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Bry: About a week after Never hit town he was still trying to figure out how to deal with the difficulties of life as a vampire. He was constantly moving from place to place - usually squatting in some basement or abandoned buildings to hide from the sun. He hunted mostly by prowling the streets looking for people who could be missed - the people that no one would care if they turned up missing. He hunted them because he had no idea that he could feed without killing. As a recently turned vampire, he was able to go a night or two without feeding but by that third night the hunger was so great that he ended up draining his victims completely to slake his thirst. His favorite targets were pimps, drug dealers and the like. He wasn't trying to clean up the city - just take advantage of a segment of the population who didn't have many friends. This is how he met Bry.

Bry was a student at the university that ended up getting hooked on Ice and had been forced into turning tricks for a dealer named Two-Fur to support his habit. One night, while Never was stalking Two-Fur to get a sense of how hard it would be to take him down, he saw Bry talking to him. Bry hadn't had any Ice in days and the withdraws were getting bad. He had some exams coming up and needed to be able to focus - an impossible task when all he could think of was his next fix. Two-Fur knew that Bry was hooked and also knew that he could sell his body to the highest bidder. So he arranged for Bry to 'entertain' three men one night and if he was successful then he would give him what he wanted. Bry had sold himself three times so far and told himself that he would never do it again. When Two-Fur told him that he would be going out with not one but three guys at the same time, he refused. Two-Fur wasn't about to let his cash cow just walk away like that so he decided to apply a little muscle. Two-Fur's goon, a guy named D-Ball, carried a baseball bat and started to charge after Bry when Never stepped in. Using his natural stealth to surprise the 'muscle', he sliced the man across the back of his knees with his claws and dropped him like a sack of potatoes.

Two-Fur pulled a knife and went after Bry while Never was making sure that D-Ball couldn't get back up. Bry was cut down one forearm. The cut wasn't too deep but was starting to bleed. Never, not seeing the blood, however, jumped on Two-Fur from behind and sunk his fangs into the man's neck. The two crumpled to the ground while Bry started to go into shock from the panic of being cut.

Never drank his fill from the dealer before he realized that the other guy was injured. There was no way that Never could disguise his appearance to Bry. Right there in the alley, one man was dead and another was crippled and screaming, Never was all vamped out. He had to silence the screaming man. So he fed from him too and by this point he was nearly covered in blood. Bry, attempting to run away from Never, mostly scrambled and back-peddled as he was injured and totally freaking out at this point. Never, no longer hungry and having nothing against the guy other than not wanting him to stop running way, pounced. Holding one hand over Bry's mouth, he retracted his fangs and let the red fade from his eyes so that he seemed at little less menacing. Bry was panicked and nothing that Never could say would calm him down - though he did remember something that his sire had did for him when he was embraced. Feeding Never blood helped heal his wounds - burns that were all over his body. Bry continued to scramble under Never's body - fighting him off to get away. With one well-placed, and lucky, back hand to his jaw, Never stunned Bry into momentary submission. He fed the guy just a little of his blood from his wrist - only a little but enough, he thought, to heal the cut on his arm. He would have to get rid of the two bodies and do something with Bry who was groggy at best.

The dealer and his thug were dropped down the nearest manhole into the sewers. He had never disposed of a body that way before but it seemed like that was a good place to hide them. Bry, he found by pilfering his wallet, lived off campus. So after dragging him back to his own car which was nearby, Never drove the two of them to his house where he cleaned up. He was, in those early days, a messy feeder. He always needed to carry a towel with him otherwise he would be covered in blood from chin to navel. So, while Bry was still recovering from having his bell rung, the cut on his arm had healed and, in the process, he had become one-step closer to Never who needed a place to crash for the day. Bry let him crash out in his basement since no one really went down there and it was, essentially, light-safe.

The following night, when Never awoke, he realized that Bry did not live alone - he had two other roommates in the house. Slowly he crept upstairs and emerged once he heard the others leave. Bry did not need any explanation for what Never was. He basically figured things out with the fangs and such - even though his mind didn't really want to admit that there was any such thing. In all of the excitement, Bry had totally forgotten about his addiction. It seemed as though the blood he had tasted the night before had done more than just heal his arm. Within the week Bry had grown more fond of Never - though neither had really any idea about the bond that was being forged between them. The addiction was not removed, they found out, just supplanted by Never's blood. It kept it at bay for the few days necessary for Bry to get through his exams. When the cravings began to surge again, Never convinced him to get drunk with him rather than go out and look for more Ice. Though Never did not drink, nor could he, he was able to 'encourage' Bry to drink enough to pass out so that he could feed him his blood a second time and, he hoped, destroy his addiction to drugs. Unfortunately for him, he just replaced one addiction with another.