Rin/Introduction/RP Hooks

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The devil ain't got no power over me. The devil come, and me shake hands with the devil. Devil have his part to play. Devil's a good friend, too... because when you don't know him, that's the time he can mosh you down.

  • Fashion Designer

Life may just be a poor play upon the stage but the actors still need the right wardrobe. And isn't yours a bit too and I don't mean to be rude .. Tame? I mean, not like Victorian England of course, but don't you want to catch up a bit to the times, to take some risks, to not let that other girl or guy get all the attention all the time? Aren't you proud of your body? Don't you want to be? Mmm.. yes, I would be happy to help

  • Confessor

Your therapist will judge you quietly. Your priest will judge you loudly. Rin will never judge you, never cringe in disgust or fear, never tell your secrets to others.. and isn't there something you need to get out of you? Something so terrible no one else will listen, understand? Who can hear out the confessions of monsters but another monster?

  • Otherworldly Taint

Eyes of blackest night, irisless pupils like a MDMA trip gone terribly wrong, and in the very center.. if you look deep enough, is the welcoming spark of hell. Good thing they are covered up, yes?

  • Didactic P'o

There is a problem when your demons act out to save your prey from you, and to steer you and others to the gentler path. Are you so terrible that you scare hell? And if not.. what are their real plans?

  • Multiple Personalities

How many of these faces are the psyche fracturing, running in fear of what Rin is becoming? How many are the true faces of the demon, or perhaps of the monster that keeps it safe and in check? And how many faces used to be worn by others?

  • Second Chances

The innocents have not had to face temptation, they are just weak and dull props in the grand play. The sinner is already in Rin's domain. But what of the one who faced the Dark Night of the Soul and left sin behind? That one, if genuine and able to avoid temptation, is sacred. Of course, if he or she can be encouraged to stray..

  • Curiosity

Where man has closed the door, Rin is happy to open the window there must have been something interesting inside.. yes? The name of the game is movement, possibilities, never allowing the mind to stagnate in its ideas and if that entails a bit of risk than so be it.