Rin/Treaties on Evil

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A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream. The scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The frog asks, "How do I know you won't sting me?" The scorpion says, "because if I sting you while you cross the stream, surely I shall drown ." The frog is satisfied, and they set out. But in midstream, the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of paralysis and starts to sink, but has just enough time to gasp "Why? Now you shall surely drown!" The scorpion replies: "But little frog, I can swim."

Evil you ask? Such a provincial view.. No, Rin is not 'evil'. She wants you to succeed, to win, to prevail, and yes - even to beat her. Rin wants you to pass her tests. She wants you to be good, to be at your absolute best, to be the Hero of your Journey! How can you be a Hero though without a challenge? Without being tested? The greater the monsters, the higher you will rise.. and Rin wants you to rise all the way. But what would a challenge be without the real risk of failure, and the punishment that would await? She is not your enemy, she is your greatest fan. No, Rin is not 'evil', some of those she loves just turn out to be weak. That makes her a sad monster...

Do you find me sadistic? You know, I bet I could fry an egg on your head right now, if I wanted to. You know, Kiddo, I'd like to believe that you're aware enough even now to know that there's nothing sadistic in my actions. Well, maybe towards those other... jokers, but not you. No Kiddo, at this moment, this is me at my most... masochistic.

And if you survive her? Oh she will cheer you on like no other. You will be her validation, the light that shows her darkness, her success story! So survive her. Become the hero and pave the road to her next project. Don't forget to thank her from your pedestal, she was part of what put you there. She certainly won't forget you you can certainly rise higher... can you not?

Seek not to know me, for you shall know temptation. Trust not in me, for I shall fashion thee into the instrument of thy destruction. Be pure of heart, word, and deed, Else you may find yourself in my realm, And oh what delightful torments I have prepared..