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Revision as of 12:16, 9 June 2014 by imported>Gwydion (A rebuttal)
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  • Street Performer
Gwydion has Fame 2 as a local musician. He's very ecclectic in what he'll play and what he'll play it on. When he's called for something from a different era or songs in other languages he rarely disappoints.
Gwydion grins and waves with his hand like he's looking at it up on a sign "Green Knight Consultin: We solve problems you can't. I like the story of Gawain and the Green Knight and the quest for an honorable solution to an impossible problem. An consultin firm rather than just an investigation one will be able to take more of a range of jobs. Likely to make more money I think. I've met a lot of interestin folk in Prospect, with a whole host of specialized skills and intrests. The way I see my firm workin in alot of cases is matchin customers with the right specialist for whatever problem it is they bring to us."
  • Streetwise
Gwydion makes friends easily, he has someone that'll talk to him in almost every walk of life. He got out of the life and went (for the most part) legit. He still remembers what it was like though and if you really want out he'll pay it forward by helping you.
  • Traditions
Gwydion has a reputation amongst members of the traditions for being a guy you can go to when you need to someone to arbitrate a disagreement that's running into trouble because of paradigm differences.
  • Other Supernatural Types
Gwydion generally knows what's what and not a whole lot shocks him any more. He more cares about what someone -does- than what they -are-.

  • Grey/Black Hats
No offense intended, but if you consider yourself a 'Grey' or 'Black' Hat character that thinks reasonable consequences from another PC for your schemes and shenanigans mean I'm not playing the World of Darkness properly then I'm probably not super interested in RPing with you. I don't care if you think I'm a wet blanket but I am going to play my character that's just as in genre as yours, just a different part of genre than yours. Remember the IC rules of the Veil and the masqurade exist for a reason and on a game where all plots are player driven most of those reasons are going to be other PCs.