Log: Help from a Ravnos

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And so, a new evening begins and Arya sets out on her quest to discover more about where the rumored 'Leanna' may be. Perhaps it's an end to the current situation involved Stefhan's disappearance, or perhaps she's on a wild goose chase? Whatever the case may be, she spends at least a few hours rummaging through the woods and works to keep her senses alert. In the forest, there are no humans so the idea of using various abilities to try to track down the woman is certainly not a bad idea. Auspex is a blessing to some of the creatures of the night, and using it, she thinks she hears the beating of drums in the distance, far in the distance.

Arya isn't above cheating and using disciplines and she's absolutely ruthless when it comes to those she cares about. She finally tracks down a group of gypsies and then comes to look before she approaches, making sure she's not walking into a mess that will get her killed before she can even find her fiance.

And sure enough, when she comes closer she can finally see and hear gypsies dancing. There's only three of them and two dance closer to a fire, the third one is a strikingly beautiful woman with dark hair and for whatever reason she seems to stay farther away from the fire than the other two, but she dances very fluidly, and elegantly, using some moves that maybe Arya might not have even seen before.

Arya comes up behind the other woman away from the fire and watches from the shadows, her obtenebration making her almost impossible to see unless one knows what they're looking for.

The dancers do not see her. Either her obtenebration is really good, or they're more concerned about their own dancing. No doubt, as Arya focuses on the dark haired woman, she so notice a pale aura. Trying to figure out any other emotions or feelings she has may be a very complicated thing to do but perhaps that is why she is able to dance so well? The way she sways her hips is very seductive and alluring, and around her slender waist is a belt of coins that jingle rhythmically as she moves her body in a unique figure 8 motion. The figure 8 is enchanced by shivers throughout her body, and it's far from ballet, but maybe even Arya can find these moves a bit entrancing.

Arya can't allow herself to be distracted by pretty dancers. She has a mate in trouble and she has to get him back safe. She clears her throat a little from the shadows, trying to get the dancer's attention, just the one. She's careful not to be seen as a threat.

Suddenly, the dancers stop dancing. When Arya tries to make herself known, perhaps it works a little too well. Then, she sees more gypsies appear near the dark haired woman. They seem to be expressionless at first, but they walk alongside her.

Arya holds up her hands, shadows wrapping lovingly around her, substantial enough to those who can recognize the discipline. "I'm not here to cause trouble. I'm looking for Leanna. It's kind of important. It's about Stefhan. He's in trouble. I mean, only she'd recognize the name, but have you heard of her? I don't.. even have a last time, I'm sorry."

The dark haired woman comes forward and smiles in her direction. "Ah yes" she smirks as her dark eyes settle upon the woman, "It's good that you aren't here to cause trouble." she mummurs in a seductive voice, "If you were, then you might not make it very far." then the dark haired lady steps forward more, "I, have heard of you. Funny how he would fall in love with someone of your hair color. I thought he would always have an obsession for blondes"

Surprise flashes on Arya's face as it seems she's found the one she was seeking. "Are you Leanna then? I have no idea why he wants me, but I'm more than happy to take advantage of it and adore him as long as I can." She brushes stray hair behind an ear, falling from her loose ponytail. "He told me of you.. but not that you were near. Does he know?"

Leanna shakes her head and says, "Probably not, though he could. We haven't spoken in many many, and I stress many years. He's a rather unique man, he truly is. I admit I do care for him after all ths time, but, it was best that I let him go." she licks her lips a moment, "But he's quite the tasty morsel, isn't he?"

Arya fidgets, hands clasped together. "We were out on my yacht last night and some sharks capsized it. He's missing and I need to find him." She's obviously on edge, trying to contain the true upset that she feels. "The sharks separated us. He was talking about the stories you'd tell about the monsters of the deep. So I thought you might know where they'd take him."

Leanna moves in closer and somewhere in the brush she takes a seat near the woman, "I've heard many stories of many, many things. How would, sharks, separate you though? Sharks, wouldn't normally do such a thing, or would they? That is definitely a bit odd"

Arya shifts on her feet. "They weren't just sharks, they .. were human too. They wanted to breed me, until they smelled that I couldn't be bred. I got away then." She's obviously really on edge, her diamond flashing in the light.

Leanna hesitates for a moment but focuses on every word the woman says, "The Rokea" she says, "Weresharks. They love to fuck anything, not necessarily for pleasure like I used to fuck Stefhan" yeaouch, she's a bit bold isn't she, "But their ultimate goal is survival. Have you not, met any of these creatures I assume?"

Arya smiles just a little at Leanna's frankness. "I fuck him because I love him, but yes, he's very good. They wanted to take me regardless, but I'm a bit of a bitch when riled and I'm Stefhan's. If the males took me, you think there would be females to take him?"

Leanna chuckles a bit and makes a very bold move. "Love" she mutters, "Not nearly as powerful as lust, but it's so charming to see those of us who, try to chase after it." she studies Arya for a moment and her finger reaches forth to trace her face, as if she is showing she admires it, "I wouldn't mind tasting you as well. Naturally, there would be females to want to take him, but if they sensed they couldn't breed with him they might either kill him or let him go. It's hard to tell but rarely do they want to mate with a human anyway. If they feel the need, they do it, but they hate humans really"

Arya looks confused, allowing the woman's touch with a bit of a crooked smile. "While I would have been tempted by you before, Leanna, I gave him my word. Besides, I have to get to him before they try to kill him. If they hate humans, why come after us. They have to have thought that's what we were and the males obviously wanted to mate with me."

Leanna moves her hand away from her face and scoffs, "Pity, for I might be able to prove to be a more enticing lover than he could ever be, but, as you wish. I have no reason for any harm to come to him, but there are reasons why they could have come after you. Do you think maybe, you might of been treading onto their territory?"

Arya considers the thought, "They have to be used to boats coming and going on the waters. But I know nothing of the species and what they'd want or expect. Thank you, for the offer and I don't mean to be disrespectful, you are very attractive, but I am worried about Stefhan right now and not being tactful. I need to get him back."

Leanna chuckles a little, "Ah, the Ravnos perhaps view love in a different way than others, maybe, then again I don't know for sure." Ravnos, what's a Ravnos? "He might have been dragged off by the Rokea, and I know their creed. They will do everything they can to survive, and I mean everything. That means spawning, or breeding, with other sharks all the time. Though sharks can be less picky than humans you know. Still, you might have disturbed their grotto. They are extremely protective of such a thing"

Arya remembers where she saw them dragging him away. "They took him deeper while they took me up. How do I get in and out? Surely they'd want to stop me from getting into such a place again."

Leanna says, "The marine gangrels should be able to give you more advice than I, but if you won't let me bed you, perhaps I can, try to give you another gift to aid in your quest. You don't seem to be flairing with jealously as I mention him and, I admire that."

Arya smiles weakly. "I love him and he's missing. I had a past, he had a past. None of that will matter if I can't get to him in time. He's worth loving and I can hardly blame you for even being fond of him."

She looks over at the other gypsies and asks the woman, "Can you, see anything different about some of the people, or so called, people there?"

Arya glances out over the gypsies. "They're not real. I was watching and .. they have no auras, not even as ghosts. Are they real? I don't sense.. independent thought."

Leanna shakes her head and says, "No, they are illusions. Simply created by my will. I guess you have not heard of the ability the Ravnos have to make things appear beyond what they seem?"

Arya shakes her head after a moment. "I am still learning. You're saying I can make myself look like them and sneak in?" Hope finally enters her voice. "Can it really be?"

Leanna replies, "Depending on what you want to learn, you can do many things, you really can. Yet, if I could even try to teach you about illusions, well, you wouldn't be able to do enough to really outsmart then, but maybe you could. If you wish, I can try to give you some lessons, but it would take time. It could help you in finding your beloved"

Arya hesitates at mention of time, glancing out toward the sea. "If I can't talk you into coming with me, now, then please teach me. I am worried about time, however. He's been gone a long time. If he could get free on his own, he'd have found me by now."

Leanna does take her words into consideration and she takes her hand. This time, it's not a seductive move, but it's a move that she tries to make to teach her more things. Arya starts to learn about the Ravnos and how they are actually known as the most deceptive type of vampire. Such deception is often enchanced by illusion, and it takes a lot of time, even a number of evenings possibly, and Leanna tries to teach her chimestry. The simple illusion where only one of the five senses can be manipulated. It's a simple thing, but hopefully through the extensive lessons Arya can learn more secrets than most kindred ever can.