Black Furies Tribe Gifts

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Gaia is generous with Her magical powers, and Luna and Pegasus look lovingly upon the Black Furies, offering them Gifts no other tribe possesses. Those abilities listed under "Tribal Gifts" may be taught to members of other tribes (with additional cost usually associated with them). Camp Gifts and age role Gifts, however, are only available to Black Furies; the Gaian spirits that teach them refuse to teach members of any other tribe.


Tribal Gifts

Level 1

  • Arion’s Burden
  • Breath of the Wyld
  • Heightened Senses
  • Owl Speech
  • Sense Wyld
  • Sense Wyrm
  • Watchful Eyes

Level 2

  • Curse of Aeolus
  • Kali's Tongue
  • Sense of the Prey
  • Touch of the Muse
  • Trail of Pain

Level 3

  • Bacchantes
  • Coup de Grace
  • Flames of Hestia
  • Song of the Siren
  • Visceral Agony

Level 4

  • Body Wrack
  • Calm Before the Storm
  • Song of the Siren
  • Wasp Talons

Level 5

  • Gorgon's Gaze
  • Thousand Forms
  • Wyld Warp

Level One

Arion’s Burden

Source: WW3806 - Players Guide to Garou p. 189

Description: The Black Furies had many tribeswomen among the ancient Scythians, who were renowned for their use of cavalry. During their battles with other Garou tribes, the Furies often surprised their enemies by showing that they too could employ cavalry, thanks to this Gift. Most animals shy away from creatures of high Rage, and even the Glabro form tended to make a werewolf heavier than the horse could handle. But this Gift perfectly calms the mount’s mind and makes the Black Fury as light as a child to it. It is taught by an avatar of Pegasus.

System: The Black Fury rolls Charisma + Athletics (difficulty 6). A simple success is all that is needed to keep this Gift active for the rest of the scene. While this Gift works to calm any animal normally friendly to the Black Fury, it is most commonly employed on horses. Riding in Crinos form, even with this Gift, is a tricky business, requiring a Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 7) roll.

Breath of the Wyld

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 143

Description: As the Furies see it, the problem with most humans (and some Garou) is that they have forgotten that the energy of Creation is nourishing, refreshing and ever present. With this Gift, the Black Fury may instill a feeling of vitality and life in a living being. A spirit servant of Pegasus teaches this Gift.

System: The Fury must touch her target’s skin, and this Gift must be used outdoors in a natural setting (a city park is natural enough for the Gift to function). The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 6 for humans, 5 for Garou). Success grants a rush of energy and clarity of thought. In game terms, this Gift grants one extra die on all Mental rolls for the next scene. It also adds one to the difficulty of any Rage rolls the target makes in that time.

Heightened Senses
Also Level 1 Lupus Gift / Level 1 Galliard Gift

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 136 & 143

Description: The werewolf with this Gift tunes in to the world around him, increasing his senses vastly. When in Homid or Glabro form, her senses become as sharp as those of a wolf, allowing him to hear sounds beyond his normal range, granting him superior night vision and making his sense of smell stronger than that of any dog. In wolf forms, his senses become preternaturally potent, allowing him to perform feats that border on precognition. This Gift has drawbacks as well. If a fire alarm were to go off around a Garou using this Gift, it might render him helpless. Cities can barrage the werewolf with a sensory overload. Wolf-spirits teach this gift.

System: The player spends a Gnosis point. The effects last for one scene. In Homid or Glabro forms, the werewolf’s Perception difficulties decrease by two, and he may roll Perception + Primal-Urge to perform sensory feats impossible for humans (such as tracking by scent). In Crinos, Hispo and Lupus forms, Perception difficulties decrease by three (which is not cumulative with the ordinary Lupus-form Perception bonuses), and the werewolf gains an extra die to Primal-Urge dice pools.

Owl Speech

Source: WW3051 - Black Fury Tribebook (1st Edition) p. 41

Description: Black Furies may invoke the kinship between their tribe and the owls of Athena. This Gift combines the effects of the Galliard Beast Speech Gift and the Philodox King of the Beasts Gift, though it only works on owls. This Gift is common among the Temple-Keepers of Artemis and the Sisterhood. Many of their Kinfolk share this Gift, and new sisters often receive it as an initiation Gift.

Sense Wyld
Also a Level 1 Lupus Gift / Level 1 Theurge Gift

Source: WW3111 - Umbra (Revised) p. 133

Description: The Garou may sense Wyld energies or spirits in the nearby area. Any Gaian spirit can teach this Gift.

System: The Garou rolls Perception + Enigmas against a difficulty determined by the Storyteller, based on the strength of the presence.

Sense Wyrm
Also Level 1 Metis Gift / Level 1 Theurge / Level 1 Silent Strider / Level 1 Silver Fang / Level 1 Stargazer / Level 1 Uktena

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 135, 138, 143, 151, 152

Description: The werewolf can sense manifestations of the Wyrm in the nearby area. This Gift involves a mystical sense, not a visual or olfactory image, although werewolves using the Gift sometimes say things like, “This place stinks of the Wyrm” (with a few more colorful adjectives). Garou should remember that the Wyrm’s taint can cling to relatively blameless souls. Werewolves may sense an innocent person who happens to work in a Wyrm-controlled factory or who has eaten tainted food. This power requires active concentration. Any spirit of Gaia may teach this Gift.

System: The player rolls Perception + Occult. The difficulty depends on the concentration and strength of the Wyrm’s influence. Sensing a single fomor in the next room would be difficulty 6, while detecting the stench of a Bane that was in the room an hour ago would be difficulty 8. Vampires register as Wyrm-tainted, save those with Humanity Traits of 7 or higher.

Watchful Eyes

Source: WW3851 - Black Furies Revised p. 65

Description: Since time immemorial, the Black Furies have been able to determine the location of those that break the laws of Gaia. Such beings (human, Garou, or spirit) are not always Wyrm- or Weaver-tainted; as in the classic example, Orestes was not under the influence of any supernatural being when he killed his mother Clytemnestra, but he did break Gaia’s laws by doing so. This gift has been the Furies’ tool for such a hunt; with a few moments’ concentration, the Black Fury who uses Watchful Eyes can roughly determine the distance and direction to the nearest such criminal. This Gift is taught by an Owl-spirit.

System: The player spends 1 Gnosis an rolls Perception + Investigation (difficulty 6). Success indicates the distance and direction to the nearest violator of Gaia’s laws (as interpreted by the Storyteller). Note that this Gift does not identify the lawbreaker, an it is somewhat vague: i has a margin of error of roughly 10% of the distance between the Garou and her quarry (that is, if the nearest violator is ten blocks away, the Gift will point out a one-block area). A botch causes this Gift to wrongly identify a potential target.

Level Two

Curse of Aeolus

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 143

Description: The Fury calls up a thick, eerie fog that obscures vision and unnerves her opponents. The Fury can see through the fog, but all others have trouble navigating by sight. A spirit in service to Aeolus, the fog totem, teaches this Gift.

System: The player makes a Gnosis roll. The difficulty varies according to the surrounding terrain and humidity: 4 near the sea, 6 under normal circumstances, 9 in a desert. The Black Fury can see normally, but others caught in this fog halve their Perception scores (with regards to sight only). The fog is quite unnerving, and everyone except the Fury and her packmates loses a die from all Willpower dice pools.

Kali's Tongue

Source: WW3851 - Black Furies Revised p. 66

Description: In the days of ancient myth, the Wyrm-creature Raktabija terrorized the Indian subcontinent. Raktabija could not be slain; every drop of blood that touched the earth sprang up another Raktabija. Soon after the battle against him began, the field was crowded with Raktabijas, each eager for the blood of Garou and Gaian spirits The mother-goddess Parvati (an aspect of Gaia) finally took to the field against Raktabija, in her guise as the hideous demon-warrior Kali. Kali spread her tongue out over the battlefield and prevented any of Raktabija’s blood from striking the Earth; she then commanded the Garou and gods present to destroy the Wyrm-creature, which they did.

The Gift Kali’s Tongue removes a creature’s ability to heal damage; its effects are relatively short-term, but if a creature is destroyed while this Gift is in effect, that death is permanent. What the Mother gives, the Mother’s vengeance can take away. This Gift is taught by a Cobra-spirit.

System: The Fury must first touch the victim, then the player spends one Rage and rolls Manipulation + Medicine (difficulty of the foe’s Rage, or Willpower -3, whichever is lower). Each success represents one turn during which the target creature cannot use any regenerative abilities, or heal inflicted damage naturally: Even supernatural healing Gifts like Mother’s Touch will fail on the target during this period. This Gift works equally well on humans, Garou, and materialized spirits; spirits entirely in the Umbra are immune to the Gift’s effects unless the Fury is also in the spirit world.

Sense of the Prey
Also a Level 2 Get of Fenris, Camp: Hand of Tyr Gift / Level 2 Ragabash Gift / Level 2 Red Talon Gift / Level 2 Silent Striders, Camp: Seekers Gift

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 143

Description: If he knows anything about his prey, the character can track it down as rapidly as he can travel. This unerring sense of direction operates anywhere, and it is useful for tracking spirits through the Umbra as well as finding beings on Earth. A wolf- or dog-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: No roll is required unless the target is hiding actively (intent alone is not enough), in which case a Perception + Enigmas roll is made against a difficulty of the target’s Wits + Stealth. If the target is a spirit, the difficulty is the spirit’s Gnosis.

Touch of the Muse

Source: WW3051 - Black Fury Tribebook (1st Edition) p. 41

Description: With this Gift, the Fury invokes the spirits of art and artifice, allowing her to lower the difficulty of any Social Attribute rolls for the duration of the scene.

System: A Gnosis roll (difficulty 8) reduces the difficulty of Social rolls by one per success. The roll itself depends on what the character attempts. A poetry reading, for example, would require Manipulation + Expression, whereas a seduction would involve Appearance + Subterfuge.

Trail of Pain

Source: WW3108 - Werewolf Players Guide (2nd Edition) p. 38

Description: First developed by the Amazons of Diana camp, this Gift allows the user to sense persons in agony. The Amazons use this Gift to uncover individuals suffering abuse. Other Black Furies use this Gift to track the abusers after wounding them. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Pegasus.

System: The Garou must focus and spend a Gnosis point. At least one turn is required for the Gift user to attune herself to the mental anguish of the target. A Perception + Empathy roll discerns a single sufferer amongst many. The Fury can sense any living being in tremendous pain, physical or emotional , within 50 yards. The user senses only the general direction and urgency, but that’s typically enough for an angry Black Fury.

Level Three

Bacchantes' Rage

Source: WW3108 - Werewolf Players Guide (2nd Edition) p. 38

Description: When deep in the wilds, the Black Furies can use this Gift to inflict extra damage. Even the toughest Get have walked away with a battle scar due to the effects of this potent Gift — and some couldn’t walk away at all. This Gift is taught by a Wyld-spirit.

System: The Garou spends two Gnosis points to activate the Gift. During combat, she may spend Rage points to deal extra damage after a wounding hit; every point spent causes one additional, unsoakable Health Level of damage.

Coup de Grace
Also Level 3 Get of Fenris Gift (Camp: Valkyria of Freya)

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 143

Description: The Garou studies her foe, looking for the best place to strike. In doing so, she sets herself up to land this devastating attack. An owl-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Perception + Brawl (difficulty of the target’s Stamina + Dodge). If successful, the player doubles her damage dice on the Garou’s next successful attack.

Flames of Hestia (Level Three)

Source: WW3851 - Black Furies Revised p. 67

Description: The Black Furies revere the holy Wyld places of the world; part of the tribe’s set of tools is the Flames of Hestia Gift, which enables a Black Fury to purify a person, spirit, or object with searing white-hot spiritual flame. The fire coruscates around the Fury’s hands, enabling her to apply the Gift to anything she can touch. This Gift is taught by an avatar of Hestia the teacher.

System: Spend one Gnosis and roll Gnosis with a difficulty of 8. Success enables the Fury to cleanse tainted food or water, or heal damage caused by radiation, poison, or disease at one Health Level per success. The Flames of Hestia last for just one turn; however a Fury can activate the Gift and strike at a foe in the same turn. Flames of Hestia do one level of unsoakable aggravated damage per success on the Gift roll, if used against a Bane or fomor in hand-to-hand combat.

Song of the Siren
Also a Level 4 Galliard Gift. lists this also as a Level 3 Fianna Gift - BUT THAT is only in W20th Anniversary.

Source: WW3108 - Werewolf Players Guide (2nd Edition) p. 37 & 38

Description: The sound of the Garou’s voice can entrance anyone who hears it. Typically, the Garou sings or howls while using this Gift, although some modern Glass Walkers have taken to poetry recital. This Gift can make an opponent pause before a fight but can rarely stop a heated combat already in progress. A songbird-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player rolls Charisma + Performance versus the target’s Willpower and spends one Gnosis point. Enchanted targets cannot perform any actions for a number of turns equal to the number of successes rolled. The audience can spend Willpower to overcome the enchanting effects; to act freely, a listener must spend one point of each of the Galliard’s successes.

Visceral Agony

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 143

Description: The werewolf’s claws change to barbed, wicked talons dripping with black venom. While wounds caused by these claws cause no extra damage, the pain alone they inflict is crippling. A pain-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends a Rage point before the character attacks. Any wound penalties the target suffers as a result of this attack are doubled (i.e., a foe at Wounded would lose four dice). If the target is in frenzy or otherwise resistant to pain, he still suffers normal wound penalties.

Level Four

Body Wrack

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 144

Description: The Fury causes a target immense, crippling pain. The Fury needs only point to the target for this Gift to be effective. A pain-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Strength + Medicine (difficulty of the opponent’s Stamina + 3). Each success causes the victim to lose one die from all dice pools as pain wracks her body. The effects last for one scene.

Calm Before The Storm

Source: WW3806 - Players Guide to Garou p. 190

Description: The Black Furies are at heart a tribe of contradiction, they both represent the harmony and beauty of the Wyld, but also the spectacular savagery and brutality of the same. Sometimes, they even bring the two forces together, such as with this Gift. It lays a sense of peace and quiet over an area, not an uncomfortable silence but a serene sense of security. It is, naturally, used to prepare an ambush. The moment this peace breaks, these spirits of calm depart quickly and are replace with spirits of anger, storm and pain. Few subjected to this Gift survive the assault that follows. This Gift is taught by a cat-spirit.

System: The Black Fury spends one Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Primal Urge, difficulty 7. A simple success projects a sense of utter safety on a group of no more than ten people. If they expect an ambush, they may roll Perception + Empathy (difficulty 8) in order to sense the sudden change of emotion within their own group. If they obtain more successes than the Black Fury on her Primal Urge roll, they can sense the impending assault and run. Otherwise, the Gift works and the resulting chaos causes the targets to lose one die on each of their rolls for every success the Black Fury initially rolled.

Wasp Talons

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 144

Description: The Fury with this talent can fire her claws from her hand like darts. She is incapable of using claw attacks with that hand until her claws regenerate, however. A wasp-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends a Rage point and rolls Dexterity + Brawl to hit. The difficulty is figured as though the character was using a fire-arm; the medium range is 20 yards. Damage is figured normally for a claw-strike. The Garou’s claws take one full turn to regenerate.

Level Five

Gorgon's Gaze

Source: WW3108 - Werewolf Players Guide (2nd Edition) p. 38

Description: This hideous power of legend can turn living flesh into stone with but a gaze. Victims who make eye contact with the user of this Gift find themselves changed into statues where they stand. This Gift is a closely guarded secret, not to be shared with the other tribes. Rumors persist that elder Black Furies can make the effect permanent.

Difficult to find and even more dangerous to approach, the legendary Basilisk-spirit can teach this Gift.

System: After making eye contact, the player rolls Perception + Occult (difficulty equal to the target’s Willpower) to determine the number of rounds the victim remains stone. The player can double this time by spending a Willpower point.

Thousand Forms
Also Level 5 Ragabash Gift

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 144

Description: Most trickster archetypes are shapeshifters, and the Ragabash is no different. The Garou with this Gift may change herself into any animal between the sizes of a small bird and a bison. The Garou gains all the special powers (flight, gills, poison, sensory abilities, etc.) of the animal she mimics. She may not take the form of Wyrm-beasts (not that she would wish to!), but she may take the form of mythical beasts with some extra effort.

Black Furies: The Fury that chooses to risk taking the form of a mythical beast typically honors Pegasus by assuming her form.

System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Animal Ken. The difficulty varies, rising higher the farther removed from the Garou’s natural form the desired animal is. For example, an ape or panther (mammals of roughly equal mass) might be difficulty 5, while an alligator (a reptile of slightly larger size) would be difficulty 7, and a frog (a much smaller amphibian) would be difficulty 0. Mimicking mythical animals is always difficulty 10.

Wyld Warp

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 144

Description: A desperate tactic at best, this Gift summons a number of Wyld-spirits. What they do when they arrive is wholly unpredictable. They may run or fly about in a destructive frenzy, tearing the Fury’s foes apart. They may grant the Fury and her packmates temporary increase in might or Rage, or they might decide to destroy all Weaver-tools in the area. They may even heal the Fury and her allies of any wounds they have suffered. The Fury has no way of knowing, but the effect is usually beneficial. A Wyldling teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point and one Rage point. She then rolls Wits + Enigmas (difficulty of the local Gauntlet). Success summons a variable number of Wyldlings, which will alter the situation as the Storyteller sees fit.

Camp Gifts

Level 1

  • Moonshadow
  • Mother's Touch
  • Spirit Smuggler
  • True Shot

Level 2

  • Flurry of Arrows
  • Messenger's Fortitude
  • Omen of Power
  • Rend
  • Spirit Loan
  • Truest Sacrament

Level 3

  • Winged Delivery

Level 4

  • Blizzard of Arrows

Level 5

  • Storm of Mother's Wrath
  • Walk With Hades


Amazons of Diana

True Shot (Level One)

Source: WW3851 - Black Furies Revised p. 67

Description: The accuracy of Artemis on the hunt could not be equaled by any other; this Gift allows Maidens to replicate their aunt’s spectacular feats of archery on the battlefield or on the hunt. It is less effective for Mothers and Crones than for Maidens, but still gives them some benefit. This Gift is taught by a Lune.

System: Spend one Rage and receive +3 to your dice pool for a single arrow shot. Mothers and Crones receive only a +2 bonus; Luna is said to favor those Garou who replicate her own aspect as Artemis. This Gift can be used in conjunction with Flurry of Arrows, below, but can be used for only one arrow per turn.

Flurry of Arrows (Level Two)

Source: WW3851 - Black Furies Revised p. 67

Description: The bow of Artemis slew many monsters of both human and Black Fury myth; the incarnation of Luna as maiden huntress was a swift and accurate shot with the bow. Appropriately, Luna has taught her children how to nock and release arrows more rapidly than a human might hope to follow. This Gift is taught by a Lune.

System: Spend a point of Rage; for the remainder of the scene, the character receives a free shot per turn from a bow (though not a crossbow) at no dice pool penalty. Thus, the character could simply take two bow shots, each at no penalty, or she might take three shots, and suffer a -2 on the first shot, -3 on the second, and no penalty on the shot granted by Flurry of Arrows.

Blizzard of Arrows (Level Four)

Source: WW3851 - Black Furies Revised p. 67

Description: The Black Fury who uses this Gift truly shows herself the equal of any man – or machine – on the battlefield. Once Blizzard of Arrows is activated, the Garou deals out nightmarish pain to the hordes that oppose her. Heroes with this Gift might single-handedly have turned cavalry charges, in the days when such things still took place. For today, however, the Fury with this Gift is the perfect ally when faced by hordes of Wyrm-creatures. This Gift is taught by a Porcupine-spirit.

System: Spend a point of Willpower and two points of Rage, and you may take a single arrow shot (at no multi-action penalty) at every at every foe within 100 yards, to a maximum of 20 enemies. Simply roll to hit once, using the sight and range penalties for the hardest to hit foe in range, and apply that number of successes against each enemy, which may soak, dodge, etc, as the Storyteller sees fit.

This Gift is limited by the number of arrows you have on hand: all arrows that you intend to shoot must be someplace that can easily be nocked and shot from (in a quiver on the back or waist, or stuck point-first into the ground in front of you; lying scattered nearby will not suffice). The bow and arrows may be of modern manufacture, but cannot use any exceptional Weaver-based equipment (such as laser sights or explosive tips) to gain any accuracy or damage boost. However, a fetish bow shooting talen arrows is certainly acceptable.


Rend (Level Two)

Source: WW3851 - Black Furies Revised p. 68

Description: The Furies of myth did not use swords or axes to destroy enemies of the Gods; the Black Furies of old did not use weapons to slay enemies of Gaia. They used teeth and claws, and sheer animal might. While many Bacchantes certainly do use the tribe’s ritual labrys and bow, and others carry klaives and other fetish weapons, when they frenzy they most often fight with their natural weapons. Even out of frenzy, the Bacchantes recognize the intimidation factor of rending a foe with fang and claw, and many revel in its primal nature. Rend allows the Bacchantes to rip through substances that they could not ordinarily pierce, and do as much damage with their natural weapon as another might with a human’s sword. This Gift is taught – sometimes to great comic effect – by a Wine-spirit.

System: Spend 1 Rage and roll Strength + Primal Urge (difficulty 6). For each success, the Fury gains the ability to rip through tough substances for one turn. When wearing any of the three “war forms” (Glabros, Crinos, or Hispo) and using hand-to-hand maneuvers, the character ignores the first three dice of the target’s soak pool – the target rolls three fewer dice to soak. This ability to pierce defenses also applies to inanimate objects such as walls and doors, making it considerably harder to hide from Black Furies inside buildings or underground. In case that a given object does not have a soak or armor rating, treat the Fury’s Strength as being three higher for purposes of the Feat of Strength needed to rip through the object.

Successful uses of Rend to destroy a wall, door, or enemy add 3 dice to the Fury’s next Intimidation roll against those who saw her do so.

Storm of Mother's Wrath (Level Five)

Source: WW3851 - Black Furies Revised p. 69

Description: When the Black Furies take up arms to destroy an enemy of Gaia, they are like unto a force of nature. Should a pack of Bacchantes include one with Storm of Mother’s Wrath, they nearly become a force of nature. The Fury wielding this Gift causes a fearful dark hailstorm to erupt, even out of a clear sky; the pack of Bacchantes, however, are not inconvenienced by the storm, and can move around and fight in it without difficulty. Signs of such a hailstorm in the area tend to be a red flag to Wyrm-creatures, who know that a pack of Furies must be involved in a desperate fight; they may move to join in, or they may wait in ambush outside of the storm. A Mammatus, a Wyld-spirit of the air, teaches this Gift.

System: Spend a point of Gnosis and roll Stamina + Survival (Difficulty 7). The storm has a 100-meter diameter and a duration of one minute. Every success on the roll extends the storm’s diameter by 100 meters, and extends the storm’s duration by 1 minute. Physical being caught within the storm – humans, Garou, formori, and materialized spirits – take a 3-die penalty to all physical dice pools. The exception to this is the pack of the character responsible for the storm; that group receives no penalty. Humans react to the storm as though faced with delirium; most will attempt to flee its fury. The storm cannot be generated indoors or underground, and its effects will not penetrate solid walls (though the pelting hail can and does break glass windows).


Messenger’s Fortitude (Level Two)
Also a Level Two Silent Strider Gift

Source: WW3851 - Black Furies Revised p. 69

Description: The Garou can run at full speed for three days without rest, food or water. When the Garou reaches her destination, she has 10 minutes to complete whatever business brought her, then she must sleep for three days. A camel- or wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point. The Garou may do nothing but run; stopping ends the Gift. For an additional Gnosis point, he may imbue another being with this Gift’s benefits.

Omen of Power (Level Two)

Source: WW3851 - Black Furies Revised p. 69

Description: The Freebooters are famed among the Garou for their ability to find items and places of great magical power. Some believe that they follow Wyld-spirits in their nearly-random wandering through the Umbra; others say the Freebooters can sense the perturbations of even the weakest ley lines. Regardless of the true nature of their abilities, many Freebooters can sniff out the locations of dormant caerns (that is, those once opened whose power has since faded). When conditions are right, they can even sense particularly powerful fetishes from a distance. This Gift is taught by a Hound-spirit.

System: Spend one Gnosis and roll Perception + Enigmas; the difficulty is known only to the Storyteller, and is based on the distance to the source of power. Success means that the rough distance and direction to a mystic power source is revealed to the Black Fury. The source of power can be an active or dormant caern, or a level 5+ fetish. The base difficulty for the roll is 7, if the source of power is within ten miles; decrease it by 1 if the distance is less than 1 mile, and increase it by 1 if the distance is between ten and twenty miles – Omen of power cannot detect sources of power greater than twenty miles distant. This difficulty is decreased by 2 if the source of power is an active caern, and increased by 1 if it is a fetish rather than a dormant caern.

By default, this Gift is accurate to within about 20% – if a caern is within 10 miles, Omen of Power will give it’s distance and direction to within about 2 miles. Additional successes on the Gift’s activation roll decrease that margin of error by 5%. The Gift can be re-used as the Garou close in on the source of power, to further refine their target’s location. Omen of Power does not tell the Garou anything about the source of power other than its direction and distance; she will not even know whether it is a caern or fetish.


Moonshadow (Level One)

Source: WW3051 - Black Fury Tribebook (1st Edition) p. 41

Description: With this Gift, a Daughter of the Moon may step sideways using a patch of moonlight. In addition, the difficulty is lowered by one.

Spirit Loan (Level Two)

Source: WW3851 - Black Furies Revised p. 70

Description: In extreme circumstances, a Moon-Daughter may find that another Garou has far more use for one of her Gifts than she does. To this end, Gaian spirits have shown the Daughters how to lend one of their Gifts to another werewolf for a limited duration. The Black Fury who uses this Gift feels somewhat bereft of Gaia’s love and attention while another Gift has been loaned, but suffers no other ill effects. This Gift is taught by a Hen-spirit.

System: Roll Charisma + Occult (difficulty of the recipient’s Rage). Success allows the Fury to loan a single Rank 1 Gift to another Garou for a set period of time, to a maximum of three days per success. When that time is up (or if either the lender or receiver dies) the Gift returns to the lender. While the Gift has been lent out, the lender has no access to it and for all intents and purposes does not know it. The recipient uses the Gift as though she had learned it herself from the appropriate spirit: she uses her own dice pools for success, and spends her own Gnosis, Rage, or Willpower to activate it. A Black Fury can only lend one Gift out at a time, although there is no limit to the number of “loaned” Gifts a person may receive at any one time. She may loan out Gifts that ordinarily cannot be taught (for instance, she might loan a non-Black Fury the Amazons of Diana’s True Shot Gift, above), though if her tribemates discover her “indiscretion,” the social consequences might be dire. A Fury cannot use Spirit Loan to lend out Spirit Loan.

Order of Our Merciful Mother

Mother's Touch (Level One)
Also a Level 1 Theurge Gift / Level 1 Children of Gaia Gift / Level 1 Glass Walker Gift (Camp: Wise Guys)

Source: WW3851 - Black Furies Revised p. 70

Description: The Garou is able to heal the wounds of any living creature, aggravated or otherwise, simply by laying hands over the afflicted area. The Garou may not heal herself, spirits or the undead with this Gift. A bear- or unicorn-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends on Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Medicine (difficulty of the wounded individual’s Rage, or 6 for non-Garou). Each success heals one health level. The Theurge may heal even Battle Scars in this manner if the Theurge uses the Gift in the same scene in which the scar was obtained and she spends a second Gnosis point. There is no limit to how many times this Gift may be used on a person, but each use requires the expenditure of one Gnosis.

Truest Sacrament (Level Two)

Source: WW3851 - Black Furies Revised p. 70

Description: The Order of Our Merciful Mother frequently leavens Christian ceremony with Gaian supplication, to better aid their flocks. Truest Sacrament enables them to do so without rousing the suspicion of the faithful; humans with faith in Christianity see Gaian ritual as innocuous and even appropriate, after this Gift’s application. In so doing, the Furies are better able to free the most dogmatic and close-minded followers of patriarchal faiths to accept a broader spiritual mindset. This Gift takes advantage of humans’ ability to rewrite their memories of an event to suit their preconceptions in the same way that the Delirium does. This Gift is taught by a Unicorn-spirit.

System: Truest Sacrament can be used either before or after a Gaian ritual begins. Used before a ritual, the character must make a Charisma + Subterfuge roll, with a target equal to the highest Willpower of the surrounding crowd; she will need to achieve one success for every seven onlookers. Should the Fury succeed, the next Gaian ritual she participates in will seem innocuous and appropriate to the crowd on hand. If Truest Sacrament is used during or after a ritual – if one or more humans happen upon a group of Garou during a rite – the same dice pool as above is used, but the character must also spend one point of Gnosis.

Note that Truest Sacrament will not cover up truly egregious or spectacular violations of the Veil – spattering blood, spirit fireworks, and so on, will be remembered and probably not thought of as harmless or normal. But if the rite is simpler, or the more hallucinatory effects can somehow be concealed from witnesses, the Furies may get away with it.

The salutatory effects of this Gift on the psyches of the most reactionary and closed-minded humans should be role-played out over time; there is no explicit game effect.


Spirit Smuggler (Level One)

Source: WW3851 - Black Furies Revised p. 71

Description: Members of the Sisterhood frequently make deliveries through countries with broad laws against contraband; they might also wish to carry a weapon into an area interdicted by metal detectors or the like. Spirit Smuggler makes this much easier for them to do, and it is useful in a wide variety of situations. When the character wishes to hide an item from searches, she can use this Gift to push the item into the Gauntlet for a short time; it will return to the character’s possessions in the physical realm after a few minutes have passed. This Gift is taught by a Raccoon-spirit

System: The character rolls Dexterity + Subterfuge and spends a point of Gnosis to push a small item (5 pounds or less, no more than a gallon in volume) through the Gauntlet into the Umbra; the difficulty on this roll is the local Gauntlet rating. If she achieves 2 or more successes, the item now resides in the Gauntlet, and cannot be sensed or manipulated by anyone in the Realm (unless a searcher can see into the Umbra). The item will return to the character’s physical possessions at the end of the scene. Should the character achieve only one success, the item is pushed through into the Gauntlet but will not return of its own accord, and has to be fetched by stepping sideways. A botch on the Dexterity + Subterfuge roll means that the item is lost in the Umbra, or that a spirit pickpocket has made off with it. This Gift does not halt the flow of time for the smuggled object – and explosions in the Gauntlet can have strange effects on both the local spirit world and the physical plane, for those who might consider using this Gift to stow a live bomb.

Winged Delivery (Level Three)

Source: WW3851 - Black Furies Revised p. 71

Description: While the Sisterhood has a large network of Kinfolk, contacts, smugglers and informants available, at times the most effective means to move an item is to give it to a friendly spirit and have that spirit make the delivery. Using this Gift and some concentration, the character pushes a small item into the Umbra and gives it to an Owl Jaggling, which will deliver the item to a well identified person or location as rapidly as it can travel.

Garou who abuse this Gift to send dangerous items or active weapons (like grenades) into the Umbra – thereby jeopardizing the owl-spirit’s existence – find that the retribution of the spirit world is swift and harsh. This Gift is obviously taught by owl-spirits.

System: Spend one Gnosis and roll Charisma + Empathy (difficulty the local Gauntlet). On a success, the item enters the Owl Jaggling’s talons in the Umbra, and the Jaggling will deliver it to a clearly defined recipient. A human or Garou recipient must be named and described; a location need only be described, with directions given. The Owl Jaggling travels at roughly 100 miles per hour through the spirit world, and will deposit the item in the immediate vicinity of the target unless the target is somehow protected against the spirit world or prevailing Gauntlet exceeds 7. If either of those conditions prevent delivery, the spirit returns to the Garou at full speed and returns the item without comment.

Temple of Artemis

Walk With Hades (Level Five)

Source: WW3851 - Black Furies Revised p. 71

Description: When Persephone entered the lands of the dead with Hades, her lover, her mother, Demeter, the harvest goddess, went in after her. As an aspect of Gaia, Demeter understood her daughter’s desire for Hades, but refused to let a powerful spirit remain in the deadlands for long. Eventually, Persephone acquiesced to return to the living realm, under the agreement that she could periodically return to Hades’ side, and could return to the Underworld eventually.

Demeter agreed to this arrangement verbally, but eventually performed a secret ritual to block her daughter from entering the realms of the dead. Such travel is, after all, counter to the proper way of things. Embittered by her now-permanent separation from her lover, Persephone taught a number of favored Black Furies the secret roads into the land of the dead; these secrets have been passed down by Persephone’s servitor spirits and aged Garou to the present day. Technically, use of this Gift violates one of Gaia’s laws – “The living live, and the dead remain dead.” But since it is only used by the most ancient and respected Black Furies, and even then only in the most extreme circumstances, few punishments have come down onto those forced to use it.

System: Spend 1 Gnosis and roll Gnosis (the difficulty is the local Gauntlet) to step sideways into the lands of the dead. If the Fury succeeds, she enters the Dark Umbra rather than the Penumbra. She can remain there for only a single day (24 hours), after which point she must cross back to the mortal realm (rolling to step sideways as usual) or risk eternal capture in the ghost-world. If the character takes more than 24 hours to return, the Gauntlet equivalent increases by 1 for every 2 hours the Fury remains past the deadline: when it reaches 10, the Fury is trapped and will begin her afterlife as a ghost. She will not become an ancestor-spirit.

The dead lurk near places, people, and things that were important to them in life, and they are creatures of almost pure emotion in death. They are still coherent, thinking beings, but are occasionally possessed of a terrible hate and fury toward the living, and may attack without provocation. When not so enraged, they do have most of their memories of life, and are likely to be willing to answer the Fury’s question if the two were friendly in life. This scene should be role-played out: no dice roll is an appropriate way to describe the character’s encounter with a deceased love one.

Note: Storytellers with access to Wraith: the Oblivion are welcome to use that game’s version of the afterlife – in place of the Gauntlet rating, use the local Shroud, and so on.

Age Role Gifts


Stoking the Soul's Fire (Level One)

Source: WW3851 - Black Furies Revised p. 66

Description: Every aspect of a Furies life has different strengths: the Maiden’s fury at Gaia’s pain is unmatchable, the Mother’s will is indomitable, and the Crone’s spirituality is beautiful and terrible.A Maiden Black Fury can use this Gift to replenish her natural strengths by sacrificing her suppressed natures. The Maiden’s greatest strength is her anger; she can sacrifice from her will and spirituality to stoke that rage to scorching intensity. This gift is taught by a Wolverine-spirit.

System: A Maiden using this Gift rolls Intelligence + Occult with a target of her own permanent Rage; she spends on point of temporary Willpower and one temporary Gnosis, and refills her Rage pool if she achieves 2 or more successes.


Barring the Will (Level Three)

Source: WW3851 - Black Furies Revised p. 66

Description: The Mother’s will is impossible to compromise when she does not wish to yield. She can sacrifice her anger and spirit energies to replenish her strength of purpose. This Gift is taught by a Donkey-spirit.

System: A Mother using this Gift rolls Intelligence + Occult with a target of her own permanent Willpower; she spends one point of temporary rage and one temporary Gnosis, and refills her Willpower pool if she achieves 2 or more successes.


Bolster the True Name (Level Four)

Source: WW3851 - Black Furies Revised p. 67

Description: The Crone has no need for a child’s rage, and her wiles are enough to let her survive the day that the Mother’s stalwart nature fails her. She can sacrifice her hatred and will to reinvigorate her spiritual connections. This Gift is taught by a Lune.

System: A Crone using this Gift roll Intelligence + Occult with a target of her own permanent Gnosis; she spends one point of temporary Rage and one temporary Willpower, and refills her Gnosis pool if the roll achieves 2 or more successes.

Planetary Gifts

Tambiyah, The Veiled Mother, Celestine of Venus
Favored Tribe: Black Furies
Favored Auspice: Galliard
Also known as: Aphrodite, Freya, Astarte, Sabaal
Source: WW3110 - Rage Across the Heavens, p. 60

Level 1

  • Find the Child Within

Level 2

  • Mantle of the Land

Level 3

  • Veil of the Mother

Level 4

  • Motherly Guardian

Level 5

  • Bring Forth the Future

Level One

Find the Child Within

Source: WW3110 - Rage Across the Heavens, p. 118

Description: With this Gift, a Garou can play upon an individual's instinctive response to parental authority or affection and convince that person to follow a command ("Don't leave without me") or respond favorably to a suggestion ("Let me take you somewhere safe") that they might otherwise rebuff. The target of the Gift cannot already be engaged in battle with the Gift's user or with another opponent. The Garou can, however, use this gift to forestall an impending battle or elude a situation that might turn dangerous.

System: The player makes a resisted Charisma + Empathy roll against the target's Willpower. One success allows the character to make a simple suggestion to the victim; the suggestion must be one that a young child would find reasonable. Additional successes either extend the duration of the effect or else enable the character to convince her victim to do something he might not be otherwise inclined to do - such as coercing a Get Ahroun to back down from a fight he would certainly lose. Failure means that the suggestion has no effect, while a botch angers the victim and makes him impervious to further attempts to use this Gift for 24 hours.

Level Two

Mantle of the Land

Source: WW3110 - Rage Across the Heavens, p. 119

Description: The Garou draws forth a mist or fog from water in the atmosphere. This misty mantle provides cover in which a Garou may hide herself or someone under her protection. The Gift may be used while the Garou is in motion in order to confuse pursuers by enveloping them in obscuring fog. The mantle can also surround a Garou and her pack in order to allow them to attack from concealment or ambush.

System: The player spends a point of Gnosis. The fog is dense and heavy, obscuring the vision of anyone within, even muffling sound. Anyone save the Garou and his pack are at +3 difficulty on all Perception rolls while the mist endures. This Gift lasts for one scene or one combat.

Level Three

Veil of the Mother

Source: WW3110 - Rage Across the Heavens, p. 119

Description: This Gift allows the Garou to assume a different appearance for a short period of time in order to confuse pursuers or escape detection. Primarily useful in Homid form, the Veil of the Mother alters the physical features of the face, causes the user to seem either shorter or taller by up to six inches, and changes the body size to reflect a gain or loss of up to 30 pounds. The Gift does not alter the sex or age of the Garou, though it can change skin, hair, or eye color and hair texture or length. The Garou may use the Gift on herself or on another individual, usually someone she is trying to hide or draw attention away from.

System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Appearance + Subterfuge (difficulty 7). The number of successes indicates the degree to which the character can alter her appearance or that of another individual. One success allows only minor changes in height, weight, facial features, skin tone and other similar qualities. Three success causes a complete change in appearance, while five or more successes enables the character to effect a drastic change in her physical form, even to the extent of appearing to be a specific person. (The Garou must, of course, be familiar with the appearance of anyone whose form she assumes.) No successes represent a simple failure, while a botch causes some gross malfunction of the disguise. The effect of this Gift lasts for one scene.

Level Four

Motherly Guardian

Source: WW3110 - Rage Across the Heavens, p. 119

Description: This Gift allows the Garou to "tag" an individual so that she can keep track of her target's health and welfare. The Garou gains a general sense of the individual's location at all times and can sense when the target is in trouble and needs assistance. The Gift lets the Garou know what kind of aid the target needs. The Garou must concentrate on her target in order to gain these insights. The effects of the Gift remain in place for a full cycle of the moon.

System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty of the target's Willpower) to set the "tag" on the designated individual. Whenever she concentrates on that person, she receives information about the target's general state of health and present circumstances. A failed roll means that the character is unable to take the individual, while a botch means that the character either places the tag on the wrong person or else receives erroneous information. When the character attempts to concentrate on the targeted individual, she performs all other actions at a +1 difficulty due to her preoccupation with her charge.

Level Five

Bring Forth the Future

Source: WW3110 - Rage Across the Heavens, p. 119

Description: This Gift allows the Garou to call upon Tambiyah to change one facet of an individual's future. The change must be specific, such as preventing the subject of the Gift from encountering a known situation that will result in her certain death. While this Gift does not guarantee that a foreseen future will be altered, it does allow the Garou to attempt to avert disaster to improve an individual's lot.

System: The player sacrifices a permanent point of Gnosis and rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 8). Only one success is necessary to effect a change in a future event. The player should explain to the Storyteller which element of the future event she wishes to alter. (For example, "I want my packmate to survive the coming battle against the fomori horde.") If possible, the Storyteller should arrange events so that the change takes place exactly as stated. The Gift only effects events that will occur within the 24 hours immediately following the activation of the Gift; furthermore, characters cannot ensure the death or destruction of their foes with this power. Only pleas for preservation meet with the Veiled Mother's approval.