All the stories I've heard are about the beautiful, the Fair, and the happily-ever after. Nothing like actual life-life. I'm pretty sure that's why we call happy endings fairy tales. Never seen one, but, I'm sure they existed at one point.
Ahh, what would it be like to wrap my fingers through reality's hair and bend it over..?
That's me. Caught somewhere beween waking and dreaming, eternally.
You mean like Little Red Riding Hood? Yeah, about that.. even if I did know, don't you think they'd murder someone, without a second thought, who knew their secrets? Wolves are territorial.
Sometimes I talk to the shadows. Sometimes, the shadows talk back.
Is this the part where I tell you they sparkle? *smirk* Even if I did know about them, which I absolutely do not, don't you think they'd kill to keep their secrets, too?
The war is real. I miss you, my love. I'll keep all the secrets you trusted me with, I could do no less.