My Side
Like it says in the stupid, stupid movie: I didn't invent it, I'm just in it. Sometimes, I wish I wasn't...
Family. Even before Nation, There is Tribe. Sometimes I hate them so much, but that never stops me loving them with all my heart.
Do you ever stop and marvel at the splendid mundanity of your existence? Some days, I would say: trade ya!
*cocks her crossbow* Where?
Your Side
My sister Illyana is supposedly named for one of their kind. Beyond that, I don't know a damn thing about them, other than don't let them anywhere fucking near the Caern.
You going to give me a sob story about how some of them are just misunderstood? Boo-fucking-hoo. Kill them all, let Gaia sort them out.
"Float away, little butterfly. Just flutter away."
...oh c'mon, really?!
Don't know a damn thing about them, other than the name screams, "Kill me please and thank you."