Primer for Cliaths

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Primer for Cliaths

and anyone else with questions!

Welcome to City of Hope Mush, the city of Prospect, and the Sept of the Enduring Spirit! As a new Cliath/Cub to the Garou Sphere, it has been found that there are a number of things that would be most helpful to detail out that you should know/do. This document is intended to help you with those, so you can follow tradition as well as be setup and ready to run for role play!

Howl of Introduction

Once you are approved, it is customary to introduce yourself to the sphere. In IC terms, a wolf would howl to alert other wolves in the area that they are entering. Thus Garou would do the same to let the members of the local Sept know they are entering. These howls are posted to +bboard 15. Here is an example post, including the commands to do it:

+bbpost 15/Howl of Introduction
+bb A Howl can be heard, drifting across the area to all who can hear it:%r%r>>I am Johanna Isla Johnson. Rite named Starchaser, born on two legs beneath the Half Moon, of the Stargazers. I have come from the Sept of Jupiter. I seek permission to enter the Sept of the Enduring Spirit, and join you to defend the Nation.<<%r

(The +bbproof allows you to see your post before you post it - so if there is an error, you can fix it. To do that - you +bbtoss - that cancels you out and you can start over.)

Formal Introductions

When a Garou is greeting another Garou for the first time - in a setting the protects the Veil (i.e.: Safe Places, it will be expected that you give a formal introduction. This establishes a relationship, so each of you know who the other is, and what respect each is due. It is important to include your name, Lupus born or homid born, your rite name (if you are Cliath or above in rank, since Cubs would not have one yet), your Auspice, and your tribe. If/when you are in a pack, and have a position within it, or within the Sept, you would list that as well.

  1. Check out a recent class held for “Garou Nation Etiquette” for more information and also details about honorifics: 2018.06.11:_Garou_Nation_Etiquette
  2. Your formal introduction does not need to be in the exact same format as the following example, as each person has their own way of wording things. It will change up as you grow ICly, and RP happens. Here are a few examples:

"I am Brooke Farman, rited Hushed Blaze, Adren, Galliard Glass Walker of homid birth, Beta of Terminal Velocity, Children of Merlin, Master of the Howl, married to Michael Farman of Glass Walker Kinfolk."

"Sergei Ivanov of human name. Among the Nation I am Howling-Wind, son of Bloody-Snow, son of Blood-on-the-Wind. Wolf-born Ahroun of Great Wendigo's people at the Sept of the Siberian Wilds. I am now a member of the Sept of Enduring Spirit and the Pack Terminal Velocity in service to Merlin and the Nation as an Adren."

"I am Johanna Isla Johnson, rite named Starchaser, born on two legs beneath the Half Moon, Cliath of the Stargazers."


Garou and other types of shifters can take other forms. Garou have Homid, Lupus, Hispo, Glabro, and Crinos. When you do shift to one of these, the +shift command will adjust your +sheet because ICly you have changed. Some things work better than others (especially considering some forms you lack thumbs!). With that, normally, you would expect your description to change, as well as your name to become your Rite Name. You can check out +help +shift for more details, and check out the wiki: Shift. Here is my recommendations:

IMPORTANT - Be sure to use: @lock me=me, @lock/use me=me, and @lock/enter me=me&!me FIRST

A. Use '+desc' for all descriptions. This is the multi-desc'er that allows you to save your descriptions all on an object it creates for you. It makes it very simple for the '+shift' code to be called to do this. '+help +desc' will give you more details. For this primer, here is how to do that, if you have not used it before:

  1. +id/init
  2. +desc/quick hispo=A large dire wolf with silvery white fur, and sharp teeth.
  3. Note: The example description is just an example. If you go for a more intricate description, and want line breaks, or indenting (%r or %t), then be sure you put in 2 (%%r) so it will function when you actually the way you intended when you use it.

B. Here is the example of the code I set for hispo:

  1. &data_ashift_garou-hispo me=+desc/load hispo;@emit With a crunch of bones and stretch of muscles, fur flies and wind swirls. %n becomes a dire wolf;@name me=Starchaser
  2. As you can see - there is multiple parts to this code. When you would use: '+shift garou-hispo', then your description will change to what you set with '+desc' for hispo. The '@emit' portion alerts those around you that you have shifted - I use the '%n' because maybe I am shifting from Crinos to Hispo - and that would keep me the same rite name. If I am shifting from homid - then it will use that name that is set. Finally, you have that '@name' portion that does the change to the Rite Name. You can have these in any order you wish, just keep to having a semicolon ';' between each section.
  3. You can then repeat this process with each shifter form - customize it for each one.

C. This should help to remind you, especially with the name change, to shift back to homid before you end up back in town, walking around and all there.


This is Garou way to rank up, and is a reflection of the deeds we do - both good and bad. You receive it in the form of Temp Glory, Honor, or Wisdom. Once you have 10 Temp of one of those, then you earn 1 'Permanent' of that type. Check out on game: +help +renown, +help +renownreq, +bboard 6, as well as Renown

Renown Requests: There are two ways to get renown. Either you are nommed by someone (usually the ST of whatever scene you were in), or you put it in for yourself.

A. +renownreq: This is for normally for nomming yourself. Typically this will be for when you learn something new like a new Rite, or for monthly guarding and chores. Yes, it is handwaved that every member of the Sept can earn 1 Honor for Guarding the Caern, and more 1 Honor for Chores. This is available ONCE a month, and if you forget one month, you can put in for the past TWO months. After that, you lose out. I recommend that every month, on the first, you submit it. Make it a habit. It may not seem like you get a lot, but consider how it adds up. There is nothing you really have to even do RPwise, and you get 2 Temp Honor a month. Over a year - that is 24 Temp Honor, or 2 Perm Honor, and almost halfway to the next one.

  1. For example: +renownreq Honor=Johanna performed Monthly Chores and Guarding the Caern for the month of June 2018: 2 Honor

B. +renown/nom: This gets more complicated. Use this page to help you with it: Renown/Guide

  1. IF this is part of a PRP (player run plot), usually the ST will submit this for the group. You do /NOT/ want each person to put in their own request as that takes much more time for staff, and things may be missed or confused. Best thing to do is to check with the ST that it is being done. If they are unsure, come find one of the Elders or myself or staff to help.
  2. Sometimes, someone does something for you, or around you that deserves renown. Whether that is teaching, or getting out of a sticky RP situation ICly. This is also the time to use this command. When you are new, and learning Rites especially, why not have another PC teach it to you? You can RP it out, but it is not required. Once you have your +xpreq approved for the new Rite, you can submit yourself for (1 Wisdom) for learning the Rite. Put in there that someone taught it to you. Then put in the +renown/nom for the PC that taught it to you - which can be (1 Honor, 3 Wisdom). Simple, and helpful for both of you in what would have been just another xpspend.

Template for Group Renown Submission from Valentin

Shifter Ranks

For Garou (as well as other shifters), your place in society is determined by your rank. From the bottom up it goes:

0 - Cub
1 - Cliath
2 - Fostern
3 - Adren
4 - Athro
5 - Elder

For more details you can check out +rules shifter rank. This gives you the amount of time you must wait between each rank up. Even if you have the renown for Elder, you must wait it out. For each Auspice, you need different amounts of Glory, Honor, and Wisdom. For reference, you can find the list on the wiki here: Rank by Auspice

Learning Rites

As Garou, we can learn various Rites, both in general and specific to our tribes. The most common ones are the most basic and needed in general very often. Sharing what George, Elder Ragabash of the Silent Striders recommends to start with:

Rite of Contrition, Rite of Cleansing, and Rite of Talisman Dedication. You need to know how to say you're sorry because you will fuck up. You need to know how to clean up messes because our life is a messy one. And you absolutely need to keep your damn pants on.
Bottom Line: Say your sorry, Take a bath, keep your clothes on.

Past that, there are many Rites that are helpful. You can get a list of the rituals and current PCs that know those rites on this page:

Rituals by Name

It is good to ask first before you learn from someone, which you can do ICly in a scene, or only OOCly. Either way, you would open a +xpreq to either buy the Rite with XP, or to learn it by making a roll and waiting the required amount of days. XP_Chart#Shifter