Joshua Carroway

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Revision as of 23:25, 7 January 2016 by imported>Harrowed
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"A dream is just a wish your heart makes..."

Date of Birth: July 18th, 1986
Apparent Age: 19 - 22
Occupation: Sandman
Mortal Life: Failed Artist
Death: Exsanguination
Demeanor: Bon Vivant

:Local: "He was born and raised right here in Prospect. Those Carroways have always been around.."

Family: "Speaking of the Carroways, that family has always Like the Addams Family or the Munsters, you know? Always weird and unwelcome. Parents died a few years back, unless other family members show up, that sister is the only surviving member..."

Artist: "I remember him back in High School. He was one of those weird artsy kids. Dated around a bit but never got popular. Shoved into lockers and shit until he dropped out Junior year."

Runaway: "Didn't that Carroway kid run away when he was like, 16? Yeah! Saw him on the streets a couple of times...performing Shakespeare in the park for food money."

Dead: "I remember when they found his body in the gutter out by the train yard. I heard drug overdose, but my buddy told me he got stabbed. I heard one girl even say he bled out, or had no blood or...something."

Sandman: "Now he's back and dead as dead can be. I heard he moved into his families old home with that weird little sister of his. Fuckin' Carroways. But you can tell from the Gossamer he wears that he finally got his wish to become an artist...only now his medium is dreams, man."

Dreamers And Broken Dolls

None Yet "None Yet."


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