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Once more into the breach! Markus is waiting for them in an empty bar. Well, mostly empty. On the floor are three men, bound and gagged. They struggle and attempt to cry out for help when they see new people coming. Instead of waiting for the group to meet at his booth, Markus strides across the floor and meets them near the entrance. "It is about time you have come," he says gruffly, his accent more thick then usual in his excitement. "The city teeters on the verge of falling. Blood runs in the streets, elders are being put to the sword in their havens, the few remaining blood mages are powerless to resist, and while Rome burns the Brujah and Toreador battle one another instead of us."

Nils approaches, dressed in a bodysuit thats seems to be made of human flesh. He looks to Markus with determination. "Excellant. I have a van outside, full of war beasts." He says. "We are ready to attack when you are."

And Cash.. Cash says nothing. He stands there, arms across his chest, the same usual sneer on his face as he waits. The large man is occupying a space not far from Griggs, gritting his teeth in anticipation.

"Well what the fuck are we waiting for? Let'th get out there before it'th all over," Griggs states in a low tone, not wanting to speak over Markus, but anxious to join his brethren.

Willy waddles into the bar, actually joining everyone on a mission for once. A cracked grin reveals the brown stumps of his teeth and he moves to stand next to his ductus.

Griggs looks to Cash as well, the Ductus being the leader of the pack in times of war.

Serena walks up to the side of Nils and glances sidelong to him, her eyes falling to the rest one by one. She then glances forward, "So.. This should should be fun." As she speaks, the Shadows around tense and shiver as they take on a tangible form, moving and swirling around Serena's form,

"I do not wish to keep you here longer then necessary," Markus explains and motions to the bound men behind him. "I wanted to give you the opportunity to strengthen yourselves and then feed before you left. Also, if you so desire, there is a cache of weaponry between you and your objective." The assamite smiles, something he has never done before, and bares his fangs. "I have secured for the Sabbat of Prospect the honor of destroying Elysium and bringing final death to the false Prince that cowers within."

Carl fucken Carlsen is the last to show. His bike rumbles up, along with a half-dozen others, so it's not exactly easy to miss. He strides in and looks to Markus then the rest of the Sabbat gathered. He grins at the display of blood and weaponry, then busts out a methpipe to smoke it like a gentleman. "Fucken fuck man, you know how to kick off a party. Let's do this fucken thing!"

Nils nods "Zed and the ghouls hunger." He says. "I look forward to drinking the blood of our enemies." He says. "And those captured here." He waits his turn, being the 'omega' of the packs, until the others feed before he strengthens himself.

Willy shivers as his skin is suddenly covered in scales and vitae flows through his dead veins. Then, hungry enough to drink a mammoth to death, he descends upon one of the hapless victims and sinks his teeth in. Once he is sated he wipes the blood from his mouth and rejoins the group near the door.

Griggs looks on as the others feed, nodding approvingly, sure that each in his pack has fed before he forces the vitae he stores within him to flow into his muscles and tendons, swelling the flesh to its limits, a somewhat silly look for the misshapen man, to be so pumped up, yet there he is just the same. He reaches out to grab the nearest of the bound mortals by the neck and feed until he is once again full.

As the others feed, Serena calmly walks over to one of the bound mortals and smiles on them with a predatory gaze. As she does this, three shadowy arms extend oout from her and two wrap around the mortals form and brings it to her. Looking as though she is about to feed, she instead draws her fangs across their neck causing pain instead of the usual euphoric bliss the Kiss brings. The other arm wraps around the mortal's mouth to keep them from screaming as Serena seems to feed on their pain and vitae at once. Once she is done, she steps back and looks to the shadow which dives inside the mortal's mouth causing them to choke and shortly die after a few spasms. With a wipe to the corner of her mouth, she returns to Nils's side as the arms float around her protectively.

Vitae coursing through his veins, Cash boulsters his strength the sneer growing even more unpleasant. The muffled screams of his victims can be heard as he tears into them, draining them to regain what he has lost. When he is finished, the large man turns his eyes on the building again, licking the last bit of blood from his lips.

Nils gives a smile to Serena. "Beautiful." he says in a toneless voice as he watches her feet. Then the fleshsuited human's bones start to bend and snap, growing until it is a green-skinned chitenous horror, with long ape like arms, its face a bone like mask. It takes one of the humans by the face, chews it off and gorges on the blood. Once it is sated, the ZuloNils prepares for the onslaught.

"Go then, we all have things to take care of," Markus tells them and turns to disappear into the back of the bar.

Outside, the streets are alive with the sounds of sirens and lit by the blood-red light of a fat harvest moon. As the group approaches Elysium, they can see scattered packs of Sabbat running down ghouls and their domitors alike. Elysium, however, has been left untouched for the group to deal with. It is an imposing building of stone and concrete, rising four stories into the air. Markus had told them that they would find the Prince in his rooms which take up the entirety of the top level. Getting in will be easy, just use the front door, but getting upstairs will be the difficult part.

"Awright boys 'n' girls, let's fucken do this motherfucker!" Carl fucken Carlsen, Bishop of yo Momma and head of the most bad ass biker gang this side of the border, straps on an AK and a SPAS-12, pumps up to his max, then feeds on some sorry fucker.

Griggs sets his jaw, the pack on his back tightened as he moves forward with a wild look in his eyes and a maniacal grin as he heads out through the door after Cash, Nils, Carl, and Serena. He's got his MP5K in hand and a bottle of high-proof alcohol in the other, the top removed and replaces with an alcohol-soaked rag. He scans the Elysium complex, looking for stragglers, those that seek to vanish into the night.

It seems Cash isn't as big on guns as the others, as he simply pulls out his knife, staring to walk towards the building, sneering angrily as he moves forward.

Willy is with Cash on this one, bringing out both of his daggers. The one in his right hand is run down the man's eighteen inch long, forked tongue, drawing blood. The vitae coats the blade in a thick layer. "All right, boys and girls, this is where we stick our heads between our legs and kiss our asses goodbye," he says cheerfully, looking at the building and its unguarded entrance.