Gray Worm/Intro

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Revision as of 19:34, 21 September 2014 by imported>Lisa
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Name: Gray Worm
Race: Fomori
Type: Ferectoi
Kinfolk: Black Spiral Dancers
Apparent Age: About 20
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 150 lbs
Nationality: Sumerian/Middle Eastern
Occupation: None
Status: Doesn't Exist
Date of Birth: Unknown


  • Sumerian
Gray Worm looks, acts, and IS an ancient Sumerian warrior. He's strange in many many social situations, and can likely make people uncomfortable at times. His accent is actually a broken English, overlayed with heavy Sumerian undertones. Perhaps one day a scholar of ancient languages will catch on.

  • Kinfolk
Despite being ferectoi, Gray Worm is in fact BSD kinfolk. He can be creepy at times, and sometimes quite outlandish. You have been warned.

  • Craftsman
Gray Worm is quite the craftsman. Everything from weapons, armor, shields, and all the way to clothing, weaving, and even hair styling. He just has a knack for making things. Mayhaps you would commission him sometime.

  • Memory Caress
Affected by the Delirium? If so, you likely won't remember Gray Worm. He has a bad habit of being easy to forget, to the point that people simply don't remember speaking to him within seconds after he leaves an area.

  • MMA Fighter
Gray Worm is a near constant Underground MMA Cage style combatant. People may not remember him well, but it's his main source of income. Running a scene with this sort of theme? Hit me up for a cameo, he tries to make as many fights as he can.
Sound Track
Disturbed - Warrior:
Staind - Everything Changes: