Public Policy 2016

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=============================== Public Policy ================================
Message: 11/1                      Posted        Author
+rules technocratic equipment      Sun Jan 03    WhoopingCrane
The Technocracy has lots of toys. Canon game mechanics for these toys are
  confusing and inconsistent. These house rules are intended to simplify
  matters. Mostly they just codify existing interpretation.

=============================== Public Policy ================================
Message: 11/2                      Posted        Author
'+rules in public' update          Sat Mar 05    WhoopingCrane
This file has been updated with guidelines for informing PCs of stuff that they
  would normally hear about from their NPC employees. Hopefully all
  straightforward, please contact staff with any questions.

=============================== Public Policy ================================
Message: 11/3                      Posted        Author
Attribute specialties              Sun Mar 20    WhoopingCrane
These are now allowed, provided that they clearly apply to only a subset of all
  possible rolls involving that attribute. (The book examples tend to be bad
  about this. Strength / Deadlifting: cool. Stamina / Tough as Nails: not so
  much.) See '+rules specialties' for exact details.

=============================== Public Policy ================================
Message: 11/4                      Posted        Author
Forge 1 and weapons/armor          Sat Jun 04    WhoopingCrane
A couple adjustments for items enhanced using Lore of Forge 1:

* DPG 145 limits "Increasing Difficulty Numbers" to bypassing one of the item's
  defensive or preventative functions, such as a lock or a security system.
  This does not extend to increasing your opponent's difficulty to soak damage
  from your weapon. A few existing +equip entries have been patched accordingly.

* In addition to "Increasing Effects" to increase armor's soak dice, we've
  allowed "Reducing Difficulty Numbers" to decrease armor's soak difficulty.
  (This doesn't involve an ability, but it is at least a clear singular
  purpose.) However, note that this only affects the armor, not the wearer's
  Stamina. Some existing +equip entries already noted this, others have been
  patched to do so.

This is not intended to retcon any previous uses of these items, it will just
  apply going forward.

=============================== Public Policy ================================
Message: 11/5                      Posted        Author
Optional: Simpler init for PRPs    Sat Jun 04    WhoopingCrane
DarthKitten came up with this, and it's gotten enough compliments that I
  decided to write it up as a formal suggestion. Good for PRPs, probably not so
  much for PK attempts.

=============================== Public Policy ================================
Message: 11/6                      Posted        Author
+rules influence                   Sat Sep 10    WhoopingCrane
This has been added. tl;dr: we use the categories from Laws of the Night, you
  can do certain stuff on a monthly basis, you can also do long-term allocation
  to gradually affect the nature of the city as a whole.

=============================== Public Policy ================================
Message: 11/7                      Posted        Author
Merit:Ghoul virtues                Sun Sep 11    WhoopingCrane
We recently had a (hypothetical) question come up about what virtues to use for
  a PC with the Ghoul merit (on top of being some other type of M+), in case
  they need to make a frenzy check or something. For consistency and
  simplicity, we've house-ruled that they have an effective 3 in each.

=============================== Public Policy ================================
Message: 11/8                      Posted        Author
PC leadership clarified            Mon Oct 17    WhoopingCrane
'+policy pc leadership' has been revised somewhat for clarity. Hopefully
  nothing controversial.

=============================== Public Policy ================================
Message: 11/9                      Posted        Author
Unusual backstory needs documentat Mon Oct 17    WhoopingCrane
While we don't require background write-ups, if you have something /unusual/ in
  your backstory, then you need to cover it in +bg and/or +notes. If you
  haven't already, then please set a +note and +request that staff approve it.
  This doesn't have to be super long, a sentence or two may suffice.

Here's why this is important:

1) Some players think this game is way more freeform than it really is. We once
  had a player who genuinely thought that half-vampire half-demons were a
  thing, or could be a thing. They weren't trying to cheat, they were just
  unfamiliar with the books at the time. And in a highly freeform game, that
  /could/ be a thing, but we've chosen to use a common framework (canon books
  modulo house rules) so that players don't have to reinvent a bunch of wheels.

2) Some players have ideas that make sense, but /seem/ like #1 until some
  context is filled in. Periodically, staff is asked to adjudicate something
  about these, we find no +bg and no +notes, and we have to basically ask the
  player why it isn't #1. This gets old after a while. Also, sometimes it /is/
  #1, in which case we want to catch and fix it up front, rather than after the
  player has already been RPing on that basis for a while and then we may need
  to deal with a messy retcon.

'Unusual' depends on context. "I was born in 1805" isn't unusual for a vampire,
  or a sorcerer with the Unaging merit, but is unusual for a sorcerer without
  such a merit. (Maybe there were some weird one-off shenanigans involving time
  travel or magical stasis.) "I spent a stretch of time in the (Umbra /
  Dreaming / whatever)" is probably unusual. If in doubt, ask.

=============================== Public Policy ================================
Message: 11/10                     Posted        Author
Reacting to IC news                Sat Nov 19    WhoopingCrane
This one's been sitting in backlog for a while. With a recent gang hit in IC
  news, this is as good a time as any to get around to it.

* IC news (bb 12) counts as IC information. Any PC can attempt to react to it,
  including requesting and possibly getting risk escalation. If you want to
  have your black hat do evil things and not get PKed by a white hat over it,
  do not post about them to IC news. (If you want to use it as an OOC
  advertisement for more black hats, then consider bb 56 instead, which does
  not count as IC information.)

* Reactions beyond talking/speculating (e.g. using a supernatural power to
  learn who killed someone) need to go through +request. Even if you OOCly know
  (or think you know) the answer, other PCs might have done something that
  would affect your results. Also, even in a case like "I'm casting Locate
  Living Person on a dead target", you should still roll dice:
- On a botch, you get incorrect IC information.
- On a failure, all you ICly know is that the effect failed.
- On a success, you ICly know/believe that the effect should have worked, at
  which point you can validly draw conclusions like "well they're probably dead
  or something".