Prp:The Sick Earth

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Setting: Forest outside of Prospect
Players: Amira, Dave, Vidar
ST: Faina

What were the chances that a few people would have the same dream? High apparently, especially in a strange place like Prospect. Why was she crying? The girl in their minds. Why was she asking desperately for help and why was she out in the woods? Was it a ghost, spirit, or just something that should not have been eaten before bedtime. First at the location, the mouth of a deep forest off a dirt road, was young woman with dark hair and silver-blue eyes. Jeans, jacket, shirt and boots, she pauses, staring out into the wild, her fingers caressing against the odd symbol hanging off the middle of her necklace.

Amira just couldn't shake the dream. All these years she's been used to nightmares but its always been her crying in them! She knew she could find the location. She just knew it so she had gotten up, slipped on some jeans, a t-shirt and hoodie and some sneakers and hit the road with her backpack. She doesn't need a flashlight, she's used to this light, the perks of being homeless since 5. So here she is, just at the mouth of this deep forest. She's got her own necklace too! A leather cord holding a metal coin with a glyph upon it. She sees the woman and blinks offering up a "'cuse me...Ma'am." her voice calm, cautious..

Dave goes with 'something that should not have been eaten before bedtime.' That's usually the case with him, though in recent memory it's been more along the lines of 'something that should not have been drunk before bedtime.' Since Dave was already out in the woods hunting boar, he recognizes the locale and wonders what the heck his mind is playing at this time. Rifle in hand, the big man rubs his eyes and makes his way towards the spot he saw in the fever dream.

Faina jumps as she's spoken to, not expecting it it seems. Turning, she offers a calm, nervous smile. "Oh, hello." She greets, her accent thick and Slavic; Russian to those that knew any different. "I ah..." what do you say? 'Yeah, I dig standing out in the woods in the middle of the night. No, I'm not a serial killer.' That smile remains, and she finally lowers her fingers from her necklace. "You, you know a little girl that lives around here, maybe? I'm new in the city and...huh, not sure why I came out here."

Amira looks to Faina and shakes her head. "Not that I know of. I’m still kinda new myself. Aint to sure why I came out here myself but well, sometimes ya just get a feelin." Hearing someone else coming into the area she looks in the direction Dave is coming. She looks surprised to see him and just shakes her head a bit before looking back to Faina and says "guess its fer a reason we're all here though."

Dave is dressed for boar hunting, so he has a kabar strapped to one thigh, a light pistol strapped to the other, has some heavy gear over his chest, and a baseball cap down over his eyes. Ok, the boars may be at a significant disadvantage here. The sailor blinks as he sees the Russian woman and Gwydion's girlfriend. Ok, that's odd. If he hadn't given up beer, this would be a perfect opportunity to drown his unease in a bottle of dark Nepenthe.

Faina looks toward Dave, a wave of recognition coming over her features. "Well then. I've seen you before a few times now, but never got your name." Speaking of which, "I think you're right, Miss. I'm Faina, by the way, it's nice to meet you both, but I think I'd prefer a bar or something less dark." Smiling softly, she clears her throat and looks back around. "I, well...I came because I heard a girl crying. She was asking for help and it was here. Well, somewhere around here."

Amira extends out a small hand to Faina and says "Im Amira. Nice ta meetcha." she then runs her fingers through her hair and says "Yep, herd the same cry myself. I aint to sure what I thought I could do but well, when ya hear someone cryin ya come." She then looks over to Dave again and says "Howdy Dave." She clearly knows him as well but then she looks back to the woods.

Dave really does know better than to go chasing after strange dreams of crying girls in the middle of dark forests. "Dave," he replies to the Russian woman and nods to Amira as he looks around for the trap or candid camera crew about to jump from the underbrush. Unlike the two of you, Dave wears no glyphs or tattoos. His only markings are those fine knife-scar lines all over his face and hands. "Ayup," drawls the Texan, "crying." he says with unusual terseness as he eyes the surroundings.

Faina reaches out, taking the woman's hand in her own and giving it a shake. "Pleasure." She repeats, pulling her hand away. Nodding toward Dave, she gives his gear the once over before turning her vision away and looking deeper into the wood. "I guess that's a good feeling," she begins, "knowing people still care even if they don't know what's going on." The area they stood soon fell silent, not the calm of night time, no, this was different. It was deafening, and all the noisy night life of the wilds was nonexistent. The wind ceased and the pressure around the trio was tight, bringing forth that ringing in one's ear that drums when the space around them is void of anything and everything.

Amira shivers at the feeling around them and she says "Something just isnt' right.." She looks to Dave and then back to the Russian woman before her eyes scan the area more fully, pulling her backpack off her shoulder.

Dave is quite used to that sound, or lack thereof, and the big man fades back behind a tree. The rifle is aimed away from the two of you, but raised as he crouches and watches the surroundings warily. He's not wearing his usual forest camouflage this evening, having not had time to don it after waking up in camp, but he's still mother-trucking hard to see pressed up against the tree and basically motionless. It's hard to even see him breathing. Waiting silently to shoot something is kinda the job description for his previous employment, so he falls back into the routine without missing a beat.

The feeling isn't lost on the Russian, but there is something she's missing. Her hands smoothly moves to her jacket, opening it, and exposing the holster strapped against her hips. She seems ready, too, but not as much as the former Military man behind his tree. Dave and Amira see...something. They know something is out there with the faint brushing of leaves and needles, crunching atop twigs and moving with a quivering in the shadows. Like air under fabric it moves, rippling to life before falling flat and hidden once more.

Amira doesn't like that feeling. She pulls out a knife from her bag and she holds it up ready. She actually positions herself between the 'thing' and the other woman as if using herself to give Faina a bit of protection.

Dave isn't the kind to shoot first and ask questions later. He's the kind to shoot while asking questions. For the moment, he raises his rifle and aims at the moving shape, taking bead on it and breathing out slowly in preparation for firing.

Once the woman draws her blade, the dark haired Slav flick her thumb against the strap that keeps the gun in place. Pulling out the pistol, her hands hold around it, trained, and at the ready...but for what? They hear it then, a growling, guttural and stained. The rippling object continues to move from one place, to another, crunching against flora and gravel. A single 'eye' shape looms over them, glowing a sickly green. The growl comes again and as it steps closer, the eaten, rotten remains of a wolf staggers toward them. One socket is left open, gaping, and writhing with a colony of squirming maggots, some falling out and slapping wet against the ground. Bone is showing, along with tattered, blood slicked fur, and the same toxic green that burns from its eye is dribbling off its muzzle, hissing as the 'saliva' touches ground.

Amira sees the 'thing' come out of the woods and just frowns "Holy hog's hair." she says as a swear and she gets low in a defensive manner. "I knew I shouldda got my bow." She holds her knife at the ready though as if prepping for this thing to charge her. She shows it her teeth and gives a low growl.

With a high pitched yelp, the orb in the wolf's socket bursts, raining out thick rolls of the same neon fluid that dribbles from its mouth. It staggers, falling back against its haunches and shaking its head as if trying to flick off any annoying bug. The Russian raises her firearm, holding her breathing steady even if her silvery eyes are wide from the vision of...whatever it was stalking toward them. Pressing back onto its large paws, the wolf takes a slower step forward, rotting jowls parting and closing as a swollen, grey tongue lulls out its side.

Dave drops the rifle a few centimeters and aims for the general torso this time. If a headshot like that doesn't take the thing out, the best he can hope for is overwhelming firepower. And him without his rocket launcher. More's the pity. This shot is as true as the first, doing an incredible amount of damage with as little apparent effort on Dave's part.

Amira just frowns and steps forward. She is close to the critter but his eye sight is hindered so she attempts to swipe at the thing with her knife.

Another echoing cry of bullets blasting into the void of silence, along with the quick rip of knife into loose flesh; the beast goes down. Bright ichor pulses from the wounds, and Amira's dagger dragged with it a large section of matted fur, pulling it clean off the body. A few labored breaths cause the dirt to powder, rolling up and disappearing into the sky. The bundle of insects roll out of the empty socket, scattering against the ground, squirming in a puddle like mass. Threat take care of, Faina gives a pant before lowering her gun, "What was that..." obvious question, really, but she didn't expect the other two to have any answers for her. The silence was present once more, swallowing up their senses until a glass shattering scream assaults their ears. "YOU KILLED HIM!" The voice cries out; young, pained, and that of a child.

Dave swivels his gun in the direction of the scream, moving seamlessly to the next target. He takes the earplugs hanging around his neck and stuffs them in his ears, though, to deal with the high pitched scream. Sometimes, being a prepared hunter has its advantages. He continues searching for the source of the screaming, keeping his rifle at the ready and his eyes peeled for the next threat. This is what he gets for following his nightmares. More nightmares.

Amira makes a grossed out face and shakes her dagger off. "It was already dead.. We just put it out of it's pain." She calls back to the little voice. "She swirls around to see where its coming from. "Hold up Dave. Stand down fer a second." She says to the man who would likely shoot a kid.

"Shooting an upset child...yeah, I want that on my record." The Slav murmurs, lowering her gun but not putting it away completely. "NO!" The voice calls back out to Amira. "He was coming to say hi and you killed him! You killed him! Just like the others killed him!" Others? Faina quirks a brow, glancing toward Amira before looking off in Dave's direction. "Lower your weapon," she informs Dave, and it's less of a suggestion as it is more of an order. "He was sick," the voice echoing off the trees informs the trio. "He was just sick! He was good once, then the men came, and now..." Soft sobs begin to choke the child's words, and then that brings forth a memory; they all knew this girl, she was the one from their dreams.

Dave has seen his fair share of child soldiers in Africa. Just because it's young, doesn't mean it isn't dangerous. To him, a threat is a threat, regardless of its age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or bubblegum flavor. So yes, Dave would shoot a kid. He's in full soldier mode at the moment, as that's basically the only way to stay sane after blowing the head off a wolf-thing with maggots crawling out of one eye and green glowing ichor seeping from the other. Dave, fortunately or unfortunately, doesn't take orders from Russian women, unless they happen to have more fruit salad on their chest than he, or at the very least have one big solid bar topped with a star on their shoulders. The gun remains unwavering as he takes aim at the direction of the child's voice. If another threat appears, or the child threatens them overtly, he's going to shoot and not think twice about it.

Amira calls out "I am sorry it had to come to that. "She turns this way and that still holding her dagger. "But he was to sick to help. He was to far gone and we helped him pass. You are the one who called us here. I am Amira Brokovich, I came to help you."

Faina glares toward Dave's direction as he doesn't speak back with them and simply sits, gun at the ready, and waiting for the appearance of a child. Resting down on the forest floor is the decayed remains of a wolf, one eye socket hollowed eye, the other having just been shot, the remaining explosion of a grape like orb rolling off its face. Some skin was yanked off, leaving behind a gash, and from its wounds, a glowing fluid puddles and pools around it. The woods in that area are closed off it seems, no sound enters, no sound leaves; trapped in a space all their own. The sobbing continues, and when Amira gives her name, the sound turns into sniffles. "Amira?" The girl questions, "Y-yes," Faina begins, "I'm Faina Markov, I believe you called me, too." With a snapping of twigs and dried leaves, a small, blood covered foot moves from behind a tree, dressed in what was once white mary-janes and a pair of summer-pink overalls, a girl leaves the safety of her hiding spot. Her hair is a messy tangle of pale hair, and like the wolf, one of her eyes sockets is sunk in, bored out, and a good section of skull is missing from the back of her head. Covered in dirt and mud, she hugs to the side of the tree, her pouty lips trembling as one milky eye weeps tears, the other weeps another fluids, a mixture of crimson and off white cream.

Dave is motionless and crouched down, nearly impossible to see, with his rifle lifted to his shoulder and his eye on the scope as he takes aim at a screaming little child. He has hunter's earplugs in his ears, a light pistol strapped around one thigh, and a kabar knife strapped around the other. Clearly, Dave is or was out here hunting when whatever is going on went down. In front of Faina and Amira is the corpse of a wyrmy wolf with one rotted eye socket and one shot out eye socket that seems to have taken off the back of its skull. Another rifle shot through it's shoulder seems to have taken it out after the initial first blast failed to do so. Green....ooze seeps from it's burst eye socket and from its muzzle while the maggots which crawled in the burnt out eye socket now writhe around on the ground. Seeing this new horror, Dave fires his weapon. He's not a particularly sophisticated man, nor a particularly reluctant killer. Child or otherwise, he fires at the undead thing without a moment's hesitation.

Amira can't help it. its part of her nature. She shouts "Down!" and will quickly try to dive for the girl to save her from the gunshot.. unable to see it hurt even risking her own self for it...

A loud whistling sound is heard before an arrow strikes the ground near Dave. Vidar's voice, low in its tone but loud in its boom rings out through the forest around them, "Hold your fire!" Vidar steps out from cover, notching another arrow as he approaches the little girl. He spots Amira and says in a growling voice, "What is that?" referring to the girl.

Faina gasps, a quick slur of a Russian curse leaving her lips as she, too, join Amira to form some human sheild against the avid hunter and his trigger happy finger. As the bullet cracks into the silence of the space, it muffles as its driven through a trio of bodies, Amira, the girl's, and Faina's. Both women in defense of the girl now, Faina growls lowly in her throat and holds up her pistol toward Dave. "Do as he says..." she commands once more through gritted teeth. Both Amira and Faina are bleeding, along with being spattered with the sickly black, crude almost oil like fluids leaking from the girl's new wound. She's crying once more, gripping into Amira with weak hands, kneading at the woman's shirt as she leans back into Faina for support. To the new arrival, the Silver Fang Kin says nothing, her silvery glare piercing out toward Dave along with the steady barrel of her firearm.

Amira takes the hit and she growls out in pain but just grits her teeth. She holds onto the little child and says "Shh shh its okay. Im here." her voice worried and very bothered as she holds the gross child in her arms and is covered in black grossness. She ignores her own pain and says "We're gonna help you." she looks to Faina as her hands shake and she calls to Vidar "Help her!" Her voice a tad panicked!

Dave is not a warm and fuzzy kinda guy. Not at all. He rolls away from the arrow and behind more cover, gauging the new threat. This one he knows, in passing, so the rifle remains trained on the tar baby oozing black gunk all over the two women. He can't get a clear shot of the shambling horror, but right now his mind is blank except for his target and his surroundings. Thinking about what it might be or what the greenish glowing wolf thing might have been are troubles to haunt his dreams later, but not right now. Right now, he has a job to do - and two hysterical tree-hugging commie liberals in the way of his nice clean shot.

Dave didn't need to roll out of the way. The arrow was strategically placed next to him. Although instinct likely caused him to roll away. Vidar looks to the apparently tainted child and smirks. He looks at Amira once again, "Calm down.." his eyes look to the child, "Why do I know you?" he asks the child creature. His eyes narrow, "Speak and I may keep your head upon your shoulders."

With a lazy roll, the milky eye of the weeping child gazes up at Vidar. Her words twist, rolling from her dirt covered lips in a language only he would understand. It sounded to other ears like gutteral growls, yips, barks and other canine noises. Looking back to Amira, she offers a smile and rests her head down against the woman's chest, hugging around her. Like the dry husk of a seed pod, the girl's body crumbles inward, folding and falling back limp like a doll. With Faina's support, she doesn't fall to the ground and finally, the gun is lowered away from Dave and slipped back into her holster. "Rest her down," she murmurs gently to Amira, digging into her coat pocket for a small flash light and a pair of gloves; one never knows. Once the child passes, the sounds of the night return to their space, a chorus of nocturnal creatures opening with their cries and echos of activity and life.

Vidar nods as the child creature appears to pass away. He keeps his arrow knotched as he says to Amira, "Burn it. Cleanse it so that its soul can know peace.. it delivered a message.. honor its pain by cleansing it in flame." he sniffs the air once and adds, "Stinks out here.." he grumbles and looks to Amira and Faina's wounds, "Are you hurt badly or will you manage?"

Amira holds the child close so she can keep herself fully in the way of Dave's gun, laying over her if she has to. Unable to let harm come to a child without a reason why she waits. She gasps as she feels the child 'going' and she says " no , no no.. we were called to help her! We have to help her!" tears start to form but she tries to blink them away. She lays the child very gently back onto the ground and reaches up to stroke the brow that isn't destroyed but then just sits back looking a bit numb. This whole ordeal with it being a child seeming to take its toll on her. She pulls a lighter out of her book bag and says quietly, nearly a whisper "Help me, Faina. " pulling up some dry leaves now in silence to create a little bed to burn her on."

Dave flicks the safety on his rifle into the locked position and stands up from his crouch. This is exactly the sort of shit he came out to the forest to avoid. It's supposed to be nice, and quiet, and peaceful out here. Just him, some wild boar, clean air, and a little earth that doesn't sway beneath his feet for a few hours. Instead he gets shambling horrors to add to his nightmares. The sea really is simpler. Even if the monsters in its depths are infinitely more terrifying, they at least don't wear the shapes of rotting dead children. Saving his vomit for later, Dave turns and stalks towards the woods to get back to his camp and pack up before the images can sear themselves into his permanent memory. For now, he can chalk this up to 'just one more thing I did with a gun.' At least until someone makes him face it head on.

"Wait, wait...burn her? We can't. I don't have any ID on her or anything. We have to find out what happened to her first." The Russian explains, giving a glance to her wound and back to the blonde. "I'm fine, Miss Amira should be, too. Just clean it up and cover it..." Glancing off toward Dave, she then moves back to take a knee next to the tiny body. Covering her hands with the gloves, she begins checking for anything obvious on the girl. Blinking, she reaches out and pushes the lighter away. "No, we cannot just burn her..." Watching after Dave, her face twists up slightly with obvious disapproval, but she says nothing. Going back to her work, she glances up toward Amira, "Step back please, ok?"

Amira shakes her head "no, no I can't." she says when Faina asks her to step away. She seems incapable of leaving the child's side. She continues to hold the child slightly she says to vidar. "Tell me what happened? She is tainted. You can tell. Do you know what happened? The message, what did she say?"

Vidar smirks at the two and says, "Mortals playing mortal games... well best of luck to you." he turns and moves away, stopping to lean against a tree and keep an eye on things while Faina works.

Faina looks toward Amira, a very maternal expression coming to her face. "Sweetie, I need you to put her down for a moment, please. I need to look her over and see what information I can gain from her. Ok? Nothing more is going to happen to her, I promise." Glancing up toward Vidar, her brows slope curiously. "What are you talking about? Secondly, who are you?"

Vidar looks to Amira from the tree he leans against and says, "She said that Mother is sick... I assume that means Gaia. She said that they are coming.. thieves in black.. she says we need to heal her. I assume that means Gaia... somewhere specific perhaps.. obviously ... though healing her isn't usually my job. That's for the Gurahl. Even still, who am I to turn down a suggestion from a creature who took the host of a child in order to relay it?"

Amira nods her head to Vidar and she steps back, finally. She winces at the shot she took and says "im going to kick the crap out of that fool." she says in response to Dave. She stands up fully and looks over her grossed out clothes, (jeans, t-shirt and books dispite what her desc says) and she looks to Vidar, a little pale. I know a few of the Gurahl. I'll talk to them about it. " she says weakly and she moves away from the little girl and looks like she could faint. More from the event than any wound to her.

"The who?" Faina questions, eyeing the two now as they continue to speak in whatever gibber-gabber they're using. "Wait, wait...hold on. You, sir, I still need your name, please, and can you both please explain to me; what message are you talking about, what are you talking about with this...'Goo-rall' business, and why do you want to burn this child?"

Vidar walks over to Amira and puts his hand on her shoulder. He says, "Amira.. Wait." he turns and goes to get his duffel bag that he stashed nearby. He pulls a dark green cloak from it, large enough to completely cover her, and a hood to use if she wishes. He walks back to her and says, "The blood is tainted as well. Contaminated. You'll need to burn your clothes. You can wear this to get back into town." he adds, "You don't have to burn your clothes right away... But see to it that you do. You don't want to be a magnet for the Wyrm." Vidar turns his gaze towards Faina and his eyes narrow, "You don't need my name, woman." his voice growls almost primally, he's already not happy about the situation and he's not about to let a kinfolk demand anything of him right now. "If you do not know.. then I will show you." he steps towards her slowly, "You are one of us.. Your blood is our blood. I can smell it on you. You were born of Gaia.. while you are human, you hold a genetic relationship to our kind. You are more important than the average human. You are kin to those who share the wolf blood."

Amira nods to vidar and says "I got it on my skin. Hopefully not in my wound.. " She takes the hood from him and without shyness the beautiful women begins to strip of her clothes. "You followed a voice of a child from a dream so you believe there are other things out there. What he says is true. You are one of us a kin to the warriors of Gaia." says the weak little kin. She takes off her clothes and tosses them to the side and covers herself in the cloth Vidar gave her. She looks to Faina and says "This is going to be hard... " knowing what Vidar just said he would show her. Knowing she would freak at frist she moves up to Vidar and places herself before him but so Faina can see him, worried she might try to shoot him too!

Faina mouths the words, 'The wyrm', that confusion lingering on her face all the more visible. She stands, even as the man talks down to her, her jaw sets and a low growl rolls from her throat. Were she a shifter, she was born under the Full Moon, and sometimes, it showed. Glancing back at the child, the wolf corpses, and back to the pair (now with Amira dressed again) she eyes her own clothing and shakes her head. "Wolf blood? Gaia? The Greek term for the world?" Shaking her head, she begins tugging off the latex covering her hands. "No, no, yes, I followed a dream, but this...You're not making any sense."

Vidar's body blurs, his clothing shreds apart as he falls onto all fours. As he pads forward he is lupus form, a grey wolf. He leaves his clothing behind as he circles around Amira and rubs his head against her leg showing that he isn't as vicious as he could be. His primal eyes stare at Faina.

Thankfully for Amira, Faina doesn't move for her gun. Even earlier, when the tainted beast was walking toward them, she had yet to shoot. Her knees buckle and her boot slides back against the forest floor, leaving a trail with it. A shuddering breath passes her lips, her legs bending as she meets the ground, sitting back on her heels. Silver eyes widen, simply staring at the once Nordic man now grey wolf staring back at her. "Wh-What's happening..." Her voice was a touch over a whisper now. The world was weird, someone had told her before, this city was weird and sometimes...things happened you kept out of your reports. " do you know I'm connected to you at all? You hardly know me. You just met me..."

Amira reaches down to stroke her tiny fingers over the wolf's head in an affectionate caress as she looks up to Faina. "You, are the kin of these beings. Proud, strong and honorable. Protectors of the earth, Gaia, our mother. Their blood runs through your veins as it does mine making you and me family. " She gives her a soft smile as she continues to touch the wolf. "Your heritage, though unknown to you, is an important one. Amira adds "He can sense your family. As he sensed I was a well a few days ago. You have a whole family you don't know about. "

Vidar shifts again, taking human form. Though he's completely nude. He walks over to Amira and reaches his hand out to her, "On second thought. I might need that cloak until I can go change." he looks over his shoulder at Faina and says, "The universe consists of three beings. The wyld, untamed, pure.. chaos.. it represents life as we know it.. unpredictable, full of passion, magic.. and pure. The Weaver, represented as a spider... she is order, logic, she spins her webs and is very organized.. and the Wyrm. Destruction, death, part of the natural order.. there must be death so new life can exist." he adds, "The Wyrm was too good at its job and began destroying everything.. So the Weaver trapped the Wyrm in its web for many millenia. The result was the Wyrm being driven insane, twisted and full of hate... Gaia is our Goddess.. She is the planet we exist on.. and the Wyrm now sends forth its minions to destroy us all. So Gaia gave birth to many races of shifters... ours are called the Garou. Or werewolves.. We were created to fight the Wyrm and destroy it... so that the Gurahl, or werebears, can heal her. Unfortunately, the Wyrm carries with it a sort of contamination. We call this taint... if it gets on you, other Wyrm elements are drawn to you.. and you risk being twisted and deformed, much like that child there." yes, he explains all of this while he stands there with his largely endowed self. He wiggles his fingers at Amira for that cloak.

Faina lowers her eyes, allowing the man to be nude as he so wishes to be. There was a bit too much sinking into her head for it to truly matter, but, hey...manners. All of it begins to settle on the woman's mind, her eyes unblinking as she stares at nothing. "I...I need to go home I think." Pressing up to her feet, the woman's fingers wrap around the odd shape hanging off her throat in white gold. "I...I need a drink and a shower." Glancing back at the body of the girl, she shivers and begins to shuffle away until her steps turn to easy strides. "I..." she doesn't finish the thought, simply heading back to the dirt road that feeds into the mouth of the forest.

Amira waits a few moments letting him talk. She looks over his naked form and grins a little but then says "Oh fine.. here." she takes off the cloak and hands it back to Vidar now she's the naked one! She's not shy though. She calls out to Faina "Find me at the Smoke and barley. I will wait there every evening from seven to ten for you! We can talk more. " She then heads over to the child and she kneels down. She sighs and says "May the mother guide you to her breast and hold you there forever." She sets her own clothes on top of the girl then sets her on fire! She frown and says "How sad." She then looks back to Vidar and says "you know, its not like you don't grow fur or anything.. You could shift back to a wolf and I could wear the clock and we could go home together you know." she is apparently not willing to put the grossed out tainted clothes on again.