
From City of Hope MUSH
Revision as of 14:15, 12 January 2014 by imported>Ferdinand
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Once upon a time...

Are you a fan of Fencing? Flamenco? Spoken word? In need of a mysterious man in black to save the day? Do you enjoy whimsy with an edge? If so, then Ferdinand is the man for you! He can often be found at the Patisserie Fantastique on the stage playing his guitar (usually on Friday and Saturday nights), or performing spoken word (usually Tuesday and Wednesday evenings). He also teaches fencing to select students at a small studio in Chinatown called 'Toque'. Don't let the Rage 9 scare you off - he's just an angrier, broodier, darker than usual Byronic action hero!

the Dreaming

Ferdinand is clearly Kinain of Eshu blood, son of el Mouro Encantado, chief metallurgist, armorer and swordmaker to the Arcadian Gates. He claims the title of the Eminence of Blades, Champion of the Arcadian Gates (in exile), but says that he plans on returning home after fulfilling his Oath of Vengeance here in the Autumn. His arch-nemesis is a Sidhe Baron of House Ailil known as the 'Knave of Spades', who was last seen wandering the surrounding counties until mysteriously disappearing a few Samhaines back. The Spaniard also currently serves as a sellsword if the dross is right and the cause interesting. He plays particularly well with Eshu, Pooka and Sidhe. He's usually of a Seelie bent, though he's had his Unseelie moments, which presumably led to his exile. Well, that and Frenzy, but best not to mention that last bit to him...

the Confederates of the Crescent Moon

Like Alan Moore's "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" or Warren Ellis' "Stormwatch" this loose grouping of supernatural individuals has existed throughout the ages, dedicated to the sole purpose of defending the Earth from otherworldly dangers - it has generally included representatives from the Earth, the Dreaming, the Umbra, and the Shadowlands. When the impossible is everywhere and the very fabric of reality is threatened by insanity, the Confederates rise to the occasion! Want to join up? We may have a position for you!

the Perilous

Captain's Log, Umbradate: 2517.0 ... These are the voyages of the freebooter umbraship the Perilous. Manned by a small crew of intrepid umbra delving stalwarts, the Perilous strikes opportunistically at the unchecked forces of the Wyrm and the Weaver alike, generating mad renown and turning a tidy shared profit for the crew in the process. Want to see the deepest wyrdest wyldest wyrmiest weaveriest parts of the umbra? Care to make merry and plunder loot? Enlist today!

Tradition Mages

Are you part of the Akashic Brotherhood? Ferdinand was fostered and mentored by a one Orson Wendol (Mage Notoriety flaw), who is widely thought to have gone Marauder! Are you a member of the Order of Hermes? Ferdinand carries a letter of passage bearing the seal of the Fors Collegis Mercuris. Where did he get it? How did he get it? Something about him serving as a page there...