Drums of Ragnarok

From City of Hope MUSH
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Fuller Park is infamous as the most dangerous neighborhood in Chicago's South Side. With a murder rate that more than doubles the national average, this is a place steeped in violence and death. Gangs and police do daily battle, corruption is rampant and no one sleeps easily. Set within this toxic bosom is the Ransom Hotel, long abandoned, it enjoyed a brief renaissance as a crack den before, about three years ago a pack of werewolves discovered the neglected caern, cleared out the undesirables and made the place their home, founding the Caern of Hidden Mysteries. The pack Ars Technica, led by Fostern Theurge Brandon, Full Sleeve, Gorely, had been tasked with locating and defending an artifact of untold potential. After word was sent that it had been found they returned home while they waited for the artifact extraction team, a predominantly Get of Fenris pack, Raising Hel.

Fuller Park is home to an exceptional amount of Banes who've possessed key figures in all the local gangs and within several police precincts. The artifact radiates a powerful energy, and while several of the Theurges in Ars Technica have been working around the clock to conceal and dampen its energy signature, word has gotten out. The Banes began assembling. Raising Hel walked into an ambush and only a single member survived. The Ransom Hotel is under siege and the wolves within are demoralized, terrified and rapidly losing hope.


  • Raina McFee, Dances-on-Broken-Paws, Homid Fostern Fianna Philodox, Beta, sole survivor of Raising Hel
  • Humphrey, Huginn's Wingman, Corax watcher.

Portal Jumpers

  • Richard Gere, BeeGees, Homid Fostern Bone Gnawer Ragabash, Alpha
  • Cecily Marx, It's Mine, Homid Fostern Bone Gnawer Ahroun, Beta
  • Duncan Curtis, Toto, Lupus Cliath Bone Gnawer, Ragabash
  • Eleanor Beckett, Bowla Brown, Homid Cliath Bone Gnawer, Theurge, Omega

Ars Technica

  • Brandon Gorely, Full Sleeve, Homid Fostern Glass Walker Theurge, Alpha
  • Kinsey Wheaton, Driveshaft Blues, Homid Cliath Glass Walker Theurge, Beta
  • Becky Ray, OMGBBQ, Homid Fostern Glass Walker, Ragabash


  • Abby, Glass Walker kin
  • Tilda Wheaton, Glass Walker kin, Kinsey's mate, badly injured
  • Bradley Q, Bone Gnawer kin
  • Greg Ruppe, Bone Gnawer kin


  • Side view
|          Third Floor                |
|          Empty Rooms                |
|          Roof Access                |
|          Moon Bridge Portal         |
|                                     |
|          Second Floor               |
|          Empty/Occupied Rooms       |
|                                     |
|                                     |        |
|           First Floor               | Valet  |
|           Lobby/Kitchen/Laundry     | Stand  |
|           Main & Service Entry      |        |
|                                     |
|            Basement                 |
|            Caern                    |
|                                     |
* Tactical assessment: P = Police officer, PC = Police Car, G# = Gang member (# = number of members in group)
                                         G4                       G3
 ------------------------------------------------                        ----------------------------
                                                |  G3       G5           |
                                                |                     G2 |
 --\\----------------------------------         |                        |
 | Kitchen exit     |                 |         | G4                     |
 |                  |                 |         |                        |
 |     Kitchen      |                 |     ----|      HARRISON ST       |
 |                  |   Lobby         |    /                             |
 |                  |                 |   /    _                         |
 |                  |                 |  /    / |                        |
 |          --------/                 |---------|                        |
 |          |Stairs /   [Main entrance| valet   |                        |
 |          |Up/Down|                 |---------|                        |
 ----//--------------                 |  \    \_|                        |
 |        |         |                 |   \                              |
 | Laundry|Elevators|                 |    \                             |
 /        |         |                 |     ----|                    P1  |
 /L. Exit]|         |                 |         |                        |
 --------------------------------------         |                    PC1 |
                                                |  P2        P3          |
 ------------------------------------------------ PC2                    ----------------------------
                                           PC3          P5             P4 + K9