Magadon Pharmaceuticals

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Magadon was founded in 1946 as Magadon Limited by retired Army doctor Bryant Vandergrift. It was originally a medical research firm specialising in ways to counter biological warfare, but between 1952 and 1956 the company bought a number of other medical firms and diversified into the production of medicines. After publicly listing stock in 1955, it expanded internationally in 1956 with the acquisition of a British cancer treatment company.

Despite its early success, Magadon was nearly bankrupt in the late 50s by several disasters, including a viral outbreak at one research facility which killed more than 400 scientists. In 1959, it was taken over by Pentex, and in the following thirty years Magadon grew to become one of the three largest pharmaceutical companies in the world.

  • Note that Magadon Pharmaceuticals being a subsidiary of Pentex is confidential IC information, and is only to be utilized by those that either work for Pentex, or have been given/discovered the information ICly. Contact Staff or Pentex leadership if you're unsure if you qualify or not.

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Magadon Pharmaceuticals

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Name: Magadon, Incorporated
Type: Pharmaceutical Company
Location: North Beach - Olive
(Location: #1914 on +map/harbor)
Parent: Pentex

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Regional Board of Directors

  • Director of the Board is not elected, but chosen among other Board members when the slot is vacant.
  • Directors hold authority over their individual Departments.
  • Company-wide decisions require majority approval of the Board.
  • Director of the Board holds two votes for purposes of Board decisions.
Board Position Name Rank Departments Race
Director of the Board Denise Everton (NPC) 5 Administration and Project Coordination Kinfolk/Nephandus
Board Member Leah Roth (NPC) 5 Field Ops & Security Fomor
Board Member Jaxon Gallant (NPC) 5 First Teams Black Spiral Dancer
Board Member Liam Willoughby (NPC) 5 Acquisition Kinfolk/Sorcerer
Board Member Dr. Anderson (NPC) 5 Special Projects Kinfolk/Sorcerer

Organizational Chart

Pentex Rank Chart.png

Character Generation

Important +sheet information for new players:

  • Affiliation should be set to Pentex.
  • Pentex Subsidiary should be set to Magadon.
  • Pentex Department should be set to Acquisitions, Administration, First Teams, Field Ops and Security, or Special Projects.
    • Players are encouraged to contact their future department leader(s) during chargen or before recruitment to discuss concept, placement in the organization, and advancement opportunity.
  • Players are allowed to start with Pentex Rank (background) at 1, to differentiate them from NPCs.
    • Advancement opportunities beyond 1 are discussed below.
  • Buying a dot of Home Base, either during or after chargen, is heavily encouraged.
    • Players with the Home Base Background receive significant advantages from the Magadon Home Base, which are unavailable without at least one dot of Home Base.
    • The Magadon Home Base is titled Magadon So Cal Division.


The advancement of the Pentex Rank Background is at the discretion of the PC(s) in charge of your department (staff discretion if vacant/inactive).

Employees are automatically approved for promotion under these conditions:

    • Pentex Rank 2: Recruit or transfer one Pentex employee into your Department as a subordinate.
    • Pentex Rank 3: Recruit or transfer three Pentex employees into your Department as subordinates.
    • Pentex Rank 4: Recruit or transfer six Pentex employees into your Department as subordinates.

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