"There is so much they have right. But we can never succeed by separating ourselves from people and being secluded from them."
"How can people who preach about the One not see that the One is made up of the All?"
"I feel as much kin here as in my own Tradition. There is so much we can learn from each other."
"Life is about the journey, not the ending. They seek to sever and end, rather than bring harmony. They are little better than Nephandi."
"Exactly the sort of people we can help, and bring together into a unity. They are alone and need not be."
"They are so sure they are right that they cannot see they might be wrong. They mean well, but they must be more accepting to succeed."
"They are what the Technocracy should be. Science is not evil in itself. They know how to find the joy in it, rather than the cold emotionlessness."
"They understand much of unity and harmony, but must transcend their own bitterness, even earned, to move on."
"I wish I understood them better. They understand unity on a level almost instinctive, but I cannot see it through their lens."