The hour grows late and the war drums are deafening. If I die again before the reckoning may it be in flames with my brothers and sisters.
Family matters are always a source of confusing feelings, aren't they? What a paranoid, narcissistic lot we are. Perhaps my sire was right to leave me buried to hatch and mature on my own.
Their grandsires awaken on a nightly basis, hungry for the blood of their descendants, and still they play as though the game has no terminus? It's a fine trick, convincing the larder to tend to itself.
Ugh, stop proselytizing and do something about it. Secular nonsense.
Honestly, it is hard to imagine I was ever so delicious.
I would have laughed when I was told to fear and respect their power, were it not for the person who told me. Still, I can't help but be curious...
Phhhhhhhhhhhbbt-! Really?! Do they taste like Lucky Charms?
I guarantee I kill fewer kine in a year than one of these lot do in a week. Scary bunch of religious zealots with sub-human impulse control. I wonder, is this how we seem to the Camarilla?
I find no small measure of comfort in knowing that those mortals I have killed may yet linger on to suffer still.
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- Faqirah - She speaks with the authority of one who has grown comfortable with the inevitability of her own doom. It gives me hope that I may yet find a home here.
- Vera - Her tenacity is palpable. Not quite the studious recluse I pictured when I was told of the Old Clan.
- Annastasija - Eager. Takes good notes. Good with kine. I don't trust her.
- Sarah - As pleasant company as I've had since my Embrace. What do your careful manners conceal, I wonder?
- Alonso - Oh, our dark, brooding Lost Boy, like a puppy trying to find its master. Careful, darling, or you might find yourself led by the wrong hand...
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Shovelhead Sabbat
Surgeon, Schemer, Spiritualist
I am the Trauma Goddess,
the Lady of Pain.
I am a dancer upon the suffering of all mankind.
In return for devotion,
I pull thorns from the heart.
In return for obedience,
I untie the knots in the belly and the head.
My compassionate side is hidden,
But for those whom I love,
Who have taken on my dark grace,
I open a path of shining light.
-excerpted from a devotional song to Vajrayogini
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