Lark (Eshu)/Hooks

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Revision as of 22:05, 15 June 2012 by imported>Lark
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  • Pickpocket/thief: She's not quite a kleptomaniac; she's not quite an intentional thief. It's only that if she sees something she wants, it doesn't occur to her that perhaps someone might not want her to have it. It's not entirely unconscious, but she doesn't wake up in the morning and decide it's going to be a thieving day, either. If you have something shiny, she might want it. Not the best way to meet someone, but it's a way to meet them! (Please do not just assume she's stolen from your character without clearing it with me first.)
  • Bartender: Lark works at the Sideshow on a varying schedule. She's very good at her job. Want a sympathetic ear? Find her while she's working, she's generally very good at listening. NOTE: Lark will not hesitate to throw anyone's rear end out of the club (or call the police to do so) if they don't follow the rules.
  • Musician: To supplement her income, Lark occasionally spends time busking. She once in a while has a beaten up guitar case with her, though she doesn't tend to bring it around where someone who knows her might see it. Still, there's a great deal of an interest in all things musical, and if somebody catches her in the act she's actually very good.
  • Short: Lark is a tinyperson. She's 4'9" and fully an adult. She wears huge shoes to try and counteract this, but really, she's never going to reach a high shelf without a ladder. While she's not terribly sensitive about her height (she will pretend she is, mind), it's certainly a conversation starter.
  • Randomness: While she's actually pretty together beneath the surface, Lark cultivates an air of randomness, strangeness, and crazy. She has no apparent understanding of personal boundaries, touches everything, has no shame, is incredibly intrusive, is horribly presumptuous, very random. A whole lot of random. She can be pretty much anywhere doing pretty much anything. If there's a particular aspect of your character you'd like to see brought into play, feel free to let me know.
  • Washington: This is where she's from. Specifically, Seattle and then Spokane. If your character is from these areas, hey, maybe they know one another. IT COULD HAPPEN. Drop me a page.
  • Streetpeople: While she is employed and does actually have somewhere to live right now, Lark has spent quite a bit of time on the streets (and no, it did not always go terribly well for her, given the givens). She is likely to be familiar with other people whose life revolves around this particular lifestyle.
  • Druggie: She is one. Dealer? Fellow addict? She's certainly always willing to get high with somebody. It makes the hurting stop, and hey, the more the merrier, right? She's mostly into the softer drugs, but she'd certainly never turn down an opportunity to get a fix of something harder.
  • Seer: This is what she is. She has nightmares, and she also is very gifted with Soothsay. If you want to use this for a plot / some character development, I'm happy to participate, just let me know. However! She has had HORRIBLE experiences with this in the past, so don't expect her to participate in any conversations about the topic. Usually she will just bolt if the subject comes up. She will not ignore her visions, though. Ever.
  • Surreal Quality: She has this flaw. It makes her attractive to mortals at inopportune moments, makes her stand out as something strange, makes her the first target for things that go bump in the night. Feel free to notice her.
  • Bard's Tongue: She also has this flaw. If you want her to say something to have it come true later, feel free to tag me about it and she will spit it out.

LOOKING FOR: I have a mortal (or mortal+) character from Lark's past that I'm interested in having someone play; he is the one who has taken care of her off and on since she was about 13 and she lost everything. He's an older former-streetperson, though he's working these days and currently living in Spokane with no real idea of where she is. If you might be interested in such a role, please let me know and we can discuss it and do a trial scene or two. [It's not a happy sunshiney relationship.]