Maddox/Merits and Flaws

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~ Merits ~

Crafting Aptitude

-2 the the difficulty of all Crafting rolls.

Mechanical Aptitude

-2 the the difficulty of all mechanical type rolls.


You are equally dexterous, or nearly so, with both hands, and use your "off" hand at no penalty. Difficulties to do two different tasks at once (one with each hand) are at +1 for both rolls.

Cat-like Balance

-2 difficulty to rolls relating to balance.

Higher Purpose

All changelings have some vision of their path, but you have a special commitment to it. Your chosen goal drives and directs you in everything. You do not concern yourself with petty matters and casual concerns, because your higher purpose is everything. Though you may sometimes be driven by this purpose and find yourself forced to behave in ways contrary to the needs of personal survival, it can also grant you great personal strength. You gain two extra dice on any roll that has something to do with this higher purpose. Decide what your higher purpose is, and make sure you discuss it with the Storyteller.
Madtop believes that FUBARs are the way of the future that they are what will save the Fae with the Winter encroaching on the Autumn and that the fear of what Nockers create is not bringing on the banality, but that it will help defeat it and keep Glamour in the world.

Speedy Hammer

You are a fast and talented worker, even for your kith. When building or repairing something the difficulty of your craft roll is reduced by one. Additionally, you require one to three fewer success on an extended rolls required when working on large or complex projects. This merit also reduces the difficulties of all mining rolls by two.

~ Flaws ~

Alien Appearance

His eyes remain the same color in human and Fae mien, bit also he has bright orange hair in his Fae form and not the characteristic white.


Has to fix things if they are broken, gets twitchy if he can't get his hands on the broken machinery he has come across..


Hats, he loves hats, he has to comment to anyone that has one on and address any in a good way if they complement his, but it's fighting words if they put it down.

Offensive to Animals

or some reason, animals fear you or just don't like you. Add 2 to your difficulty or subtract 2 dice from rolls involving interacting with animals.

Youthful Appearance

You look like you're still in high school. You always get carded at bars and often have to produce identification even to buy cigarettes. In order to gain entry to clubs, concerts, bars or to purchase alcohol, you need to present a valid-looking ID.