
From City of Hope MUSH
Revision as of 02:46, 23 September 2013 by imported>Tina
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Mage2.png TBA Mage2.png

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The Others
Vampire "Cool to hang out with in small doses, but some of them actually drink blood, which is honestly a little creepy. More and more of them have started cropping up recently since those damn Twilight movies came out."
Werewolf "You know, there haven't been any really good werewolf movies out recently."
Wraith "Nah, I don't believe in that shit."
Changeling "Hey man, people should be allowed to love whomever they want, regardless of gender."
Mage "I cast magic missile at the darkness!"
Mortal "Sup?"
Demon "This is all I ever hear those scene-kids talking about; their inner demons and the spiraling black abyss that is their life because their moms won't give them a bigger allowance."

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Lyra "I feel so bad for staring all the time, but I'm finally starting to see the woman underneath all those scars and I like what I'm seeing."
Adelita "Why is she so nice to me? Her tune would change if she only knew..."
Cristobal "Fuck. I'm pretty sure he hates me now. Still have my job though... This is going to get awkward, isn't it?"
Kalliste "Jesus Fucking Christ, what do they put in the water around here to make people so goddamn gorgeous?!"
Alala "I totally caught my boss checking out my junk... I... Well, I honestly don't know what to say about that."
Kato "Manipulative whore. Still, a good friend in some strange frustrating way."
Cross "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me."
Trixie McClure "Super nice and a pretty cool chick. I like her."
Eliza Ben-Zeev And Yael "These two chicks are really fucking cool. Legends say that there is a birthmark that tells them apart, but honestly they are hardly similar."
Kalisha "Wow. She helped me find my balls. Figuratively, of course."
Nienna "I'll work hard, and maybe some day I'll actually be worthy of your attention."
Mimi "Pretty cool. A good dancer too. I should hang out with her more, she seems like a blast."
Greg "Damn, can this dude ever talk.."

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RP Hooks
  • General RP Hook Interests.
Jobless ~ I need work! Work that doesn't involve a GED or being terribly skilled at... Well, anything!
Thief ~ Jared will yoink expensive looking jewelry if it has a nice enough gemstone. Perhaps you seen him yoink such a thing?

  • Garou And Fera RP Hooks
General ~ See General

  • Vampire RP Hooks
Scene Kid ~ Jared likes to hang out in Goth/Scene kid hangouts.
Nightlifer ~ Jared is always active at any time of night. Does anyone ever even see him out in the day?

  • Wraith RP Hooks
Sorry ~ Cannot see or interact with Wraith yet.

  • Fae RP Hooks
Sorry ~ No hooks to the Fae as of yet.

  • Fallen RP Hooks
General ~ See General

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Name: Jared Hill
Date of Birth: November First
Age: 18
Nationality: Native
Occupation: None Currently
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 130lbs
Eye Colour: Dark
Hair Colour: Dark

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Notable Stats
Stamina PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png PurpleDot.png
Perception PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Appearance PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Strength PurpleDot.png
Alertness PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Larceny PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Streetwise PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Medicine PurpleDot.png

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