
From City of Hope MUSH
Revision as of 01:21, 8 December 2014 by imported>Lupita
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"A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. "

-Matthew 5:14-15

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Vampires: All the world is damned, but we simply wear our sin more openly. We must not believe our lives are over because we cease to breathe.

Camarilla: My sire believed that there was no hope for our kind without the Camarilla. His ways were misguided but I stand by his beliefs.

Sabbat: To sully our humanity, to spit in the eye of God and use sacred Catholic rites as playthings is horrible. You do not shake your fist at God.

Independents: I cannot say I know enough to pass judgement. However the saracens have always been feared by my sire, and I believe he has good reason to.

Anarchs: Mankind has a right to exist without oppression. Despite this, the leaders must lead and the servants must serve. They should learn this lesson.

Toreador: I am so grateful to have become part of this clan. To value beauty so highly is something I can strongly agree with.

Mage: Witches consort with the devil, we must not let them tempt us!

Hunters: We must carry the burden of our sins, but these self-described avengers should allow God to choose judgment.

Demons: One must guard themselves from evil at all times. Saints preserve us.

Changeling: I've heard of fairy tales, but even one such as me finds these stories to be ridiculous!

Wraith: God rest their weary souls, may they find the peace they deserve.

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Silvana: Such a sweet woman! I am glad I have a friend in her!

JD: Reminds me of some Norte Americanos I used to know.

Jax: We have not met but he is very cordial!

Skye: An understanding sort, though has some odd beliefs about women.

Sheltark: A free spirit, but so brash and uncouth!

Cody: An angel in disguise.

Van: Completely off his rocker!

Franko: Can be cruel, but just if need be.

Becky: I miss her very much.

Molly: Very odd, that girl.

Madeline: Absolutely stunning, I love her style!

Silvester: Enchanting, to say the least.

Rachelle: Sweet young thing, is very kind from what I've seen

Cliff: A little on the cold side.

Galen: Very thoughtful fellow.

Miles: Quite the handsome gentleman.

Logan: A bit terse, but seems alright.

Nieci: Little rough around the edges!

Tessa: Sweet but oh so odd! She likes my cookies at least.

Tan: Seemed a proper gentleman, though distant.

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No pages meet these criteria.


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Full Name: Maria Guadalupe Santillo

Date of Birth: November 1st, 1795

Apparent Age: Mid-Twenties

Ethnicity: Hispanic

Origin: Coahuila y Texas, Mexican Republic

Occupation: Socialite

Demeanor: Bon Vivant

Clan: Toreador

Sire: Miguel Mira y Teran

Sect: Camarilla

Notable Traits: Charisma Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png, Appearance Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.png, Etiquette Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.png

Enneagram: Three (Achiever)

Briggs-Myers: ENFJ

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 140 lbs

Body Type: Endomorph

Eye Color: Brown

Hair: Brunette

Lupita's Canon

Lupita's Waltz

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RP Hooks
Socialite: Lupita is a social butterfly and must be around people, chatting and cavorting. Tea parties, soirees, birthday parties, if invited she will do her best to be there and possibly bring a desert.

Dancer: Lupita is a ballroom dancer and loves waltzes and other traditional dances. She is not very fond of modern dance, however.

Mexican: She was born on the border of Texas and Mexico in Coahuila, and loves to converse with other spanish-speakers. This is one reason she came to this city.

Catholic: She tries to keep her beliefs to herself, but she is a fierce believer and is rarely wont to do things she considers sinful.

Old-Fashioned: Young but old, she is still very much a child of the 19th century and dislikes most modern conveniences. She does not own a car, cannot work a phone and finds every single movie amazing.

Fashion: Her love beyond all things is fashion. She knits, sews and embroiders and loves to wear beautiful dresses. Fashion shows, parties and dances where people can flaunt their finery are her favorite haunts.

Estranged Sire: She rarely speaks of her sire, a man who was a harsh taskmaster and traditionalist.

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