Stella Green/Home

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  • Animals:

(Beast Affinity 4 - play as you choose if it applies to you) Stella will jaywalk across a rush-hour-busy boulevard to get to that dog someone is walking. From the smallest creature to a number of giant ones, she’s a sucker for animals. She is not too proud to refrain from having what is likely a one-sided conversation with a cat or a raven. Typically menacing animals don’t automatically send her in the opposite direction. She might even be correctly accused of taking some less-than-wise risks when it comes to creatures great and small. She is also an avid, casual equestrian in the sense that she learned to ride not long after she could walk and has continued to do so ever since.

  • Chameleon (of a sort):

Depending on the situation, you might see an entirely different Stella. There’s the mostly-friendly pragmatist and negotiator. There’s the cultivated, socially adept model of decorum and tranquility (™ Chess). Then there’s the imaginative, playful, too-curious-for-her-own-good, free spirit (most often encountered in natural settings). Are any or all of these versions of the young twenty-something masks she wears? Have you met another version? You be the judge!