Autonomy and Kami
- There are a handful of things that Kami can take that have either a dice pool or difficulty based on Autonomy, which they do not have. For these, pretend that the Kami has Autonomy 6:
- Kami using the 'Spirit Kinship' Power roll it at difficulty 7.
- Kami with the 'Fading' Taint roll 6 dice at difficulty 6 to check if it triggers.
- Kami with the 'Urges' Taint roll it at difficulty 6.
Extra Powers and Taints
- Some of the Powers and Taints from Freak Legion have been deemed 'not necessarily Wyrmy' and thus approved for use by other types of Possessed.
- Full adjusted Power list here.
- Disintegration, Limited Mobility and Special Diet are now available to Gorgons and Kami.
- Inner Volcano is now available to Kami with suitable spirits.
- Others on a case-by-case basis; no promises.
Banned Powers
- Some powers are not allowed on City of Hope:
- Brain Eating has been deemed inappropriate for a MUSH setting, as it grants free XP for using it.
- Balefire Flux has likewise been deemed inappropriate. No, you don't get to camp out by the local Balefire and get infinite free Powers.
NerfedAdjusted Powers
- A few 'balance adjustments':
- The damage caused by Savage Genitalia IS soakable, provided the victim can normally soak Lethal damage. On a case by case basis, this might not even deal any damage (but still be painful and traumatic); an ovipositor, for example.
- Armor does NOT apply to soak rolls versus Savage Genitalia.
- The damage from the 'Poison' Power is dice, not automatic levels. Likewise for 'Electrical Field'.
- Between 'Unnatural Strength', 'Exoskeleton' and 'Enhanced Attribute', no more than a total of 8 extra attribute dots may be taken per character.
- The 'Hidden Power' Merit does not let you ignore the part about certain Powers and Taints setting your appearance to zero. You might not be obviously supernaturally hideous, but you're still hideous.
Ghouled Possessed
- If any kind of Possessed character with the Berserker power (and thus a Rage pool) is also a Ghoul, they are subject to both Ragebased and Self-controlbased Frenzy rolls. If a given situation would apply to both, they have to roll both; if even one of the rolls indicates that they would Frenzy, they do. These things are NOT mentally stable.
Possessed and the Blood Bond
- The human half of a Possessed character (if they HAVE a human half) might be subject to the Blood Bond, but their spirit half is completely immune - and a much stronger influence on the Possessed, unless they have very high Autonomy. Thus, it's not likely to be a particularily effective control method at all...
Autonomy Cap
- You cannot drop your Permanent Autonomy any lower than 4. If you're at 4, you will have to raise it before buying any more Powers with it.
Skinchanger Kinship
- This power has been judged to grant ALL benefits of actually being Kinfolk. This includes the free Lores a Kinfolk character would be entitled to (see: +rules lores), the ability to buy Kinfolk-specific backgrounds, merits and flaws, immunity to the Delirium, and (if purchased in chargen) the right to claim that your character was Race:Mortal+/Kinfolk prior to becoming Possessed (if it makes sense, and if you want to - you don't have to). If you have this Power and decide to buy actual points of Pure Breed, those points stack with the 3 points granted by this Power (but you still can't go above 5).