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Revision as of 18:59, 9 October 2014 by imported>Libertibelle
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Sleepers Oh you Gods, Oh you Monsters. You poor dears have let Them make you think yourselves so small, so trivial, when you're the Biggest Lot of all...
Traditions Quite possibly the worst system of governance in history, except for all the others.
Traditions Yup. I'm the urban legend you've all be warned about, the Chakravanti what don't kill people, the story they tell to all the good little conservative Snuffers before tuckin' 'em into bed. Seriously though...despite the tension, I believe in our cause, our mission. Death is just another word for change, transformation. Most people don't really get that we die and are reborn already, day in and day out. I'm less interested in killing the body of the man than helping him simply to kill his old life. I used to think it was just me who thought that way, but lately I'm starting to see different. We lot are less of a lost cause than I thought...but don't go telling people I said that. Don't need them going soft on me.
Traditions A few souls keep telling me I should be here instead, and in another world, I probably am. Lot in common, least on a surface. But I'm needed where I am.
Technocracy The ultimate achievement in ignorance, yeh? Blindness. Classic example of good intentions being a brill road surfacing on the way to Hell. Still, there's hope for them, but it'll be a LOT of work.
Nephandi "There are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things. Things which act against everything we believe in. They must be fought."
Marauder There but for the grace of Shakti go I...
Independants Right on, you kids. Tough path to follow, but in the early days, that was almost me. Just keep your nose clean, s'all I'm saying...
Consors Kingdom's lost for want of a nail, Guv. Be kind to your blacksmith, especially before he goes shoein' your horse...
Vampire Only met one. Mmmm..maybe two? Didn't sparkle none, thank God. Pity them though. Lots. They don't realize the terrible thing they've done to themselves, so awfully afraid of Death.
Werewolf ....okay. Apparently werewolves DO exist. And bears. And I'm partially one? Werewolf that is, not Bear. I could really use a drink right now...
Tribe Jokes about all-female biker gangs aside, I'm still trying to figure this out.
Wraith ...had surprisingly few dealings with them. Oh, don't give me that face, just because of who I am. Not all of us dance so close to those who shuffled off the mortal coil...
Changeling Oh! Does that mean Tinklebell is real then? Loved that movie, growing up. Right, enough fucking all seriousness, I think it would be absolutely smashing to meet one of that lot. Totally ace. I've got a birthday coming up, so keep that in mind.
Demon *sigh* Everyone expects me to say something cute and clever here like "Oo right, we all have our Demons to face." But no. I'm not gonna...