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Mike Stephenson- Welcome to the truth young man, welcome to the bright new future. Status: Harder Worker

Mikaela- She has a good mind and a good soul. Status: Friend

Aldebaran- A man with a mind for learning, he impressed me greatly. Status: Wunderkind

Lisde- A young student prefer good times to work for them. But seems to be smarter then she lets on. Status: Odd Bird

Kim- You have a new chance in life don't waste it. Status: Sinner

Emma- Life is a river of choices, and surprises you have done it to me as well. Status: The thief

Eden Huxley Quicker learner, diligent. Status: Helpful hands.


Richard Cromwell - The man with the plan, it is a wise one, I will follow orders. Status:Strong Leader

Sae- Long ago, was a pupil now a friend, we shall see. Status: Old friend