
From City of Hope MUSH
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This is a simple infobox with Changeling-based options.

variable what it is
fullname Your full name.
faename Your fae name, if any
nickname any nicknames?
kith Satyr to Sidhe
court i.e., Seelie.
seeming Wilder
legacy-s Seelie Legacy
legacy-u Unseelie Legacy
house Are you part of a noble house?
occupation Do you have something resembling a job?
age Your age or apparent age.
height Your height.
weight Your weight.
eye_color Your eye colour.
hair_color Brown?

As an example:

| fullname=Gavin Example
| faename=Gavin the Great
| nickname=Gav
| kith=Sidhe
| court=Seelie
| seeming=Wilder
| legacy-s=Knight
| legacy-u=Knave
| house=None
| occupation=None
| age=25-ish
| height=6'1"
| weight=220lbs
| eye_color=Green
| hair_color=Brown