Eva Zaitsev/Hooks

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RP Hooks-TL;DR

Always the Lady

  • Eva is always a lady and was raised as such. Whether its her cultural heritage of innate shyness of topics, simple things like Victoria's Secret and Strip Clubs scare her. However, with her friends, Eva has slowly started to break out of her shell. Still though, Eva rarely swears and finds certain conversations taboo; including but not limited to: Sex in any way shape or form, Drugs in all uses, established Gender Roles in society, pushing Religious Beliefs or Political Ideology in a public setting. - Somewhat prudish perhaps; but 'ladies' don't kiss and tell, sex is private and should only be discussed in the bedroom, some conversations are not meant for dinner, swearing is mostly inappropriate and nearly no forum should ever accept violence as an answer.


  • Eva was born deaf, imagine for half your life being unable to hear anything. Not a single spoken word, not your favorite song, no understanding but silence. Then when that connection is made, the bones in the ear; that hammer, anvil and stirrup working correctly for the first time ever; that electrical firing between unused synapses...its a little hard not to become obsessive. To collect those sounds, to own them, to make them hers to hear again. No such things as good sounds or bad sounds exist, just noise to be heard and collected, repeated and empowered.- Eva loves all music, all genres; are you in a band, do you sing, ever been played on the radio, Eva has likely 'collected' you. Adding her to her growing digital collection, or her immeasurable but heavily insured vinyl one.

High Society

  • Eva is upper class and while she was denied her own family's inheritance has worked for every penny she owns. She enjoys etiquette, fundraisers, charity balls and galas, black tie or red carpet events and generally 'Putting on the Ritz'. Are you a philanthropist, do you enjoy thousand dollar plates, limited seating, couture clothing and lavish accessories. Eva does too, only the hard working should deserve what they reap and Eva has earned every penny. Money won't help you in the afterlife, why not blow it on fancy cars, houses, spa treatments and anything else money can afford...which frankly can buy anything. - Eva doesn't want your money, she makes her own. But she has no problem spending hers with you and enjoying every second of it. You only live once, why not make the best of it. However...that doesn't mean Eva doesn't enjoy slumming. Certain thrills and excitement can only be found within the dregs of society. Drink rich of life, every last drop.

Weird Science

  • Eva has worked directly for Pentex for at least the past seven years in the Project Coordination Division (PCD), Public Relations department. However, Eva's history with Pentex's incestuous subsidiaries has reached back far longer to her early teens. Starting off with Registered Artists Worldwide (RAW) talent agency and working her way through the system with Magadon Pharmaceuticals as a stepping stone into the umbrella of Pentex, Eva shares a high drive and ambition to support her company along with its many pursuits. Do you work with Pentex or any of its subsidiaries, do you want to work with them, Eva is willing to help you reach your goal of 'Building a better Tomorrow...Today!'. - Eva works in the Public Relations department for Pentex, she covers nearly every subsidiary and constantly releases good press about Pentex's achievements. If you work with Pentex at all, or even watch the news, you have seen her at work. Co-workers are the best of friends!