Event: Midnight Run/Mechanics

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To run the bike race event, each participant will need to reach 20 successes in order to win. Each round consists of two parts: resolving a complication and advancing based on their successes.

-- **Overview of the Race** -- Each rider aims to accumulate a total of 20 successes to win the race. At the start of each round, players will roll on a Complication Table to determine any obstacles or hazards they must overcome. Once they navigate the complication, they will make a second roll to see how far they advance that round.

    • General Steps for Each Round:**

1.**Roll for Complication:** Every round, each player rolls on the Complication Table (below) to see if there is any obstacle that affects their progress.

  • If no complication is encountered, the player can proceed to the next step and roll to advance.
  • If a complication is rolled, they must successfully navigate the complication before advancing.

2. **Resolve Complication:** The player must roll the relevant stat + skill (depending on the complication) to determine if they successfully overcome the obstacle.

  • If successful: The player continues to the advancement roll.
  • If failed: The player may lose positions, speed, or take damage (depending on the complication).
  • If botched: The player crashes or suffers severe consequences, often resulting in being knocked out of the race or requiring additional rolls to recover.

3. **Roll to Advance:** Once the complication is resolved (or if none is rolled), the player rolls Dexterity + Drive to advance in the race. They will accumulate successes each round until someone reaches the goal of 20.

**Dexterity + Drive (Difficulty 6):** 

- Roll successes will be tallied toward their total goal of 20. - 1-2 Successes: Slight advance but behind the pack. - 3-4 Successes: Moderate advance, staying competitive. - 5+ Successes: Great advance, pulling ahead.

-- **Complication Table (1d10)** -- On each round, players will roll 1d10 to determine if they encounter a complication or not.

1-3: **No Complication**

Player proceeds directly to the advancement roll.

4-5: **Loose Gravel or Sand** Player must roll Dexterity + Drive (Difficulty 7).

* Success: The player navigates the terrain without losing speed.
  • Failure: The bike loses control slightly, losing speed. The player advances but loses 1 success.
  • Botch: The bike skids badly, risking a crash. The player must make a second roll: Stamina + Athletics (Difficulty 6). Failure results in a crash (they must spend the next round recovering).

6-7: **Wild Animal on the Road** Player must roll Wits + Drive (Difficulty 8).

* Success: The player avoids the animal and continues.
  • Failure: The player narrowly avoids it but loses 1 success.
  • Botch: The player hits the animal, risking a crash. Roll Dexterity + Drive (Difficulty 6). Failure results in a crash or forced dismount, missing a round.

8: **Sudden Fog or Dust Storm** Player must roll Perception + Drive (Difficulty 8).

  • Success: The player navigates the low visibility and continues.
  • Failure: The player loses track of the road, losing 2 successes.
  • Botch: The player gets completely disoriented, missing their turn or exit. They must roll Intelligence + Drive (Difficulty 7) to recover (losing another round if failed).

9: **Sabotaged Bike (Loose Chain or Cut Brake Line)** Player must roll Dexterity + Crafts (Difficulty 7) or Wits + Drive (Difficulty 8).

  • Success: The player fixes the issue and proceeds.
  • Failure: The bike loses power, and the player loses 2 successes.
  • Botch: The bike breaks down entirely, and the player is forced to stop for repairs, missing 1 round.

10: **Police or Rival Gang Interference** Player must roll Intelligence + Streetwise (Difficulty 7) or Dexterity + Drive (Difficulty 8).

  • Success: The player avoids the interference and escapes.
  • Failure: The player is slowed by the interference and loses 2 successes.
  • Botch: The player is caught up in the ambush or roadblock, missing 1 round.

-- **Winning the Race** -- The first player to accumulate 20 successes (without crashing) wins the race! Depending on how far others have advanced, they may roll for placement in second or third.