2024.09.14 Alicia and Leigh

From City of Hope MUSH
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Hey, god help us all its MORNING, and Sark has somehow gotten himself a little caffiene, and made his way out to the local park to sprawl out in the grass and watch a few people playing with their big fluffy dogs, throwing balls across the grass and watching the animals deleriously happ as they bound after them. Laying down on his side and sipping away, the young man seems to be just getting amusement out of that this morning and enjoying the nice cool weather for once. <---======##===========[ Current Weather in Prospect ]============##======--->

 Current Conditions:            Overcast
 Temperature:                   63.0 F (17.2 C)
 Wind:                          Southwest at 4.6 MPH (4.0 knots)
 Atmospheric Pressure:          1011.3 mb (29.86 inHg)
 Dewpoint:                      57.9 F (14.4 C)
 Visibility:                    9.00 miles (14.48 km)
 Humidity:                      84%
 Sunrise: 06:33 AM	Sunset: 06:54 PM

<-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Leigh says, "is the temperature actually changing? I swear it's been 63 degrees for a while" <OOC> Leigh says, "or it's just my luck" <OOC> Sark says, "It might be :) I live in Sacramento and until this week its been hotter than hades so I might be biased." <OOC> Leigh is in Tejas... so :)

Well, it is the morning and it is the weekend! So for most people in Leigh's circles, they'd be just waking up and trying to recover from a hang over or some such. Not Leigh! She's a morning person. Already had done some beach side yoga, she's now on to doing some extra cardio work! The chill in the air does force her to wear a zipper hoodie, which she leaves unzipped. But she's in full jogging mode! She's not moving at a crazy pace, mind you. No, just one to keep the heart rate elevated and burn some sugar, working off cookies, brownies and ice cream! (ref: https://cityofhopemush.net/images/a/a5/Leigh-workout.jpg)

It is morning time, and taking advantage of the temperature before it gets really warm, there's a brunette actress running by in Nike shoes and unbranded workout clothes: shorts that barely meet the word and a sports bra, both in red. She carries a water bottle and her iPhone is strapped to her arm. She has on a high-tech set of bone conduction headphones to keep her ears free. Spotting Sark, the woman waves and runs over. "Sark!" Alicia says, taking a drink of the water bottle. She's sweating, obviously working out hard. "Pleasure to see you this morning." Alicia has disconnected. Alicia has connected. <OOC> Alicia says, "slight hiccup" Sark snaps out of his little reverie when his name is called, looking around with a blink. Spying Leigh, he lifts his free hand to wave at the jogging one, before finally zeroing in on Alicia. A laugh escapes the young man as he sits up with a groan, shaking himself violently to scatter the bits of grass that are clinging to his hair and tshirt, "Hey gorgeous. I didnt expect to see you wandering around out here. You finally get away from the publicist long enough for some time to yourself?"

It's probably the yelling the man's name that distracts Leigh from her light job, which only draws her attention over in that direction. She offers a light smile to Sark, lifting her hand to return the wave. But then she takes note of the actress. No, she's not star struck at all. She bites her bottom lip, contemplating what she should do. Though, brain cells and decision making is NOT Leigh's forte. Too much brain input causes her to slow her jog to a walk to a stand still. Think think think. So she ends up looking non-chalantly over at the two, so she doesn't look like she's gawking or staring or anything totally not cool when in the presence of a celebrity.

The actress gives Sark one of her award winning smiles (Ms. Magazine Feb. 2034). "Well, principal photography for my Netflix series has started. So, need to keep myself in shape." Alicia smiles to Leigh, who she thinks she recognizes from somewhere. "Besides which, feels good to run, to get the blood flowing in the morning." The woman looks to Leigh. "I want to say I remember you from the SAG benefit party on the boat, yes?" After a moment more of looking at Leigh and then with a smirk to Star with her hazel eyes sparkling with mischief, she asks the girl. "Would you like a kiss?" BBS: New BB message (25/3) posted to 'Public Recruitment' by Rando: Black Cat BBS: New BB message (25/3) posted to 'Public Recruitment' by Rando: Black Cat

Sark sets his coffee down and claps when Alicia mentions the benefit, "Oh, right! You sold off your underwear!" Probably not really the best thing for him to be belting out in the middle of the park, but go figure, Mr Socially Ignorant. Instead, he waves coaxingly to Leigh to try and get her over closer, "I dont think I've seen you very often, but hihi! I do recall you being on the boat though. I was just watching all the pretty doogs playing this morning...nothing too pressing."

Leigh stammers, nodding her head, "Oh, um... right! See, yea... that guy who I was with, and then that girl who was with him and then with me... yea, they bought your dress so I could wear it." She's rambling and talking a mile a minute. Her eyes widen at the offer of a kiss, "A kiss?" She shakes her head, but then pauses. Her eyes dart over to Sark as if to find help. She then looks to Alicia, "I mean, if you want to? I mean, you know... it's not something that you have to do or anything. I mean, you know, it's cool or whatever with whatever you want to do." She fidgets again, and then murmurs to an aside, "I like doggies, too."

Well, it made headlines that she sold off her underwear, so it's not like Sark shouting it in the park will broadcast it more. "I did. Made a good amount for charity for it." She looks to Leigh. "Have you gotten a chance? I know you mentioned having to get it altered to fit you a bit, with your well-endowed chest." Alicia smiles. "And who wouldn't want to kill a pretty girl in the park?" Sark might know Alicia well enough to tell that she's being whimsical and maybe toying with the girl a little bit. Not cruelly, but still. Alicia takes a step close to Leigh. "I think the answer you're looking for is: 'yes, Alicia, I would love a kiss, if you're offering.' See how much better that is?" She reaches out to cup Leigh's cheek with one hand. Yes, Alicia is a little sweaty from working out, but she's not filthy. Then Alicia reaches in to give Leigh a kiss on her lips, not chaste, but nothing too involved, pressing her velvety lips to the student's. Finally, when she breaks it, Alicia smiles to Leigh. "See, sometimes dreams do come true."

Sark chuckles under his breath and takes a moment to down a good swallow of his coffee while he watches the potential awkwardness between Leigh and Alicia. When Leigh gives him a look, he rumbles, "She's like this a lot. There's no photographer's around, so at least there's that. Give it thirty minutes and someone is going to break out a camera, so take advantage while you have it." He winks at her and grins up at Alicia, "By the way, we should talk sometime when we have a moment. I had to get the, well, harness altered because the /riding beast/ got much bigger, so you might need another practice session sometime."

Wait, what? Killing a pretty girl in the park? Ok, let's just make her heart race just a little bit more before the kiss happens. And then the kiss happens. Did someone just start playing Katy Perry in the background. Mind you, Leigh is probably paralyzed at this moment, so she doesn't really get involved in the kiss either. But she's not going to open her eyes until the kiss is complete. She stammers as she murmurs softly, "Dreams do come true." She repeats almost as if she couldn't formulate her own thoughts, so she repeated Alicia's. And then Sark brings up a harness and riding beast and practice session. Her eyebrows go up, not quite sure where THAT conversation is going. <OOC> Alicia says, "KISS" <OOC> Alicia says, "OMG" <OOC> Alicia says, "KISS" <OOC> Alicia says, "I am so damn tired." <OOC> Alicia says, "I cannot believe I said that. AFK to die of embarrassment, etc" <OOC> Leigh thinks Kill is a lot more interesting :) <OOC> Sark says, "Well, we DID play 'marry fuck kill' at the last big party ;)" <OOC> Alicia says, "it totally would be, but it's totally not Alicia. That's Kali. Kali is the one that kills pretty girls in the park" Writing reality out to disk. Please wait... Reality saved. Thank you for your patience. <OOC> Leigh says, "it's ok... I figured you were going for a shock value" <OOC> Alicia says, "actually, let's not retcon it, I have an explanation for it! If Leigh or Sark want to call her on it ^_^"

"I just like spreading joy and happiness wherever I go. And making dreams come true. Besides, you are cute, Leigh." This is what happens when Alicia spends too much time working. She finally lets go of Leigh's cheek and goes to sit down with Sark, patting the grass beside her as an invitation for Leigh to join them. "Alright, Sark. Well, we can talk about that, you know, eventually." She winks to him <OOC> Leigh says, "Leigh won't... she's just too stunned and probably too blonde to think anything through"

Sark watches Alicia plant a smooch on Leigh and keeps an eye on her for her reaction, smiling a little more in the process. When Alicia finally joins him in the grass, he leans over to rub a shoulder against hers before offering up to Leigh, "Come have a sit? I mean, unless you need to keep the jogging up. I know folks have workout routines they need to stick to. And when else can you say you spent the morning in the park with a hot girl from TV, right?" With that said, he murmurs to Alicia, "Between you and Kieran's production schedules, Im surprised we get any time at all with either of you. She's back in the studio again this week I think, cause she missed Stella coming out with me to Roasters the day before."

Leigh is drawn to the invitation like a moth to the flame. Again, brain cells are probably not really working. If they were, she'd probably try to keep to her schedule of jogging. Even when Sark calls it out, it's like the braincells don't even make the connection. She simply sits down. She nods empathically to Sark's comment about being seen with a hot girl from TV, which she just kissed in public and everyone saw and everything!

"To be fair, Leigh, if you do need to burn calories, I have some workout routines that I can show you at my place that will for sure burn plenty of calories." Alicia says warmly, while giving Sark a sidehug. "Yeah, you know, speaking of production schedules, you wanna be an extra? You too, Leigh. They're shooting here in Prospect for my Netflix series. The Silent War. I can for sure get you a part as an extra. It's going through next month, so there's plenty of time."

Sark blinks at Alicia's offer, "Me? Oh...uh...yeah, no, that would be a bad idea. I'm not convinced I would be....presentable...on camera. If you know what I mean, and I dont need to be identified on film somewhere." Thats such an odd thing to object to. But he nods at Leigh, "But you're pretty enough to pull that off...could be a way to see how things work on a set, and meet a buncha new people..." Sark has voted for you. Sark has voted for you.

Leigh's eyes widen at the thought of being an extra on a film. Well, Netflix. Almost the same thing, but not quite. "Oh, um... I..." She furrows her brow, "I'd have to check with Daddy to make sure that it's ok or whatever." She wrinkles her nose, "Daddy some times gets upset when I make decisions on things." She tilts her head, "I mean, I guess the last time someone offered to put me in a movie, Daddy said that the men just wanted to take advantage of me or whatever, you know?" There's an underlying hint that she probably doesn't fully understand why 'Daddy' said no, but he said no and that's that.

The actress nods to Sark. "Alright, hun. No worries. You got your stuff going on." She then turns to Leigh. "I have a question that might seem a little strange," Alicia says to her. "When you speak of Daddy, is this your biological father?" She looks to Leigh, curious of the answer. Alicia has voted for you. Alicia has voted for you.

Sark tilts his head in a ltitle curiosity when Leigh mentions her Daddy saying no - one of those looks like DEAR GOD HE WANTS TO ASK QUESTIONS but is refraining from it for now. Perhaps fortunately, Alicia asks one of the burning questions in Sark's head and he intently looks back at Leigh, interested in the answer while he sips on his coffee. Siiiiiip. Alicia gains one Magical Essence Alicia gains one Magical Essence Alicia gains one Magical Essence Alicia gains one Magical Essence Alicia gains one Magical Essence

Leigh doesn't quite get the need for the question, so she answers with some confusion, "Um, I think so?" She furrows her brow, "I mean, am I saying it wrong?" Her shoulders drop with a sigh, "I mean, I don't know. Daddy says that I can say some stupid things some times." She then quickly interjects, "I mean, it's ok to say stupid things. Not everyone can be super smart or anything. Daddy says it's ok for me to be stupid as long as I'm happy or whatever, right?" She sighs, "Now I probably sound stupid to you, don't I?" She shakes her head, "I'm sorry. I don't mean to be stupid." <OOC> Leigh is probably happy you're not spending WP? I suppose? Alicia gains one Willpower Alicia gains one Willpower <OOC> Alicia says, "I realized I hadn't gotten back up to full glamour >.>"

Sark can always count on Alicia. Who smiles at the girl and reaches out to brush a lock of her blonde hair. "No, you're not. You're just horribly sheltered. There are certain girls who call their boyfriend Daddy. It's not really my cup of tea, but I don't kink shame. In this case, your father is not wrong. There are plenty of creeps that would promise you fame and demand sex from you," she tells Leigh. "However, in this case, you don't have to sleep with me. Unless you want to." She smiles more. "And don't worry about seeming smart, or anything. As long as your kind and creative, that's all that matters."

Sark rumbles a little as he listens to Leigh's commentary, listening to Alicia before he murmurs, "Anyone that talks about you being stupid, even if they are being apologetic about it, is not being the best of friends. Everyone can be ignorant about a great number of things. The best part about being human is that you can decide to sit down and learn more about something. Meet more people and do stuff with them and you'll be surprised what you pick up." He winks at Alicia, "Even if it IS 'how to sleep with a movie star'." <---======##======================[ Alicia ]======================##======---> Alias: |On for: 1h 18m Idle: 7m Sex: None Set |Mail: 10 unread / 0 read. E-Mail: (unlisted) | <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> Location: <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

"Wait, I'm going to sleep with Alicia Hunter?!" Her eyes widen again, looking back and forth between Alicia and Sark. "Oh. My. God. The girls in the sorority will be so jealous!" She then looks to Alicia, "You have no idea how many girls there said they'd become bi for a chance to sleep with you." She tilts her head, "I mean, I should know." She then starts to ramble. "I mean, I normally just like guys, you know?" She purrs a little, "Especially big strong guys. Daddy knows a lot of big strong guys." She blinks, "Wait, don't tell Daddy I said that." She clears her throat, "Anyway, but like, I don't know. There are some girls where you'd just say... Ohmygod!Ohmygod!Ohmygod!" The last three sentences are said so quickly and in a single breath, plus in a higher pitch, that it might just sound like one word with a bunch of syllables.

"Sark is right. No one should call you stupid. I mean, we all say dumb things sometimes, but that doesn't make us stupid." Then Alicia smiles as Sark spells it out for Leigh. Though there's something that is creeping into the back of her head about Leigh's daddy that makes her slightly concerned. But it's nothing here or now. She can look into that later. There is a smirk on her lips that arises when she asks, "I don't know how many girls would turn bi for me. But I'd love to hear a number." She puts her hand on Leigh's shoulder. "Just breath, darling."

Sark's amusement level steadily grows as Leigh's excitement level rises, like this is the funniest thing he's seen all week. The whole thing about 'Daddy knows strong men' sails RIGHT over his head, like he just doesnt know enough about the connotations of that statement to realize the Bad Shit that could be indicating. When Alicia mentions she'd like to hear a number, a soft cackle escapes the young man, which he tries to conceal with a drink of his coffee. Writing reality out to disk. Please wait... Reality saved. Thank you for your patience. <OOC> Alicia says, "brb like 5 minutes, sorry, RL"

"Oh!" She nods her head, "Um, well, ok... well..." She bobs her head to one side and then the other, "There's me. Duh." She clears her throat, "But like Tiff totally would do you in a heart beat." She then furrows her brow, "Wait, well, she'd do anything with a pulse." She tilts her head to one side, "And given the number of batteries she goes through? Probably not even with a pulse." She shakes her head as she does her back to get back onto her train of thought, "And then like Kelly and Chrissy, they'd do you." She furrows her brow, "Though, I think Chrissy would want to do you in front of her boyfriend." She rolls her eyes, "He's always trying to get Chrissy to do a threesome with someone from the sorority with him." She nods her head, "You have to be careful. Sometimes, he can be really tricky and confusing."

Alicia smiles, listening to the list. "I'm glad you're on the list." Then she smirks at the tricky and confusing. "Well, I'm not interested in being a, hrmm, tool in someone's relationship. Just a little bit of fun with a girl sometime. So, I tell you what, why don't you ask your father about being an extra. And, just curious, what does he do for a living?"

Sark eyes Leigh's comments about her sorortity sisters and furrows his brow for a moment, before murmuring to Alicia, "College sororities sound...vicious. Issat normal?" And then another sip of his coffee, quieting down again when Alicia asks about Leigh's Daddy, "I'd be happy to come watch on the set if they allow that. I heard some set directors dont want lookie loos cause they'll spill to the press, so that's understandable."

Leigh nods her head with a smile, "Ok!" She then considers the question about what her father does. "Oh, he works." She nods her head as if this clarifies everything. "I mean, he always says that the things he does is for work. Sometimes, he even has dinners where the people are from work!" She smiles brightly, and then whispers, "I sometimes get to go to these dinners, even though I don't work." She beams, "It's always such a fun time. I'm kind of jealous that I don't work. But Daddy says it's ok. I'm going to school and stuff, right? I mean, why should I work if I'm in school." She furrows her brow, "Not that I'm very good at school." She then looks to Sark, giggling, "Wait, you're going to come on set so you can watch me and Alicia have sex?" She giggles at this. Schoooooom. Everything goes right over her head, and she seems very happy with all this.

Alicia shrugs to Sark. "I don't know. It might be an American thing." She makes sure to say that in her English accent, to drive the point home. Then she looks to Leigh. "I did figure he worked, yes. But you don't know what he does? That's okay. My father works for MI6, like James Bond." She's absolutely telling a tall tale. "He's the one that makes all the gadgets that Bond has, just in real life. Rocket packs, the watch laser." She smirks and then leans into give Leigh a kiss once more. "I'm kidding. He's a drama teacher at a school." "And Sark was talking about when they were filming for the show. Not watching us." She raises an eyebrow to Sark.

Sark blinks at the comment and shakes his head, "Oh, no, no, yeah, I mean watching the TV show filming and the extra bit. I dont need to be watching two hot girls getting busy. That's...you're own noise and you're own fun. I mean, maybe you like having an audience but that's...yeah, no." He chuckles softly under his breath and eyes his coffee cup, clearly miffed that he's scarfed it all down already.

And Leigh was buying it hook, line, and sinker. She's nodding her head and seems intrigued by this whole British spy network thing. But then that bubble is burst with the admission. She looks to Sark and stage whispers, "She's a really good actress. I believed her and everything!" She then focuses a little more on Sark, "Oh, I wasn't sure that's why I asked. But like, that's so sweet of you to want to come on set. I mean, I don't know. That would sound kind of fun to watch them make the shows or whatever." She giggles, "Where all the magic happens and everything!" She then looks back to Alicia, "I've never been on set before, so I hope I get to see a lot of magic." <OOC> Alicia says, "okay, Alicia is sufficiently curious about Leigh atm, she's going to use some magic" <OOC> Leigh says, "oh god" You paged Alicia with ‘dare I ask what are you going to do?’ <OOC> Alicia says, "Alicia needs to do a bunk and then she's going to use Backwards glance. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1277764926051451073/1284958283387502752/image.png?ex=66e88628&is=66e734a8&hm=f717398bd812cb6feca1717f22718668b692acaae7b851d97fe9f8be4376cd5b&"

<OOC> Alicia says, "to try and see just what this daddy is doing to Leigh ;)" <OOC> Alicia says, "rolling for the bunk" <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Alicia rolls Charisma + Acting vs 5 for 1 successes. 1 1 2 3 3 4 +5 6 6 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Alicia stares at the dice <OOC> Sark says, "Its cause Im sitting right next to you ;)"

"Magic? You want to see some magic?" The actress jumps up and takes a stance and starts to give a monologue. It's not her best performance, but then again, it's early and she's been working out.

"Okay then. That's what I'll do; I will tell you a story. Can you hear them? All these people who lived in terror of you and your judgement. All these people who's ancestors devoted themselves, sacrificed themselves to you. Can you hear them singing? Oh, you like to think you're a god. You're not a god, you're just a parasite, eaten out with jealousy and envy and longing for the lives of other. You feed on them, on the memory of love and loss and birth and death and joy and sorrow!

So... So... Come on, then. Take mine. Take my memories. But I hope you've got a big appetite because I've lived a long life and I've seen a few things. I walked away from the Last Great Time War. I marked the passing of the Time Lords. I saw the birth of the universe and I watched as time ran out, moment by moment, until nothing remained. No time. No space. Just me. I walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a madman. I've watched universes freeze and creations burn. I have seen things you wouldn't believe. I have lost things you will never understand. And I know things, secrets that must never be told and knowledge that must never be spoken. Knowledge that will make parasite gods blaze. So come on then! Take it! Take it all, baby! Have it! You have it all!" Alicia knows it's not her best work, but pushes through it, anyways.

Sark leans back in the grass to look up when Alicia hops up, tilting his head to watch and enjoy the 'show' as it were. He even blinks a few times at the lines being used, looking a little more fascinated by the performance as Alicia goes on. CLEARLY he's not the target of this matter, but the humandragon can be appreciative of a pretty girl with her supernatural appearance putting effort into a good performance. <OOC> Alicia says, "my poses get better as time goes on through the day"

Leigh just stares at the woman as she gives her monologue. She's captivated and riveted by the performance. Whether it's good or bad, it doesn't seem to truly register with her. She hangs on every word. Her facial expressions react to the insults and the aggressive word play as if this is a big reveal for a fight scene between some evil doer! Yep, she's caught up in the 'magic'. <OOC> Alicia says, "and if this headache would go away."

Alicia goes and takes a step forward to Leigh. "You see the magic is getting people to believe things that are real. You really believe there is a Doctor Who somewhere out there when everything comes together. Or that I can make time stop." She snaps her fingers and time does seem to stop for just a second, everything around Leigh seeming frozen in place. "But it's all what you want to believe. I just help you believe it." For a moment, the Actress seems more radiant. Just a moment as she looks at Leigh <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Alicia rolls Actor + Chronos + -4 vs 6 for 2 successes. 1 2 3 +6 +9 9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Alicia rolls 4 vs 6 for 4 successes. +8 +9 +10 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Alicia says, "nightmare dice galore, holy fuck" <OOC> Sark braces for impact ;) <OOC> Sark says, "Sadly, dragon cannot help with nightmare dice :D" Writing reality out to disk. Please wait... Reality saved. Thank you for your patience. Alicia gains one Magical Essence Alicia gains one Magical Essence <OOC> Alicia says, "anyways, 6 results, so Alicia can look into Leigh's past for one year, looking for the most major interaction with "Daddy"" <OOC> Leigh says, "hmmm" No entry for ‘awareness’. <---======##=========[ Rules Changes and Clarifications ]=========##======---> The following topics are areas where we've needed to depart from the books or clarify our stands on them.


 Ability Aptitude   Alternate Identity Arcane             Awareness
 Chargen            Combat             Dailies            Difficulty
 Drive              Home Base          Implicit Game MechaIn Public
 Influence          Instruction        Jack of All Trades Kryptonite
 Linguistics        Lores              Maelstrom          Magical Items
 Medium             Missing Stats      Multiclass         NPC Willpower
 No Free Lunch      Phobia             Sniping            Specialties
 Spirit Sight       Stacking           Stat Caps          Status Stats
 Technology         Time               True Faith         Weapons
 Willpower          XP Costs           


 Bygone Misc        


 Banality           Banality by Race   Birthrights        Changeling Damage
 Changeling Misc    Chimerical Items   Dross              Holdings
 Kinain             Nightmare Dice     Nunnehi            Realms
 The Mists          Title              Trod               


 Apocalyptic Form   Demon Lores        Demon Misc         Faith
 Mind Control       Revelation         Thralls            


 Hunter Misc        Hunters versus OtheLost Creeds        


 Arete              Avatar Storm       Chantry            Grimoire
 Horizon Realms     Infernalist        Mage Backgrounds   Mage Merits/Flaws
 Mage Misc          Mage Rituals       Nephandi           Nodes
 Paradox            Pattern Bleeding   Technocratic Equipm


 Ghouls             Kinain             Kinfolk            Possessed


 Mummy Misc         


 Fera               Frenzy             Kinfolk            Possessed
 Renown             Shifter Gifts      Shifter Misc       Shifter Offspring
 Shifter Rank       Shifter Rites      The Curse          The Delirium
 Totem              Wyrm Taint         Yava               


 Appearing Human    Blood Bond         Blood Magic        Buying Disciplines
 Combination DisciplDegeneration       Frenzy             Generation
 Ghoul Retainers    Ghouls             Kuei-jin           Prestation
 Road Auras         Rotschreck         Spirit Slaves      Thaumaturgy
 Vampire DisciplinesVampire Merits and 


 Arcanoi            Shadowlands        Targeting Wraiths  The Fog
 Wraith Misc        

For information on game policies, type: +policy <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

<OOC> Alicia says, "Alicia is thinking this whole thing is up to no good, lol. Sorry!" <---======##====================[ Awareness ]=====================##======---> These rules apply to rolling Awareness to detect the use of a supernatural power.

  • They apply to anything in the 'Powers' section of a PC's +sheet, as well as magic items in +equip or +notes.
  • They do not apply to other uses of supernatural pools (e.g. Garou spending Rage for extra actions).
  • They do not apply to other uses of Awareness (e.g. demons rolling Manipulation+Awareness to cast Lore of Firmanent 4).

Due to length, this is split up into sections:

  • +rules awareness triggers - When can you roll Awareness?
  • +rules awareness difficulties - What difficulty is your roll?
  • +rules awareness results - How much do you learn?
  • +rules awareness timing - How quickly can you react?
  • +rules awareness demons - Additional rules for demons.
  • +rules awareness vs kenning - Where does Kenning fit into this?

See Also: Sniping <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

<---======##==============[ Awareness Difficulties ]==============##======--->

  • Diff 4 - Level 5+ power
  • Diff 6 - Level 4 power
  • Diff 7 - Level 3 power
  • Diff 9 - Level 2 power
  • Diff 10 - Level 1 power
   - Power without an obvious level - Treat as level 1, but discuss with staff afterward
  • +1 difficulty if the power is used only for sensing
  • -1 difficulty if the power is targeting the player doing the roll
  • +2 difficulty if the power is from a different game line than the player doing the roll
   - Mortal+ is grouped with the closest supernatural race
   - For a kinmage, this affects disciplines, but not spheres or gifts
  • +2 difficulty if the power is used to conceal something (e.g. Obfuscate)
  • If the final difficulty is greater than 10, the roll automatically fails


<OOC> Leigh says, "what's the power level?" <OOC> Alicia says, "what do you mean, power level?" <OOC> Leigh says, "you're using some kind of ... power. Power 1, Power 2? 3... how many dots?" <OOC> Alicia says, "uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" <OOC> Alicia says, "is this a mage thing?" <OOC> Leigh says, "+rules awareness difficulties" <OOC> Leigh says, "it's an Awareness thing" <OOC> Alicia says, "it's a fuck, I have no idea. The art is 1 dot, but Alicia's using all of her power with it, and the realm, uh" <OOC> Leigh says, "it's all good... I just want to know how I should react" <OOC> Leigh says, "so... we'll go with that" <OOC> Alicia says, "we'll call it level 3? Plus it's Fae, so call it diff 9?" <OOC> Leigh says, "but you're doing it to me, difficulty to 8" <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Leigh rolls Perception(3) + Awareness(3) (6 dice) vs 8 for 1 successes. 2 4 6 7 7 +8 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Sark just makes a new batch of popcorn :) <---======##==========[ Awareness - Degrees of Success ]==========##======--->

  • 1 Success - Gives the player a sense that 'something' has happened, but not what/where/degree of effect.
  • 2 Successes - The player knows what happened, but not where/degree of effect.
   - Bob's mind has been influenced.
   - My keys have suddenly gone missing.
   - Somebody is here that wasn't here before.
  • 3 Successes - Player knows what happened/location of the source/and degree of effect.
   - The accuracy of the location of the source would be equivalent to pointing one's finger at the source. In a crowded room, the individual rolling Awareness gets a general direction of where the source is. (See +rules In Public).
  • 4 Successes - Player knows what/where/degree of effect and some extra insight into the power used.
   - Person rolling Awareness learns the general direction and rough distance of the source.
   - Example extra insight: Discovering the "vehicle" of the power: Touch, Eye Contact, Words, etc.
   - Players can agree on a different insight.
   - If players can't agree on a different insight, "vehicle" is the default insight.
  • 5 or More Successes - Player knows what/where/degree of effect and has a full understanding of the result. This is not the same as understanding the power itself.
   - The attention of the character rolling Awareness is immediately drawn to the exact source.

Understanding the nature of powers requires the appropriate Lore at 3.

 - e.g. "Bob's mind has been influenced" vs. "Bob's mind has been influenced by a vampire using Dominate"


<OOC> Leigh says, "enough for me to sense something, but not sure what :)" <OOC> Leigh says, "so I want to make sure I'm giving you the right information... so you're looking for the most significant interaction with Daddy?" <OOC> Alicia says, "yes. Alicia has a feeling something ill is going on" You paged Alicia with ‘She does seem to interact with 'Daddy' - who is an older man. He's dressed in a lab coat, and talking with several other men also in coats. She's there but dressed in her typical fashionable outfits that are probably more revealing then it should be around older men. They're discussing such things as Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Sentience. On the odd side, she does seem to be able to follow along with the conversation and doesn't show that same bubblily persona.’ Alicia pages: oh dear. Alicia pages: okay, so Alicia is a white knight kind of character. Alicia pages: I guess it comes down to what are you comfortable with her doing. And whether or not there's a cross-sphere conflict that we need to worry about

As far as SARK is concerned, he's not seeing anything going on, but knows enough about Alicia and her Things that he suspects she's trying something. To that end, he takes a glance around the immediate area, just confirming they arent going to get interrupted if something happens with what the actress is doing. Long distance to Alicia: Leigh isn't worried about cross sphere stuff (but then again, I don't know fae... so I don't know what kind of conflict there might be? And while I do know a little... there's a difference between Science that's rigid... and Science that's full of wonder) Alicia pages: idk if she's mage sphere or what not going on. Long distance to Alicia: Leigh nods, "I'm trying to keep things vague, to be honest" Alicia pages: staff does know what is going on, right? You paged Alicia with ‘Yes, very much so’ You paged Alicia with ‘but I'm hoping we don't need to wait for them. I'm willing to share what I can’ Alicia pages: okay, so, if Leigh is involved in the mage sphere or something, then Alicia's going to have to ask staff before kidnapping Leigh's daddy and having a chat with him >.> Long distance to Alicia: Leigh laughs! Alicia pages: but go ahead and pose. Long distance to Alicia: Leigh would be willing to play the NPC

Leigh tilts her head to one side as she starts to get a 'feel' for things. She furrows her brow at Alicia. And for a moment, that bubblily persona is gone from the blonde. "So you're saying that reality is nothing more than our perceptions, and that those perceptions can be altered. It's just a matter of believing those perceptions?" She then shakes her head, blinking a bit. "Whoa, that was like really cool stuff, you know?" She giggles, "I can see why you're an actress. You really can make people believe!"

Alicia presses her lips together and then looks to Sark. She looks back to Leigh, sitting with her. "You know, that's a good way to put it. See! You are smart." Though, the wheels in her mind are turning. Now more than ever, she's slightly worried for this girl. She looks to Sark for brief moment of thought. But finally, she says nothing, just thinking.

Forthe blond young man, this is like watching a tennis match. His attention bounces between Leigh to Alicia to back to Leigh to back to Alicia. Serve, return, overhand smash, backhand lob, return, diving thr...oh! But then Alicia glances at him and both brows go up in a classic Alfred P Newman 'Who me?' look, though he doesnt SAY anything just yet.

"I guess it all boils down to what you want to believe, right?" She giggles at this, as if there's some joke to go along with this. Leigh wrinkles her nose, "But I don't like to believe I'm all that smart. I mean, smart people say stuff that go right over your head, you know? I mean, I don't know. Some people like me more since I'm just there to look pretty, you know?" She beams at this last statement as if it's a compliment.

Alicia nods to Leigh, taking out her phone and handing it to Leigh. "Do me a favor, put your number in there so I can call you sometime. You know, when I have free time and have showered. Sadly, my morning freetime is ending, but I'm glad to have caught up with you two!" She smiles to Sark. "And I look forward to our next riding session." <OOC> Sark snugs you both and thinks this might be a good place to fade as I think I need to lay down for a short bit. But Happy to finally catch up with everyone :) <OOC> Leigh hugs Huh? (Type “help” for help.) You have voted for Sark You have voted for Alicia You have voted for Sark You have voted for Alicia Sark has disconnected.

Leigh takes the phone and just gasps, "I can't believe I'm giving you my number!" She squeals as she puts it in. "It's going to be the sorority main line, though, ok? They'll know how to get in touch with me." She shakes her head, smirking a little, "The last time I gave my phone number out, it was to this creep." She tilts her head, "I didn't think he was a creep. I mean, ok, he was fat and kind of a slob or whatever, but I don't know... it just felt right to give him my number. He was saying very sweet things to me." She shakes her head, "But like, girls in the sorority said he's a super creepo person, you know? They told me that I shouldn't give my number out." She bites her lip, "I hope you don't mind. Besides, do you know how many girls at the sorority would die if they knew you were calling!"

"I'm not calling the main line. It's either your mobile or nothing, Leigh. I don't give out my personal number to just anyone, either. Either you trust me not to be a creep or not," Alicia says. She's firm on that. "So, go ahead and delete that and put in your mobile, please." Writing reality out to disk. Please wait... Reality saved. Thank you for your patience.

Leigh blinks and nods. You can see the gears in her braincells churning. She's making sense. And she's a celebrity and everything. She does delete the number. She then bites her lip. She makes a face, "I'm so bad at decisions." But you can see her entering in the phone number. "I hope I don't get in trouble." She then looks to Alicia, "I won't get in trouble, will I?" She hands back the phone.

"You will not get in trouble, I promise. I won't even tell anyone I have your number." Alicia smiles reassuringly to Leigh, a warm, friendly smile. "Besides, you don't want the paparazzi finding out about our upcoming tryst. They would start to follow you and take pictures and then you're on the internet. Best not to tell your sorority sisters unless you're willing for that secret to get out." Alicia cups Leigh's cheek. "I don't have a problem with people knowing who I am sleeping with. Not when she's a cute girl like you. But you need to make that decision for yourself."

Leigh smiles, beaming at being called a cute girl. Oh, but there's that word again - decision. She does seem a bit worried as she bites her bottom lip. "Ok." There's no confidence in that acknowledgment. She sighs, "But they're going to be mad if I don't tell them. They'll feel betrayed and everything." She shakes her head, "But um, ok. I mean, you're like a celebrity and everything, right? So obviously, you know more than me." She then beams brightly.

"Well, hrmm." Alicia keeps her smile and cants her head to the side, thinking. "Then you can tell them, but make them promise to keep it a secret, okay? I'll call you soon!" She jumps up and then offers Leigh her hand if she wants some help to stand. "But for now, I have to get to work!" <OOC> Alicia says, "TY for the RP. I need to go get food. But I am sure we will talk later." <OOC> Leigh needs a nap :) <OOC> Alicia says, "take care!" Alicia goes home.