. Lebroc Harris doing everything he can to try and defend himself and shift and position his body towards the ropes before he could finally force a break. And would you listen to that crowd chant! Silas doesn't look too happy!
Bradford: What did I tell you Smith? What did I tell you?
Smith: I wouldn't count Lebroc out of this quite yet. He's taken a bit of a beating over the last few minutes but all it takes is just a split second to turn things around.
Romero and the referee get in a heated exchange over the count with Lay pleading that Harris had his foot under the bottom rope after the assault inched closer and closer to the ropes. Harris manages to recover during this exchange as he hits Romero with a rope aided enziguri as he turns his attention away from the referee. Harris quick follows up with a low dropkick to the face as he feels a second wind coming on as he plays to the crowd waiting for Romero to try to get back up. As Romero attempts to get to a knee Harris is waiting for him as he shoots a stiff kick to the chest, followed by another and another. Harris shoots one kick after another before connecting with a roundhouse kick to the head to complete the "Yes!Yes!Yes" combination (repeating kick to the chest to a kneeling opponent followed by roundhouse kick). Harris drops down for the cover, 1, 2, /KICKOUT. Now Harris was the one showing frustration as he shot three fingers up to Derek Lay's two.
Smith: Now Harris is starting to let his frustration get the better of him. He nearly had him but instead of pressing for the advantage he's bickering with the referee!
Bradford: He's getting just a little too froggy over there. He needs to keep that foot on the pedal if he hopes to steal a victory here.
Smith: Well he's certainly shown he can go strike for strike against Knockout Supreme, and Romero has shown he's no slouch as technical wrestler. In a close match things just like this will cost you the W.
Harris kneels down as he motions with his arm up and down repeatedly for Romero to get back to his feet and as he does Harris wastes no time snatching him up in a fireman's carry, looking for the Brock Driver (F-5 into a sidewalk slam). Romero floats behind Harris right before he can start the rotation and pushes him forward. As Harris turns around he walks right into the GKFO (Rolling Elbow) as Romero drops his to the mat like an asteroid shooting through the sky. Romero scoring that famous knockout out of nowhere drops down for the pin as the referee counts. 1, 2, 3!
Winner: Silas Romero
Offer You Can't Refuse?
Following the Silas Romero vs Lebroc Harris match the cameras shift back to IC3's office, where he appears to be in the middle of a conversation with Varano and Trampke, the discussion too low for the cameras to pick up. All of a sudden all three men stop talking as they turn their attention towards the doorway as the crowd popped when they saw it was The Epitome of Perfection himself, Duke Andrews.
Duke Andrews: I'm sorry to interrupt this little corporate pow-wow but I think you and I have some unfinished business to attend to.
IC3: Who the hell let you in here? You need an appointment if you're not a part of First Class, you can't just barge into my office whenever you feel like, try having some class for once.
Duke Andrews: I'd tell you to cut the crap and and drop this little Richie Rich thing you got going on here...
Duke motions with his hand to the three men.
Duke Andrews: But I guess we can't always get what we want. But I figured I'd make things easy for you for once.
IC3: Okay, humor me.
IC3 rolled his eyes as Trampke couldn't help but snicker. Undeterred, Duke Andrews went to state his case.
Duke Andrews: It's clear that your little group of “Yes Men” and I have a bit of a problem. The world knows I had Tommy Angel dead to rights in the middle of that ring on Unstoppable 18 before your group of thieves tried to jump me in a gang beatdown and as much as I'd like to get Tommy I can tell he's going to be a little occupied at WAR. That being said that doesn't mean I can't get a piece out of another one of your boy's ass so I figure who better than “Mini-Corny” himself TJ Byrce? Sounds like a good place to start to me.
IC3 starts laughing as Ed Trampke shakes his head in disbelief with a wide grin on his face.
Ed Trampke: So let me get this straight. You think for... whatever reason you can demand a shot at TJ Bryce? On what grounds? What have you done to even be a whisper in that conversation? The last shot I remember seeing of you was when Barrel took you to concussion city. You just barely got cleared 2 days ago. If you can't handle a guy who has to rely on his brawn over his brain what makes you think you can handle a savy ring general like TJ Bryce?
Duke Andrews: Flukes happen. Maybe I was a little softened up from the prior Unstoppable but I'm not going to stand here and make excuses about it. Like it or not i've been on fire since i've been in MSW... especially when it's been at the expense of First Class. Honestly I don't see what the problem is unless you guys are scared or something?
Trampke: Like it or not Duke, TJ Bryce is already spoken for. He's got his hands full with Logan Brock. You got to stand back and wait in line like everyone else.
Duke Andrews: I don't care, I want the match. As far as I'm concerned I have an equal right to challenge for the PURE 15 Championship with all the L's the Good Guys have been dolling out to your clowns. You made the mistake of making too many enemies out of the roster. I want whats mine and that's all there is to it. I got your number.
Trampke; This is ridiculous. Get out of...
IC3: Hold on a second, Ed.
Trampke pauses as he looks over to The Boss who happened to be wearing a wide grin. Somewhere along the line a switch seemed to have flipped inside his head; there was an opportunity to be seized here and he was going to take it.
IC3: You know what, I hear you Duke. And since I'm in such a good mood tonight I'll tell you what, I'll give you the match on one condition. All you have to do is beat BURAI, the Japanese Hitman on the next Unstoppable. If you can beat him, you're in the match.
To those unaware BURAI had a stint in IC3's previous wrestling venture, Golden Gate Wrestling. While he wasn't formally apart of the Elite Four he was seen as a trusted associate and the fact that he was paired with First Class sympathizer Alex Bradford only made that connection stronger.
IC3: But.. if I make the exception by granting you this match, contingent on beating BURAI then I think it's only fair that I give Barrel a chance as well. I mean he did beat you so if you make it in then I'm afraid he does as well by virtue of that win. But before you get ahead of yourself here I think it'd be better if you focused your energy towards Wolf Parker because you'd be lucky if he decided to leave you in one piece for Unstoppable 21. Win with class Duke and best of luck.
Jay B vs Silas Black
Smith: And here comes the Party Rocker himself, Jay B! I tell you what, Bradford, no matter what is going on, this guy can always lighten the mood. And to top it off, the crowd loves him!
Bradford: It's annoying. This guy comes through, starts first pumping and talks with the IQ of a third grader, calls his fans the "Bro's and Ho's" in a modern day where we're taught to NOT objectify women. Yet they keep falling for it. It's distasteful.
Smith: If I recall correctly, you've been quite objectifying when our Women of Tradition have been in the ring.
Bradford: Here-say, Smith. You should quit lying, it makes you look bad.
Smith: Like you're one to talk.
Bradford: I am, so I did.
The bell rings, Jay B and Silas Black walk around looking at who’s going to make the first move. Silas Black makes the first attempt but he and Jay B meet in the middle with a tie up or so we thought. Black was able to kick out Jay B’s knee to knock him down and start in with a series of stomps. Jay B tries to roll away but the stomps keep coming from Silas Black. Black picks up Jay B and sets him in the corner and starts in with some punches.
Smith: Things not looking good for Jay B at the start of things here, Silas Black taking control with a series of stomps!
Bradford: We can call it a foot pump. Maybe he'll knock the first pumping out of this Jersey Shore idiot.
Smith: He's from Las Vegas.
Bradford: Ooooh, so he's a lousy street performer. Remind me to stay away from Las Vegas if it means I have to run into this idiot.
Smith: What is it you have against Jay B? He's a top notch competitor, the people love him and he's been a champion a few times, too.
Bradford: Means nothing. There's no place for street performers in Missouri! I'm afraid he's going to take my wallet or something. I NEED my credit card, Smith.
The right hands keep coming until the referee gets involved to break it up. They argue, but get fired up really quick when Jay B pops out of the corner, grabs Silas Black and throws him into the corner. Punch after punch after punch, the crowd loves every bit of it. Jay B whips Silas Black across the ring into another corner and with a running start, Jay B leaps to the air with a big splash. Silas Black falls to sitting in the corner and Jay B senses the time is right and runs to the corner on the same side of the ring. He starts to fist pump, the crowd getting behind him.
Bradford: Oh lord, here we go. Let's ALLL cheer for the sideshow!
Smith: Well it looks like the "sideshow" is taking control of the match and just listen to the roar of the MSW Crowd!
With every fist pump they chant until Jay B takes off running and foot washes Silas Black with his Broski Boot he calls the Dice Roll. He doesn’t typically use it to win, but Silas isn’t moving. The pin is made and three count is gained. The crowd cheers with “Party Rock Anthem” blasting over the speakers.
Winner: Jay B
Jay B is celebrating, but he’s cut off when the screen comes to life with IC4 on it.
IC4: Yo, bro, you got lucky that my pops pulled me out of that Bro-Off because I totally had you beat but that’s cool! I accept your challenge for WAR and the Brolympics are on! I’m the perfect Brolympian, bro! Just check these pecs!
IC4 on the screen brings his arms up to flex with a big smile.
IC4: It’s on, Bro! See you soon!
Jay B nods in approval and we take a break
More Hardcore!
Following the MSW Championship match Matt Ward is walking backstage with the newly activated MSW Hardcore Championship hanging over his shoulder. As he walks past catering he comes across a clown; not just any clown mind you but the last surviving member of the clown clan himself, BoNzO. Matt Ward doesn't know what to thing as he tries to walk past him, only to have his path obstructed.
Matt Ward: Out of my way pinhead!
BoNzO holds up his index finger as he pulls out a balloon from under his coat as he begins to blow on it before tying it up and making a balloon elephant out of it.
Smith: Oh come on! Not this again.
Bradford: Hey look at the elephant!
Smith: He's not an elephant. I know BoNzO is trying to be funny here but Matt Ward certainly doesn't find it funny; if anything he looks pissed off.
Bradford: When doesn't he look pissed off? Come on, where's your sense of humor? BoNzO just wants to make everybody laugh and be happy! He wants to put a smile on faces everywhere. Why so serious, Smith?
Ward pops the elephant in frustration as BoNzO frowns. Just as Ward was about to shove him out of the way BonZo squirts him right in the eye with his flower on his coat! BoNzO quickly rolls up Ward as an official drops his sandwich and slides down to count the pin. 1, 2, 3!
NEW Hardcore Champion: BoNzO
BoNzO quickly scoops up the belt as Red and Purple, the Shades point towards his direction as they look to give pursuit. BoNzO slings the belt over his shoulder as the Shades stop right in their tracks in confusion as the clown offers his hand in a handshake!
Bradford: Don't do it! It's a trap! He's a clown! Don't ever trust a clown!
Purple smiles as he shakes his hand only to get shocked, causing his hair to stand up as his body jolts back from the electricity. BoNzo pulls out a horn and honks it in their faces before quickly darting off, clearing the catering table off as he does. The Shades give pursuit as MSW goes to commercial break.
Tevolo & Drew Stevenson vs First Class (Delsin Oswald & TJ Bryce w/ Well Connected)
Outside across the street in the ring that Drew Stevenson has had set up week in and week out is Drew Stevenson and his partner Tevolo. “Money (Instrumental)” then plays from the portable PA system set outside. The red carpet is rolled out by staff and with Well Connected following behind, Delsin Oswald who’s serving as replacement for Debauchee and PURE15 champ, TJ Bryce. They make their way across the street while more crew are seen bringing out a recliner and then comes Debauchee to sit in it, his hand as seen earlier in a sling and he takes a seat. Once across the street, the road barricades are removed as well as the carpet. The bell rings, Tevolo start, across from TJ Bryce. Well Connnected are at ringside cheering TJ on.
Once it was decided between Tevolo and Drew Stevenson, TJ Bryce took the advantage quickly with a clubbing forearm to the back of Tevolo knocking him into the corner and then an elbow to knock Drew off the apron. The action picked up quick as TJ let Tevolo have it with his right hands, knocking him into a seated position half way down the corner. TJ grabs Tevolo by the head to lift him back up but Tevolo swings TJ into the corner with some midsection kicks. Tevolo makes a quick tag to Drew who’s in, bringing TJ up to his feet.
Smith: Well we're seeing the action picking up right away and TJ Bryce is definitely a formidable opponent but Tevolo isn't going to let the PURE15 champion get off that easy! Drew Stevenson is tagged in and he's got TJ Bryce in the corner!
Bradford: It's not right! TJ Bryce is practically Royalty coming all the way down from Canada to grace us with his presence. They should be arrested for this kind of abuse!
Smith: Abuse?! If there was any kind of abuse it was when First Class screwed Scotty Addams out of the MSW Championship on our return show. Or when First Class screwed Artemis Kaiser out of the PURE15 championship and took her off the shelf with a concussion. Or hell, even making this scenario right now where Drew Stevenson has to wrestle outside in a damn parking lot. THAT is abuse. This is a wrestling match.
Bradford: Your so selfish, Smith! Think about the pain TJ Bryce is in! Think about the suffering he is going through!
Drew starts to take charge and tosses TJ halfway across the ring with an exploder suplex. TJ gets up slowly to be met with a belly to belly suplex and a quick cover but only two with Delsin Oswald breaking it up. The size and power game helped there with Delsin throwing Drew into an unmanned corner then launching TJ Bryce into Drew with an elevated splash. TJ drags Drew to the corner and makes the tag to Delsin. Tevolo is jumping in but is caught with a mean shoulder block by Delsin. But then his cocky attitude gets in the way as Delsin flexes and taunts to the crowd that’s outside with some boos.
Delsin starts to lift Drew up but it looked like Drew was playing possum and grabbed at Delsin’s legs, rolling through and locking on a nice leg lock in the middle of the ring.
Bradford: NO! CHEATER! Referee break this up! That damn Chris Williams just had to abuse Billy Vegas so now we have to have a crooked referee that nobody has ever heard of so that Derek Lay can "get a break" while Billy Vegas is lying in a hospital bed in a shitty, run down hospital here in Kansas City. Chris Williams should be arrested for screwing over First Class!
Smith: I don't see what any of this has to do with Chris Williams. But when you talk about ring generals, a lot of people, especially here in Missouri will think of arguably the best technical wrestler in the world, Drew Stevenson. He's got the technical skill, the ring awareness and the mentality to take down even the toughest of opponents, present company included.
Bradford: Drew is clearly under the ropes! Why can't we get a fair referee?!
Smith: Maybe you need new contacts because I can see plain as day that Drew is nowhere near being under the ropes! But the tag is made! Delsin Oswald just used that power that he's so known for and pulled he AND Drew over to the First Class corner! TJ Bryce is in!
Delsin used his strength although the hold was on tight and pulled himself to the corner to tag in TJ Bryce, who comes in over the top with an elbow drop to break the hold. It looked like FIrst Class was going to be dominating but Drew, after a minute or so of strong punishment, got the fresh tag to Tevolo who came in on fire. Clothesline to Delsin, then TJ, then Delsin, then TJ. Hip toss to Delsin, hip toss to TJ. He ducks a clothesline from Delsin and swoops his arm around Delsin’s neck and drops to his knees bringing Delsin down across Tevolo’s back with a modified headlock backbreaker. TJ is on top of Tevolo and irish whips him, but Tevolo ducks a forearm, hits the ropes and when TJ turns around BAM! Smeared! A massive spear that takes TJ down. One… Two… NO! Delsin is able to pull Tevolo away from a pin before he could do anything. Meanwhile what Delsin nor TJ saw was when Tevolo hit the ropes, Drew tagged in.
Smith: This fight continues as Tevolo just got the hot tag! Move for move for move and he's on fire! It looked like TJ Bryce may have had him there for a second but Tevolo with that brutal spear he calls "Smeared," he could have had it there but Delsin was looking out!
Bradford: Of course he was looking out for First Class! That's our PURE15 champion there in the ring being brutalized! Why the hell is Hawaii even a state, anyway? It's as useless as Alaska except it's a great vacation spot when you can get over the volcanoes. But more importantly, TJ Bryce is still alive! Go First Class!
Smith: Well to top things off, it doesn't look like First Class just saw the blind tag! Drew Stevenson is the legal man! First Class is still focused on Tevolo and Drew is in! Drew is in!
Bradford: No! Bad tag! ILLEGAL TAG! DREW ISN'T LEGAL!
Smith: You've been making a ton of accusations lately but you can rewatch the tapes! Drew just tagged in on Tevolo's back when he hit the ropes! If First Class doesn't realize what's going on really soon this could spell disaster and IC3 is not going to like that, just a month away from WAR!
Delsin and Tevolo are slugging it out which leads to a huge body attack which takes both guys up and over the top rope and to the floor. Meanwhile in the ring, TJ looking at what was going on didn’t pay any attention to Drew who was the legal man.
Bradford: Turn around, Teej! Turn around! Don't let Drew get you!
He grabs TJ Bryce from behind, bringing one arm around his neck and the other up from under his arm and Drew locks his arms together. He drops with a katahajime he calls The Gem. It’s locked in, middle of the ring and Well Connected look worried, not sure what to do and TJ taps out. The ref calls for the bell, it’s over. Meanwhile across the street, Debauchee just shakes his head, very disappointed. He whistles for the stage crew to come and grab the recliner to take it back inside and Debauchee follows.
Winners: Drew Stevenson & Tevolo
Their arms are raised in victory but it’s short lived when out of nowhere, Wolf Parker comes running up to the ring and jumps up to the apron but gets spotted by Drew. Wolf just gives a sick and sinister smile while Drew keeps eyes locked right on him, Wolf doing the same, walking backwards and we cut to the back.
The Doctor Is In
Immediately following the tag team match the cameras cut backstage to what appears to be an office set up in the medical wing of the arena. Sitting in the chair is a bald man with a lab coat and stethoscope around his neck. Dr. Vic is what the man preferred to be called, hired on as part of the ownership change by IC3 he took over as the head physician of the company with years of medical experience under his belt. A relative unknown he was a man that earned high marks while working in Los Angeles and New York City and was rumored to have connections with some of the powerful celebrity elites; take that however you wish. While IC3 owned the company this was the man who had to make all the tough calls whenever one of his guys got injured; health and safety came first after all. As he spun in his chair he turned his attention to the MSW audience both in attendance and watching at home.
Dr. Vic: Hello, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Doctor Vic and I am the head physician for Missouri State Wrestling. Over the last few weeks I understand that a lot of controversy has been surrounding the situation regarding a one Ms. Artemis Kaiser. I have heard a lot of complaints both on social media and mail delivered through the US Postal Service to my desk Many of you have pointed out how Ms. Kaiser is as healthy as one could be, “healthy as a horse” as one writer put it to me. Some of you have pointed out that Ms. Kaiser continues to wrestle upon the independent circuit without a hitch and believe that should be evidence in and of itself for her medical clearance effective immediately. Thankfully for Ms. Kaiser and the hard working ladies and gentlemen employed by Mr. Cornelius and Missouri State Wrestling I did not in fact obtain my medical degree nor right to practice medicine by mailing in 10 barcodes and henceforth filling out a card with $5.99 shipping and handling to General Mills cereal. I take my work very seriously and as part of the hippocratic oath I am bound to the strictest ethics possible. And while “Do No Harm” may not officially be a part of the oath I choose to live by those words nonetheless.
With a warm smile on his face one couldn't help but think something was off about this man even though one would have a hard time being able to place exactly what. His eyes hid something deep within, that something might not be what it appeared to be on the surface. It could be the fact that he was the first choice by IC3 to head his medical team, it could be the fact that by dealing with celebrities one would imply that shady practice was a way of life; after all a rogue doctor did kill Michael Jackson, even if it was by accident he clearly violated ethical standards in providing Mr. Jackson with the drugs he did.
Dr. Vic: It was in her best interest that I advised her to cease physical activity immediately and to heal; take some time off. The initial medical tests showed that she suffered what appeared to be a Grade III concussion; the most severe a person could have. The fact that she lost consciousnesses; regardless if it were for mere seconds or minutes is absolutely alarming and at the rate athletes have been failing to report concussions in fear of “losing their spot” or facing economic hardship it is impossible to tell for certain whether or not this was her first without further testing. Thus far Ms. Kaiser has refused my call for further testing and claims to have been given a “clean bill of health” elsewhere. Furthermore Mr. Cornelius and Missouri State Wrestling were the first to offer her an injury settlement as a way of taking care of her financially until she made a full recovery but thus far we have received no comment and furthermore by competing elsewhere she has made the offer null and void. The responsibility is now within the hands of these promotions, which will remain nameless, should such catastrophic or otherwise career ending harm come to Ms. Kaiser as a result of this gross negligence. Furthermore, by refusing to undergo further testing, paid for by Missouri State Wrestling I might add, I cannot nor will not be able to give her any timetable for a full recovery and thus have no choice but declare her “out indefinitely”.
Also earlier in the night Mr. Peyton Kaiser suffered an injury during or shortly after his match against Chris Orton. Preliminary results suggest that he may have a suffered a dislocated disc in his neck, pending further X-Rays and barring a miraculous recovery will unfortunately be able to make it to WAR; also putting him out of action indefinitely.
IC3: Speaking of The Kaisers...
The crowd booed as IC3 walked into view.
IC3: Actually, I have an update regarding those two. It was recently brought to my attention by my attorney, Mr. Varano that their work visas expired about... 15 minutes ago.
He taps his watch methodically several times.
IC3: Which means that even if I wanted to I would be unable to allow either Kaiser to compete. See if I were to do that I would be violating immigration law and well... it's bad business to be harboring illegal aliens on television. Not only would this damage my reputation but it would tarnish the reputation of MSW and thus I had to make the difficult decision of contacting the proper authorities. Any minute now the authorities will be here to take those nasty, ungrateful Kaisers back to the frigged, Great White North, Canada right where they belong. While we cannot deport Justin Bieber despite having every right in the world to do so we can eliminate the Dynasty that truly never was. There's only room for one Dynasty in MSW and that's the Cornelius Dynasty.
Dr. Vic: Well there you have it. I sincerely wish The Kaisers a speedy recovery and I do hope one day they will see the error of their ways and not rush so... recklessly in peril and danger.
Smith: This makes me sick. They didn't do anything wrong! The only thing they're guilty of is not bowing and kissing the feet of IC3 and his goons! This is wrong Bradford!
Bradford: That's exactly what they did wrong, they crossed the boss! If Stevenson and his little Parking Lot Gang were smart they'd take this as a warning and lay down their arms while the going was good! I had been a long time supporter of the Kaiser Dynasty but at the end of the day I'm a First Class guy. They had the world but they decided to conquer a foe that wouldn't fold like the rest. Maybe one day they'll realize the error of their ways.
Smith: Bull! I hope they come back stronger than ever. I hope this isn't the last we've seen of the Kaiser Family in MSW, the last thing IC3 needs is a sense of validation for his tyranny.
Wolf Parker vs Duke Andrews
"Pandora's Box" by Nonpoint plays over the speaks after the wolf howl, the lights are dimmed dark with one solid spotlight on the entrance and it stays with Wolf as he makes his semi-fast paced walk to the center of the stage where he stands there, twirling his long wet black hair with a sadistic smile on his face before taking his walk down the ramp to the ring where he slides in under the bottom rope to the corner, looking on at the ramp and kneels, sitting up.
Gavin Grey: Now in the ring, from Des Moines, Iowa, weighing at two hundred and twenty five pounds, WOOOLLLLFFF PAARRKKEERRR!
His legs bent, knees out to the side and his hands down the middle, elbows resting on his thighs as he twirls his long hair again keeping his sadistic smile, that uncontrollable grin of unpredictability.
The single guitar riff of "Trenches" by Pop Evil hits the sound system as the lights dim. A quick flash of white and bright green lights flicker before settling in front of the curtain. At the 13 second mark, Duke Andrews steps from behind the curtain, standing at the center of the stage. Wearing a black sleeveless t-shirt with "Epitome of Perfection" written in a script font across the chest. His right hand in the air.
"No time to hide
I'm alive on the inside
Breaking up my mind on the front lines
When I survive, when I survive another day
This great divide
Side by side on the inside
Breaking up our minds on the front lines
Never again, never again will I be denied
Here I come"
Duke has made his way down the ramp and to the ring.
Gavin Grey: "Weighing in at two hundred and twenty three pounds, standing six feet four inches, from Grand Rapids, Michigan....the Epitome of PERFECTION....DUKE ANDREWS!"
Duke hits the top turnbuckle of the ring furthest from the ramp with his right hand back in the air.
"I've waited all my life to get out of trenches
I'm ready to fight for what I believe you can steal from me
I won't take this
Gonna fill these trenches
And stand up
Wake up"
The bell rings, and they’re circling around, Wolf and Duke, trying to figure out the first plan of attack. As they get closer, Duke throws the first punch. Right hand after right hand, slow but impactful and it knocks Wolf stumbling each time. That was until Wolf caught Duke’s punch and delivered one of his own. And then another, and another, but that’s when Duke drops with a dropkick to the knee, taking Wolf down to a knee. Duke then goes for a magistral cradle but Wolf kicks out at two.
Smith: This is a match I've been waiting for, Bradford. There's a history between these two that goes back to this very city just a few years ago, and Duke Andrews is taking an early control. He said early on that the last time he and Wolf Parker faced each other it wouldn't end the same and he's looking to prove that point to Wolf Parker and he just about did with that near fall!
Bradford: Duke Andrews just needs to learn some respect. That's all Wolf Parker wants. He's been "attacking" Drew Stevenson so that he'll learn some respect. Wolf beat Duke Andrews those years ago and I'd know because I was sitting ringside when he did it, and it's because Duke took him lightly back then when he was still new. And now, years later Duke still doesn't respect him so Wolf is going to teach him. Maybe after tonight Duke will learn it.
Smith: I'd say constantly jumping Drew, smashing his head into a window, stealing his truck, trying to ruin his career, that's more than wanting respect. And telling Duke Andrews he's going to pretty much end his career? I doubt that's respect either. So Im not sure where you're getting your information or what basis you're using to formulate your opinion but there's something definitely wrong in your head right now.
Bradford: Sometimes words hurt more than a tightly balled fist, Smith! I thought we were friends and you're insulting me about my opinion? How dare you! I'm going to file an IC3.
Smith: That's for the internet, Bradford.
Bradford: No, I'm going to go file a workers complaint to IC3!
Smith: I've had to deal with worse.
Wolf is slowly getting up but Duke doesn’t give him a chance and he jumps on top of Wolf’s back driving some forearms and some elbows to the head of Wolf before the referee pulls Duke off. Wolf uses the ropes to get back to his feet and Duke shoves the referee out of the way and stalks Wolf just to be side stepped and tossed over the top and to the floor. Wolf stumbles away holding his head but he gives his sadistic smile and a laugh before he rushes to the ropes and dives through the middle, taking down Duke Andrews with a suicide give. The crowd cheers from the high risk attack but Wolf ignores it. He twirls his hair with his sick smile, stalking Duke. The count out is commencing but Wolf keeps the violence on the outside. Wolf whips a staggered Duke into the ramp side barricade and then whips him across again into the other one. Wolf approaches Duke but Duke kicks Wolf’s knee out. The count out is at 8, but Duke breaks it up by rolling back into the ring and back out.
Smith: And this is the violence that Wolf Parker promised! May as well make this match for the Hardcore Championship, too!
Bradford: Too bad that annoying clown, Bonzo, is the champion right now. I'm boycotting the title until somebody somebody meaningful gets the title.
Smith: What's meaningful about 24/7?
Bradford: It's a strategic method. Anything goes, have to keep your eyes open at all times! Anything can happen anywhere any time and it takes talent to be a good champion. Wolf Parker would make a great champion. Until then I'm boycotting. I'm boycotting you.
Smith: Really? Boycotting me? I'm pretty sure Nikki Venom just got told off by IC3 earlier that if he ever did that again he'd be fired. He may not give you the same luxury.
Bradford: ...
Smith: Alright then, maybe I can file the worker complaint on you for me having to do both of our jobs.
Bradford: I do that every show!
Smith: Boycott over?
Bradford: ...damnit.
Smith: Well Duke Andrews has reset the count here and the fight continues outside the ring!
Duke Andrews keeps the attack going and walks Wolf Parker up the ramp to the stage. Wolf tries to fight back but Duke throws Wolf right into the stage. The thud is nasty but Wolf only laughs. Duke isn’t sure at all what’s going on, and that’s when Wolf grabs his tights and throws Duke face first into the stage. The referee s about to just call the match but after another moment, Wolf in control is taking Duke back to the ring. The fight continues, a couple of near counts and Duke Andrews has been in control. With it looking bad for Wolf, Duke charges up his foot and throws his standing sidekick in Rusev fashion, the 30.06 up, but Wolf scouted it. He caught Dukes foot, threw it down and got Duke up for a powerbomb. Charging forward, Wolf throws Duke into the corner with a Buckle Bomb. Duke comes stumbling out. Wolf hooks Duke’s arms, spinning around looking for the Howling Breaker, a Vertabreaker. But Duke is able to roll backwards out of his upside down position and land on his feet. Duke hooks Wolf’s arms for his Chickenwing Facebuster, the Andrews Effect but Wolf throws his head back into Duke’s face to stop it. Wolf then brings Duke up into a slanted firemans carry with Duke across Wolf’s back, his head at Wolf’s waist and Wolf drops Duke with the Primal Instincts air raid crash. Wolf makes the cover for the three.
Winner: Wolf Parker
Smith: These two had each other scouted the entire match! Hit for hit, move for move until Wolf pulled it out in the end with the Primal Instincts! Bradford, I tell you what, if this WAS somehow about respect, I'd say Duke Andrews will be respecting Wolf Parker afterward from the fight they just had.
Bradford: Duke is just lucky that he didn't get a worse beat down from Wolf. He's got his eyes on a bigger mission and Duke was just the message. Wait a second, looks like we've got more hardcore action going on! Let's cut to the back and see what the commotion is about!
Tommy Angel (c) w/Izzy Cornelius vs "Referee" Mike Maddix
Gavin Grey: The following match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first he is MSW Official, Referee Mike Maddix!
Maddix is already in the ring wearing a pair of generic black tights with the MSW logo on them.
Bradford: Well the proverbial chicken is coming home to roost! Mike Maddix made a mistake on Unstoppable 18 and in just a few short moments he's going to pay the price of his sins!
Smith: This is a damn Kangaroo Court, Maddix was only trying to do his job! He was essentially declared guilty after IC3 ran his little show trial and Tommy Angel came out to rain down the verdict. This might as well be a public execution!
Bradford: And if it it is? It'll resonate as a grim warning; you don't EVER cross the boss or First Class.
Suddenly the music cuts off as the oh so familiar sound of coins clanging together accompanied by a cash register ding of Pink Floyd's “Money (Instrumental)” hit the PA system. The crowd boos mercilessly as Tommy Angel slowly emerges from the back wearing a pair of black trunks with the First Class logo on the back, the MSW Championship fit snuggly around his waist. He slowly begins to walk down the ramp with Izzy on his arm.
Gavin Grey: And his opponent, accompanied to the ring by Izzy Cornelius, he weighed in tonight at 203lbs, hailing Los Angeles, California he is YOUR MSW Heavyweight Champion... TOMMY ANGEL!
Tommy orders Derek Lay to help them into the ring and he reluctantly does so as he holds the rope apart for Tommy Angel to step through. Angel takes his belt off and he holds up high up into the air as he held it just out of reach of Mike Maddix. Lay grabs the belt and holds it up high for the crowd to see before calling for the start to this match.
Tommy Angel walks up to Mike Maddix and spreads his arms to his side trying to goad the referee into hitting him. Maddix brings his fists up as he looks around to make sure this wasn't apart of some ambush. Tommy Angel leans in towards his opponent and points to his chin.
Tommy Angel: Come on, Mikey. One free shot. Come on!
Maddix throws a punch and catches the Champion right in the jaw as he managed to stagger back a little, surprised by the power behind it. Maddix seizes the opportunity as the follows up with a flurry of blows as he backs Angel back up into a corner. Derek Lay prepares to begin his 5 count but Tommy Angel quickly shoves Maddix back with the palm of his hand and follows up with discus backhand shot to the head. Tommy Angel goes for a nonchalant cover as he pushes Maddix's face down on the mat with a cover but only manages to get a 1 count as he shot his shoulder up off the mat. Angel slaps him in the face repeatedly as he tries to get up before backing off and driving his right knee into his face with a rolling kneedrop; knee brace and all. Maddix screams out in pain as Angel quickly rolls back to his feet and does it again before going for another nonchalant pinfall yielding a 1.5 count. Angel quickly transitions to a side head lock as he tries to cut off the bloodflow as he wrenches back with a cocky grin on his face.
Smith: For crying out loud! Tommy Angel isn't even pretending to take him seriously here; he's just toying with him!
Bradford: And why should he do anything else right now? Come on Smith, this is a referee we're talking about, not a 9 year veteran in the business. Referees don't belong in the ring unless they're officiating the match.
Smith: Well why don't you thank IC3 for that?
Bradford: Oh I will! I think it's a brilliant display of might to make a grand show of what happens when you fail to do your job! He could have avoided this Smith, he could have just shut his trap and done his job!
Maddix manages to get back to a vertical base as Angel still has the hold locked in. Maddix manages to throw a few elbows into the gut of the champion and manages to slip free before whipping Tommy Angel to the ropes. Maddix positions himself at the ready as Angel rebounds back towards him, perhaps attempting to connect with a monkey flip but Angel was just simply too swift as he squashed any hopes of that with a running big boot to the smaller competitor.
Angel dusts his hands off with an arrogant grin before he places his foot on Maddix's chest, flexing to the great ire of the crowd. 1, 2, KICKOUT! Maddix threw his arm up in defiance much to the amusement of the Champion. Izzy is clapping and cheering at ringside as the MSW Champion was in full control as Angel sized up his competition, casually backing up to the corner as Maddix struggled to get to his feet, his legs looking more like jello at this point than muscle, skin, and bones as he wobbled up to a vertical base. Angel then sprinted out full speed as he hit him with a direct shot to the head with a brace-assisted busaiku knee kick. Angel drops down to cover. 1, 2, thre/ Angel lifts his opponent's head and shoulders off the mat, breaking his own pin.
Smith: Stop the damn match! Stop it! This is wrong on so many levels! Stop it!
Bradford: Well why don't you take your headset off, roll up your sleeves and stop the damn match yourself if you have such a big problem with it?
Smith: The only thing IC3 is trying to do is send a chill towards dissent. What shows is that IC3 has become a Dictator mad with power and Tommy Angel might as well be his right hand man in the atrocities as far as the ring is concerned.
Bradford: I've said it before and I'll say it again; this is no longer Stevensonland. Business is handled differently now and what may have slid under Danny Boy's watch won't be tolerated here. This is the price of doing bad business for Mike Maddix and nobody is going to run to his rescue.
Tommy Angel quickly rolls out of the ring as the referee throws his arms up and questions what in the world he's doing. Angel quickly snatches a mic and his championship belt from the time keeper as he slowly walked up the steps and back into the ring.
Tommy Angel: I tried to warn you. You should have just done your job like Mr. Cornelius told you to. You should have been a good little soldier and enforced the rules as you were directed to. Look at you; you tried to be be a hero for Duke Andrews and 'do the right thing' and what do you have to show for it? You're lucky to still have a job, you're lucky Mr. Cornelius is a big family man and allows you to still make a living off his dime.
Angel drops to a knee and slaps Maddix as hard as he could to wake him up as he sets his belt down beside him.
Tommy Angel: I bet your wife Laurie is proud of what a loser you are. I bet she's proud that you take that minimum wage check to the kitchen table in that run down flop house the two of you can barely afford. I bet you she's proud that she has to choose between another pack of cigarettes or lunch money for little Timmy and Jenny because their Father doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut and his head down on the job. Look at me when I'm talking to you!
Tommy Angel grabs Maddix by the face as he raises the mic back up to his lips.
Tommy Angel: You're in over your head trying to make the change from referee to wrestler. You're not cut out for this business.
Angel roughly shoved his head back down to the mat as he picked up his belt and held it close to his face.
Tommy Angel: Take a good look at it because this is as close as you're ever going to get to greatness. This is close as you're ever going to get to that big payday; that life changing money that could right every single wrong in your life. Get on your knees and beg me for forgiveness, beg me for mercy and maybe I won't end your career and send you back to your family in a wheelchair as reparation for nearly screwing me a month ago.
Maddix: NO!
Angel slams the mic down on the mat and starts repeatedly punching Maddix in the face.
Smith: Now he's gone too far! You don't bring a man's family into this!
Derek Lay pulls Tommy Angel off of him only to get shoved back to the ropes. Lay begins to point to his striped shirt before Angel shouts as he points his index finger right at him.
Angel grabs Maddix by his hair and goes to lift him up. With his head firmly secured he looks to go for a Cradle DDT but Maddix slips out as he's lifted up and lands behind him. Before Angel can react he's spun around and planted right into the mat with a DDT.
Angel, caught off guard holds his head as he gets up. Maddix with a second wind of energy and a rush of emotion begins hammering Tommy Angel with a series of boxing style punches and jabs, hitting a 4 punch combo that sends him bouncing off the ropes. Waiting for the rebound Maddix manages a little bit of fancy footwork with a shuffle in his step before he connects with a haymaker that rocks the Champion and sends him crashing to the mat. Looking to strike while the iron was hot, Maddix quickly went to go pick up the Champion, but Angel wisely rolled out of the ring looking for a breather as he had his hands on his knees. Izzy rushes over to Tommy Angel as the two have a little ringside conference as Derek Lay urges Angel to return to the ring. Before he could start counting though Maddix ran off against opposite side of the ring and after rebounding off the ropes manages to dive between the middle and top ropes as he collided right into Tommy Angel! Izzy was barely spared from the collision by less than an inch as she managed to catch Maddix out of the corner of her eye but too late to warn the Champion over. Izzy shrieked in horror as Maddix quickly got back to his feet and threw his arms up for the crowd.
Smith: Incredible heart by Mike Maddix! Everyone had counted him out and he somehow found a way to keep on fighting. He's fighting for his wife, he's fighting for his children, and he is fighting for every single person in this arena! Give him hell kid!
Bradford: This is a fluke! Derrek Lay provided a momentary distraction! This is a conspiracy! There's a conspiracy to rob Tommy Angel!
Smith: There is no conspiracy, Tommy Angel kept taking Mike Maddix lightly and left himself completely wide open to this counter attack as a result. Mike Maddix has got this white hot crowd on his side now and he's quickly becoming a fan favorite. And he may be on the verge of completing a historic comeback!
Maddix, not wanting to blow his lead quickly picked Tommy up off the ground and rolled him back into the ring as he springboarded back into the ring with an elbowdrop straight to the chest of the Champion. Maddix quickly goes to hook the leg for the pin. 1, 2, 3! No! Tommy Angel managed to just barely get his foot on the rope to break the pin. Maddix sat up, nearly heartbroken as he threw up three fingers, as his colleague shrugged and kicked the bottom rope several times indicating the rope break. Maddix sits up for a moment trying to think of what else he could possibly do to bring the Champion down and keep him down for good before slapping the mat several times to get the crowd to start clapping. Maddix gets back to his feet and goes to grab the Champion, but with a veteran move beyond his years of experience Angel realizes his positioning in the ring and quickly tries to sandbag his weight towards the mat, drawing Maddix in just enough before popping his back off the mat and yanking with all his might with a lawnmower like cord yanking motion on Maddix's trunks. With that Maddix crashed head first into the second turnbuckle.
Bradford: Crisis averted! Now that's more like it!
Smith: You can't fault Maddix for not realizing how close Tommy was to the ropes having never been on this side of the equation before. Had he had a little more experience under his belt there's a good chance we would be looking at a new MSW Champion right now. Tommy Angel hasn't gotten out of Dodge quite yet but he appears to have just narrowly escaped an epic collapse.
Seeing Maddix was dazed in the corner after driving him into it with so much momentum Angel pulled himself up by the ropes and quickly launched himself full speed with a cannonball straight into the turnbuckle. Maddix appeared to be out of it as Angel quickly slashed his thumb across his throat before yanking his foe up unceremoniously off the mat before lifting him up for, and connecting with Thunderstruck (Slingshot brainbuster). Not satisfied Tommy Angel sat up and began to motion with his arms for Maddix to get up again. With a chorus of deafening boos echoing through the arena now, Tommy Angel got back up as Maddix spent the next minute slipping and falling and losing his grip while trying to pull himself up with the ropes. Tommy Angel lifted him up for Thunderstruck again, holding him up in the air as he let the blood rush to his head before bouncing Maddix's legs off the ropes and driving his head straight into the mat for a second time. Tommy Angel hooks both legs for the cover as a very disgusted Derek Lay dropped down to count the pin. 1.....2.......3.
Winner: Tommy Angel
More and MORE Hardcore!
There was a brief break at the end of the MSW Championship match. As we returned to action, the camera cuts backstage near the parking lot. BoNzO seems to have finally ditched Red and Purple when he appeared to have turned into that proverbial dark alley as Bullsharks appear to be blocking his way out. BoNzO honks his horn before turning around and trying to run away but the Blue Shade managed to sneak behind him undetected and tripped him. Before the Blue Shade could make the pin though the Bullsharks darted forward causing him to run off. Bullshark 6, the female shark that's had a thing for Jay B recently, pounces on him for the cover as the referee ran onto the screen, catching up with the ongoing action backstage. 1, 2, KICKOUT! BoNzO honks his horn in her face, causing her to jump off before the other 5 jump in and start beating the clown down. Bullshark 1 holds his hand above his head like a shark fin before kicking BoNzO in the gut and connecting with the Stunner.
Smith: Well that may be the end of BoNzO's first reign as champion folks. I don't see any scenario where he gets out of this with the belt.
Bradford: The Bullsharks are experts at going after the blood in the water! They aren't the bastard children of Jacob Mitchell for nothing!
Smith: I seriously doubt they're his children, and even if they were there's no paternity test on the Maury Povich show declaring him the father.
Bradford: They're illegitimate for a reason! Child support will kill your wallet. Just ask Terrell Owens, any of the Cromartie football players and half the men in the audience here in Kansas City, they'll tell you!
Smith: I don't think the Infamous would like you implying he's a deadbeat dad.
Bradford: Shhhh! Don't put words in my mouth!
The Bullsharks begin to bicker and argue over who's going to take the pinfall and take the belt as the ladies in the crowd pop as sleazy but suave Pornstar Ron struts into view with his body all oiled up with a white towel wrapped around his waist. Stroking his mustache and slicking his hair back. Bullshark 6 manages to catch him out of the corner of her eye but before she could utter a word Ron hushes her softly, pressing his finger up against her lips before giving a very manly wink her direction, causing her to swoon. Ron swoops in for the cover while the rest of the Bullsharks were distracted. 1, 2, 3!
NEW Hardcore Champion: Pornstar Ron
The referee quickly hands Pornstar Ron the belt as it dons on the Bullsharks what just happened. Pornstar Ron takes off in a sprint, causing his towel to unravel and fly off as he was thankfully wearing a pair of tiedye wrestling trunks underneath. As the cameras follow the Bullsharks in their pursuit to the parking lot there appears to be a limo already running and waiting. Ron sprints for all he's worth as he held the belt close to his chest before placing the strap in his mouth and leaping onto the sunroof of the limo as it peels out of the parking lot. Ron manages to pull himself into the vehicle from the sunroof as he triumphantly raises the belt out of the vehicle in celebration as the Bullsharks curse and kick the gravel in frustration.
Chris Williams vs Mark Storm
As “Over and Under" by Egypt Central blasts from the sound system, Chris Williams sprints out from backstage and heads straight to the ring. The crowd responds with a roar of approval for Williams, who high fives as many as he can while heading down the ramp.
Gavin Grey: First, making his way to the ring from Detroit, Michigan, weighting in at two hundred and thirty five pounds... CHRIIIISSSS WIIILLLLIIIAAAMMMMSS!
He slides headfirst into the ring and keeps sprinting to the corner. Williams quickly climbs up the turnbuckle and throws his hand high into the air, pointing to the sky. As the music and crowd dies down, Williams climbs down from the turnbuckle and throws a few phantom punches to stay loose.
The lights in the arena begin to dim and the MSW audience rise to their feet, as the nostalgic melody of "Storm is Coming" by Junkie XL begins to play through the PA speakers. Smoke begins to rise from the stage and the audience begin to applaud, as emerging from the clouded mist is the self proclaimed spokesman of a generation - Mark Storm, who stands tall at the top of the entrance ramp. A smile is plastered on his face as he marvels at the scenery, embracing all the cheers as he close his eyes and widens his arms before coming down the ramp.
Gavin Grey: From New York, Brooklyn; weighing in a two hundred and twenty five pounds.. He is the spokesman of a generation.. ladies and gentlemen give it up for, MARRKKKK STORMMMMMM!
Standing by the edge of the ring, he lets out a triumphant roar, with the audience roaring back to him as he jumps onto the apron before he slingshots his way over the top rope. Dressed in his usual wrestling attire; consisting on black boots, with black knee pads, wrestling trunks with his name written on them and with stars coming down both sides, tape wrapped around his elbows, and mixed martial arts styled gloves. He falls to his knees in the middle of the ring, looking up at the heavens as his theme music slowly begins to fade out.
The bell sounds, and across the ring stand Chris Williams and Mark Storm. Storm is sporting his new look but Williams doesn’t look impressed. He starts clapping his hands getting the crowd into it and Mark Storm keeps his eyes locked on Williams. Storm launches the first strike with a knee attack catching Williams in the ribs. Storm keeps the knee strikes repeated and then attempts an irish whip. Williams hits the ropes and it looks like Storm is going for a scoop but Williams swoops behind Storm and shoves him into the ropes. Storm comes off and is caught with a big back body drop. Storm lands big and Williams climbs to the middle turnbuckle. Once Storm is to his feet, Williams comes off with a dropkick but Storm sees it and takes a step to the side, letting Williams fall and a cover but only two.
Smith: Williams is on fire already but it looks like Storm isn't going to take his return lightly! We've been hearing about it for the past two weeks about how Storm felt regarding this match and his convictions are definitely showing through.
Bradford: And they better. Mark Storm didn't quite get his footing last season, he comes back and loses his return debut and he needed to take time off to collect himself. And now he's here to send a message to Williams and even IC3 who's scouting the talent for Tommy Angel's next competitor!
Smith: Well Williams is definitely no joke, and if Storm really wants his shot at that title he's going to need to beat Chris Williams tonight.
When Storm is arguing about the count, Williams is able to grab his legs and take Storm down and a cover but only two. Williams on his knees checking out the referee’s count and Storm is able to roll to the apron. Williams approaches him but Storm sticks his head through the middle of the ropes and brings Williams up and over to the floor. He’s not grounded long and Storm comes off the apron with a double axe handle clubbing Williams and he falls back into the barricade. Fans are reaching over trying to touch him and get on camera. Storm rolls Williams to the ring but his head sticks out at ringside. Storm makes sure he’s still and comes charging with an elbow attack to the chest of Williams who rolls totally into the ring. Storm follows, keeping a methodical pace on Williams. As he approaches Williams, Chris gets a spurt of energy and is able to drop toe hold Storm into the ropes and he’s hung up on the middle rope.
Smith: And it's looking like Mark Storm's time off has done him some good, and he's really taking the fight to Chris Williams but it looks like the veteran instinct of Williams is still keeping him on the one up and he's got Storm on the ropes!
Bradford: ILLEGAL! Mark Storm could have died like that other guy doing that! His life is in danger! Disqualify that man! DISQUALIFY HIM!
Smith: Calm down, Bradford, you're embarrassing yourself! The incident you're referring to was a freak accident that I'd rather not talk about and Chris Williams used a veteran maneuver and high ring awareness to know what was going on and where he was to be able to shift the tide of the match back into his favor!
Bradford: It's reckless and it's not right! Mark Storm had this entirely under his control. What kind of an example is Chris Williams leading for his 'audience' when he's intentionally trying to injure somebody like that? That's why Mark Storm deserves this more than this idiot. He's strong, he's HONEST. He's not fighting for cheers, he's fighting to make himself better at every turn! And only a monster tries to take away another mans career.
Smith: My god, it's a standard wrestling move and Williams used it to get an offense going! You need to calm down!
Williams is up and he holds his head for a second from the attack he took but runs to the ropes. Charging at Storm, Williams jumps over the top and comes down on Williams with a shotgun and he bounces off and into the ring. Williams gives some ringside high fives and throws an arm with for some cheers from the crowd.
Yes, the cheers turned up when two guest stars decided to make their presence known: The Capital Crew. The cheers caught Chris’ attention and when he looked around, he saw Cocheese and Barrel making their way over to ringside. Security is quick to stop them, telling them that they’re not allowed to be here, but security quickly steps aside once Cocheese and Barrel pull out a couple of tickets and take a front row seat.
Smith: The crowd is on fire and... wait a minute... I can’t believe it! I thought we wouldn’t see the Capital Crew tonight! They were banned!
Bradford: But not from the arena, just as competitors! This is great! Business is about to pick up!
Smith: Well since the Crew are here as guests, they can’t actually physically get involved or else they could be prosecuted as civilians!
Bradford: Just look at Williams! He doesn’t know how to react to this! It’s great! DAT COCHEDDA BABY!
Williams ends up approaching them as Barrel and Cocheese sit there, legs crossed and arms crossed , big smiles and trash talk at Williams.
Cocheese: Go ahead Williams! Hit me! Hit me ya stupid punk!
Williams ignores it, but can almost sense Storm diving out after him. Williams turns and counters it letting Storm hit the barricade right in front of Cocheese, knocking the barricade back and knocking his drink over, causing it to spill. Williams laughs and grabs Storm and slides him into the ring. Williams follows and starts to bring Storm to his feet and hooks his head and arm for a vertical suplex. Williams starts to lift Storm up but he counters. He tries to lift Williams up but he stops it. Williams on his feet, knees storm in the gut and switches to a rear waist lock, spins Storm around up and DOWN HE GOES! A big German Suplex and Storm lands on his back and floats over to land on his gut. Williams heads over to Storms legs and brings them up and leans forward with the inverted Boston Crab, the Williams Crab. Storm is able to reach the ropes, but the damage may have been done.
Smith: Capital Crew being out here may make or break this match for Chris! He seems to be doing a good job ignoring Cocheese's distractions and may have even humiliated him using Mark Storm as a battering ram! But counter after counter and a nasty German followed hby the Williams Crab! If this isn't sending a message to the Capital Crew and IC3 about the MSW Championship, then I really don't know what is!
Bradford: First he tries to take Mark Storms life and then he uses Mark Storm to disrespect Cocheese?! This is sickening! Where's Billy Vegas?! At least he's impartial!
Smith: I can't believe those words just came out of your mouth. I think Billy Vegas is anything but impartial! He'd be out here making false calls and quick pins. We're getting a fair match here and if anything Cocheese and Barrel are instigating by waiting all night to come out here!
Bradford: Billy Vegas wouldn't stand for the murderous disrespect we're getting tonight! Williams is lucky Cocheese and Barrel are just here for the show or else they'd be mopping the floor with him.
Smith: Well I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens, but I don't think your boys are going to do anything unless they want to miss WAR and spend it in jail.
The match continues on for a bit longer, Storm has taken control at this point and has Williams on his shoulders looking for the Dystopia GTS but Williams fights back. He slips behind Storm, spins him around and when Storm sees him and is caught off guard, Williams gives him a little sarcastic wave before scooping Storm up to his shoulder and then with a diagonal motion, drops Storm firm on his back and goes right into the cover for the three count while staring down the Capital Crew. Barrel ends up throwing his drink and popcorn into the ring hitting Williams and laughs at him while security escort them out. Cocheese flips the bird at Williams and Williams just stares them down.
Winner: Chris Williams
Smith: Well ladies and gentlemen, it’s been a hell of a night, Capital Crew is being escorted out of the building, but we’re out of time! For Alex Bradford, I'm Alex Smith! Don’t forget to join us in two weeks for Unstoppable Twenty-One, our last stop before we head across country to San Francisco for WAR!