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Bastet. Amethyst heart ached even thinking the name, a myriad of alien emotions flitting across the surface of her mind: imported memories from Typhanie's mind. Some days, the kinmagi couldn't tell where her memories ended and Typhanie's began. There wasn't even a clear place to begin where and why that name hurt. Firebird had just begun to tell her about Fera.. and that vampire slipped into her life, like a shadow that had always been there. Her knuckles tightened on the motorcycle's handles. He'd shifted, too.. into a tiger, talked to her about how in touch with the wilds he was, how much he needed a healer.. Bereft of a proper teacher, for Nation or for mage, Amethyst had stumbled and lost her way in the lies and seduction. The temptation of being wanted and belonging was immense. Pleasure was addictive. But slavery was wrong. The fangs tucked into her pocket were testament that, with help, anything could be overcome if your will was strong enough, and it didn't kill you first.

But that was nearly two years prior to present... why was it always Bastet? First, the one who painted her in blood, demanded she flay him open and paint his ribs with molten gold. Then, the one who had not learned the most basic lesson of keeping one's veil.. leading her fellow mage to assume she was kin to the Bastet. Amethyst kicked the Ducati up another notch, anger coursing through her veins, and the engine revving past sane speeds. And then there was the one in the diner. She didn't even know why she was upset at him, but she was.

...but, in truth, she did know why she was mad at him, she admitted to herself. She wanted to run her fingers across glorious fur, to pet, to bask in the Khan's ego and radiance. She'd volunteered at the big cat rescue, up in Washington state, for a time. They housed many cats, but mostly tigers. Everything about them enchanted her, from their eyes, to their grace, to their personalities. Seriously, though, how dare the Bastet be so tempting, yet so unapproachable? Was this Gaia's idea of a joke? Was a single one of them sane? It was easier to ignore the Simba. They were lions. But the Khans? Amethyst's heart twinged and ached, where no rote and no enchanted armor could protect. The real joke was, she was kin to wolves.. to the Garou, but had not grown up among them. Slowly, their culture had gotten less alien with time, but it remained.. The Sunhome called to her, and to Firebird, a call she couldn't answer or risk the ire of her people. Gaia's call to duty was strong, but Helios's call pulled at the very core of her Avatar. Her Totem was of Helios, despite also being of Falcon's brood.

Amethyst's bike tore down the dirt road to her home. Slowly she downshifted, the loud engine all but a scream of the Weaver in the peaceful forest as her Mansion rose into view. Reflection had been had, in the sinuous crowd of dancing bodies. She needed something deeper. Unceremoniously stripping off her clothes, the kin walked straight into the frigid lake behind her mansion, rinsing off the smell of humanity and the city off her. The cold didn't bother the girl.. her inner radiance kept her more than warm. To the greenhouse, her feet carried her, to a small sauna within. The air was thick and heady, filled with Awakened Cannabis and regular Cannabis plants alike. She tossed a dried bunch onto the heated stones within, and settled down, cross-legged, with her eyes closed.

If answers could not be found without, perhaps they could be found within.